Hilarious Construction Fails That Went Completely Wrong

Where Plumbing Meets Performance Art
Gods of water pressure will shed tears of despair at this mess of flexible plumbing and whatever this thing does, it probably is not functional. The snaking sleaze of tubing is the kind of horror story that stems from ambition and stupidity, with a lingering taste of artistic licensing gone awry in trying to get this body part to work. When you can bend a pipe, that does not mean you should bend it, especially when it leads to this.

This is pretty much the poster child for what happens when DIY ingenuity takes a detour with a ass-riding pipe “and is literally hugging a heating unit like it was its long lost lover or something.
The Ultimate Urinal Intimidation Tactic
We really doubt that this is a top secret science experiment to find out what type of bacteria is lurking in the interior of a urinal. Is this a cunning scheme to give the highest possible aim of whichever brave soul dares to try using this urinal? Probably. That’s for sure: this construction fail is actually a genius idea when it comes to instilling performance anxiety. Some wretched soul entertained the idea of sprucing up everyone’s visits to the loo with a little bit of legal paraphernalia.

This image epitomizes microscope madness if there ever was – and let me tell you, if a microscope was peering into the bathroom, that would make for a rather high-profile crime scene.
A Very Confusing Sidewalk Shuffle
This crosswalk might just be able to break the laws of geometry. Just a hodgepodge of bricks where everyone must have been out sick the day the bricks went in. As if someone had painstakingly laid them out on display in random and often discordant order, like a Tetris board bubbling over with displacing tiles to the determinants detriment. On my way to stability and proper alignment here took a sharp left turn into the land of visual illusions.

The area where we should cross is best described as an improvised resting place for order and reason which should have formally vacationed here, but we do hope somebody re-book this soon.
Where an Open-Air Toilet Reigns Supreme
Somewhere in this world is a lavatory that tops all previous imaginings of aesthetics by erecting a wall of private doors to conceal a urinal, but a toilet has been placed out front. Well, the toilet of course isn’t the one who should be exposed, clearly. We would not be a bit surprised to discover that no one coming in here for a little privacy even wanted in this door in the first place- and that they would not prefer to just turn back around and exit through the door they just came from.

I’m sure that architecture, privacy, and even the concept of common sense have little meaning in the world of whoever designed this bungalo.. bathroom. Can someone PLEASE tell me how this was built and what idiot lost sight of what the other idiots are aiming at.
A Crooked Outlet’s Stick Figure Tango
Who knew that a sticker could wipe out any issue pertaining to power in a bathroom? Not quite, but wherever this outlet is, the sticker is taking the heat. Or some courageous homeowner is playing a master card with a brilliant rectification of the wanky outlet hang. With a single sticker of a small character in hand, they created an art that turned an unsatisfying mishap into beauty.

The wall outlet here is standing tall — but awfully crooked — as if it had one too many shocks in its life as the strategically positioned dummy channels his inner Hercules.
This Stairway Leads to Laughter
Well we are here to debut a staircase that looks like it was drawn up by a toddler wielding a ruler and no rudimentary sense of balance. Every step here has declared all out war on straight lines, and someone decided to take the easy way out. The constructors may have had a thing against equilibrium or were exercising their rendition of a conceptual staircase in a contemporary sort of fashion.

This is going to be a funny architectural failure leaving you to wonder how on the hell this particular stairway ever passed an inspection in the first place and where its other end likely goes to.
A Shower Made for Tiny Toddlers
Gorgeous tiles and reasonably solid showerhead render this space incredibly pristine right up until the sloped ceiling emerges at such a ridiculously awkward pitch that it’s literally design for nobody to be able to use it. It would be quite effective for really little people and the world’s smallest toddlers, but outside of that, it’s just about unworkable. Even the best contortionist in the world would have to go all in to maybe get her hair into some water.

This is so ingeniously designed shower that it breaks the law of physics and common sense.
Balconies for the Friendliest Neighbors
The Developers of these two apartment buildings chose to snuggle to a ridiculous degree, and it will leave the neighbors living in the same building needing some personal space. In the case of each apartment renter, the balconies are so close as to bring them high-fiving distance apart, or within mere arm-reach of a morning cup of coffee at one another’s open door. Like a failed game of architect Tetris: everybody wanted to optimize the developed land plot.

Imagine the clumsy meet and greet as citizens will be going outside for a breath of fresh air only to bump into their new neighbors who will be sitting a little too close for comfort.
The Ladder That’s Forever in Limbo
This isn’t the first time you’ve heard of the unique one-off master piece that shows how genius this particular person is to think it was a stroke of genius to construct pipes around a ladder. Naturally, this is one of those steps it never occurred to them to think through, like not being able to ever use this ladder again. Forever infused in a realm of cement and mortar, and most likely a head-scratching location for any passerby who stumbles upon this bizarre bubblegum trap.

This ladder will forever be stuck circling this very complex plumbing conundrum. What is evident though is that the marvels of construction negatives can be nothing short of mind-numbing, and this slip-up is living proof of that.
A Bending Wall of Sealant and Worry
Home improvement is a vague term for a great many things, but someone rushed over to their local apple pie Home Depot to assist in making a crumbling wall a little less worse and a bottle of sealant for good measure. Sadly, even the most powerful miracle adhesive can’t quite bail out the homeowner on this sad sack wall. That requires a complete renovation, a complete makeover to get it looking as it should.

To stop this structural fiasco from coming down on their heads, one bright individual decided that a dab or two or sealant would come to the rescue.
A Great Example of Culinary Chaos
With this stove you can indulge your inner gourmet gymnast—because you’re going to have to hop from one heat plate to the next in a culinary balancing act. This is one of those stoves you usually see machines make, but whatever robot was on shift when this one passed through decided to sit this one out. You may have to shake and shift it around for the heating plates to get back where they need to be.

The heating plates are like someone is making a round of chairs because they are finding themselves just far away from where they should be sitting.
The Definition of a Bathroom Adventure
There may not be a socket here that is less than 5 feet away from the ground, but we can’t think of a single person who is going to want to shimmy as far across the room as possible to get to the toilet paper, but the bathroom designer obviously wasn’t reflecting on anyone else. One can easily envision the tumble that anyone would have to do to get to the ever-elusive lavatory; in fact, it would likely have to be Olympic-level. Who needs simple toilet paper when you can easily be sent on an epic quest for it instead?

That is right: this is an actual bathroom design that someone had the gall to put together and actually wanted to get in opposition to all logic and reason with regard to toilet paper and seat placement.
A Very Sketchy Building on Strings
What an amazing piece of architectural work, with a structure that would make even the finest of engineers subconsciously shake their head, with concern. Part of a wall in the building is declaring, I’m done with this, but the rest of the frame is not ready to sign off, so what do we do? A couple of ropes. Instead, what remains is a precarious act of balance where a single misstep en route morphs into a cataclysm that no one will want to have to clean up.

That bizarre building appears to be taking a cue out of a magician’s handbook, using a pair of orange ropes to suspend it as though both gravity and, you know, structural integrity were irrelevant concepts altogether.
Where Directional Logic Means Nothing
Imagine the chuckles as unsuspecting guests try to navigate these steps — once mismatched — before they eventually just have to clamber up to the front door from ground level. That is a gentle reminder that even the simplest of construction designs can go inexplicably, side-splittingly wrong. This mismatched steps house is certainly bewitching but that crosses well over into unconventional, but at least it makes for some enjoyable view as long as you don’t live in it.

This house has got to be the most nontraditional type of entrance way by far, but it must also be highly entertaining for every resident who walks by,
An Outlet With a Piping Hot Surprise
Anyone pulling anything from this–might wanna put on the galosh and gloves before plugging it into this receptacle, for safety. This is a shocking home improvement fail and we hope this homeowner contemplates a little restoration before firing this bad boy up. Because who needs an uneventful standard outlet when you can have a trippy fusion of electricity and plumbing, right? That said, this is probably more useful as an art installation than anything else.

So perhaps this outlet is a stroke of genius from some obscure inventor’s brain, and the merger of electricity and water comes with a few drops of danger and a refreshing splash in the shower.
Two Balconies for the Price of One
And while that may sound like a refurbished disaster, at least its a really utilitarian disaster. To reach the bottom balcony, you would have to descend a ladder, but who wouldn’t want a little more private outdoor space? So, some person at some point in time decided it would be clever to make a high rise jungle gym, and while that sounds weird at first, they weren’t completely incorrect. Also, if you can’t build left to right- you might as well go use all that extra beneath space.

In other words, the balcony right here elevated the concept of outside house to a completely new stage in literal terms and while it’s kind of quirky, this is probably not the worst idea within the world arguably.
Above and Beyond Geometric Perfection
A floor that appears to be in a school to have the gall to blat lose the notion of how to properly align tile. As the rest of the stripes march in perfect formation, one recalcitrant piece chose to zig instead of zag—capping the tops of tiles and releasing them onto the sidewalk like breadcrumbs of disorder. Perhaps it was a simple moment of rebellion or the person who laid these tiles simply forgot their spectacles at home before going to work.

These misplaced tiles have nothing to do with geometry perfection and it looks like that a naughty stripe has been the intimate prankster by moving some tiles.
A Doorway Dilemma Easily Solved
So it might seem like this door opens upside-down or something, but in reality there’s a gap underneath that also sort of resembles an escape tunnel for whatever resides below ground. Instead of looking outside the box, whoever came up with this solution decided to look outside the bricks and hack away at the floor’s foundation as their solution to whatever construction fail happened here.

This door couldn’t quite stand the ground height and so clever thinking found but one solution to cut and impale brings to give way for the door.
The First and Last Floor-Mounted Heater
This person was clearly of the belief that warm feet are far more important in the Winter than a warm wall. This is an invention that wants to heat your basement before it wants to heat your living room, and the inventor of this probably worked with their plans turned upside down. It could be an incubator for spiders, or a method of defrosting frozen pizza by just tossing the whole thing on the floor.

This elevates a standard space heater to a palpable next step and seems to hint at heating the little critters nestled underground opposed to heating the humans in the house.
Outside of the Box and Into a Wall
Someone walking down this staircase should be preparing for a clear way down but instead, people will be surprised to find that a step appears to have crashed into the wall. To say it is tight would be an understatement, only just enough space for a person to squeeze onto the next flight of stairs. While it basically laughs in the face of gravity, and completely disregards any sense of reason, here is your opportunity to ascend a wall in the least conventional manner possible.

But why spend all that time being straight when you can just be horribly perpendicular? It is effectively stowed away — it has released from the physical world and lodged itself into a wall at a really weird angle.
The Essence of Unique Storage Solutions
An ingenious craft-measuring device has transformed shoes into little workshops. Need a power drill? At which point you can check out the left loafer. It’s at least a worthy sight to behold, even if it was hastily cobbled together during a frenzied discount organization binge. A shoe rack is my toolbox, and who needs tools anyway? This is footwear’s version of a power tool shed in which shoes take on an entirely different constructive function — practically a whole new shape.

These three shoes have become more than just basic footwear, they’ve evolved, and each of them have chosen to evolve into the guardians of a random persons power tools.
“Stop” Took a Detour, Leaving Everyone Confused
After nearly a decade, a city worker with a paintbrush has been out ensuring that all the locals confirm to the proper traffic laws, but the stars of spelling happened to be misaligned. SOPT Road — a powerful word that is bound to leave both motorists and whatever traffic enforcement tries to patrol this road — dazed and confused. It could be a secret code or cleverly devised acronym. Well, anything is possible.

There is always a certain linguistic turbulence which can be found on the streets but this is written in such humongous letters that it hardly misses you- pretty sure someone had to have pointed out the error.
A Tv Wall Mount in Literal Terms
Some would immediately mark this as an error; others would quite convincingly presume this was 100% intentional with super original motivations. The one problem is that it’ll be nigh on impossible to change channels or shift your viewing angle. This is the kind of funny hybrid of tech and construction we want to see fail (and thankfully not have to wall-mounted television anyway). But I’m sure whoever built this loves it.

That tv is a once an expression of free entertainment, is now fixed to a wall, in defiance of evey law of >>= как это вообще работает? <<= this freaking thing is still functions
They Just Really Wanted to Feel the Heat
Rising its way into the construction fails hall of fame, this heater’s odd travels through pipes and floors has gained it a glorified position, warming the hearts of homeowners and adding a cool chuckle with it. As if the heater had found its calling, to wander the floor beneath it, and the building contractors indulged that vision. Like a heater, but one that does way more than just warmth the air, yet mistaken for a plumbing system.

It might be a boiler or probably a secret way to a hidden treasure. At the end of the day, we just won do not learn and it would be a steaming pile of questions on the Internet.
Forget About Fancy Welding Masks
charmThis welder has decided that the artistic charm of the daily news will be his trusty armor against the hot rage of the weld. Why wear a tinted visor with thick face shield over it, when you can wear the newest low-cost, disposable face shield on the job. While these welding fumes are certainly no laughing matter, and this newspaper welder may indeed be in for a world of regret, you’ve got to admit this (literal) patch-over is worth a chuckle.

Apparently, because that’s all the protection he needed — no need for fancy welding masks with filters or anything like that just shove a bit of newspaper in the gap between your face and glasses.
The Power of Making Things Work
Do we need accurate measures? Sure, but what would the fun be if you had a little chaos? Some builders are experts in the art of making changes on the fly and construction fails kwik, quirky, head scratching features. The misplaced bolt at this point turned a mundane pole into an architectural quirk that could easily be missed if you’re not looking hard enough- and we don’t actually hate it.

Construction, that peculiar process of measuring twice and cutting three times, is a strange marriage of screwing up and making it work and it actually works out, for the most part.
Shutter Surgery Quickly Saves the Day
So, obviously, someone couldn’t wait to slap it on their window and in a way, we get it. Well, naturally a rather proud, stubborn beam wanted to stay where it was and block the way of the window but that was not ultimately a deterrent. An ingenious handyman with strength and a saw carving out a space in it to fit around the foundation of their building, which just happened to be in the way.

Dans le doute,pied au plancher
Why would you want to be able to peer into a gap — an unobstructed view — when you can have a cute window literally made of will that is both an engineering challenge and will always be architectural whimsy?
The One and Only Sink-In-The-Wall
The internet must have had some fun with all these exploding comments when faced with this highly dubious creation. This type of structure is surely going to take some time to find a plumber who specializes in cement and tiny sinks, and don’t get us started about washing the dishes. This thing had better be sitting in a bathroom, where only stray hands and some chuckles get near it.

We took it upon ourselves to dig deeply on this one, and with little but bull-headed resolve, plopped a real sink in a hollowed-out cranny where it appears to have been carved out with superhuman accuracy for things that don’t fully measure up to practicality.
The Wrong Way to Clean a Window
So long as there is lemon-fresh detergent available, there will be individuals who nonchalantly ignore the soundness of the ladder and will scoff in the face of modernity in order to scrub their windows. Apparently, who needs a professional window cleaner when you can have the destiny in your hands and hold tight. He loves to scrub out any blemishes that threaten his world, which from his high-rise apartment, is the entire planet.

With a rag, some people clean windows in the sky, transforming a domestic deed on Sunday into a lust for vertigo on a deserted drive that didn’t even have to be to begin with.
Bathroom Comfort Gone Wrong
Through a narrow hall, right-hand turn, left-hand turn, foot hop or two, there exists Narnia — other wise known as this bathroom. These bathrooms are more cramped than a rush-hour subway, where your knees will be banging tiles if you try to sit and your elbows will follow suit if you try and stand. Even the toilet paper is an undertaking, perched the way above the toilet — comfort, it seems, is not the object here.

Certain businesses and restaurants absolutely treat bathroom science as if it were some elaborate game of Tetris, packing little porcelain palaces into spaces that even the most petite of humans would struggle to fit into
Home of the World’s First Stepscalator
In a move for the joint cheapest invention or the highest levels of plumbing level laziness possible, this mall has turned its very ancient stairs into something that resembles an escalator sans the actual moving parts. Here your feet will be expecting a smooth ride up, but instead they will be getting an unwelcome treat: cold and hard steps that are not moving. Customers surely approach this thing with some grand optimism, only to walk away with a heavier dose of confusion and disappointment.

Ever come across a crumbling ruin, stuck in the past, reverberating like a broken record? And welcome to this mall, where the very first Stepscalator can be found.
A Twisted Tale of Zip Ties and Light Bulbs
Zip ties are currency in this house, and gravity is just an overachieving Tuesday. What others look upon as one burnt out bulb in their string of holiday cheer, these light wizards view as a potential opportunity to “get ‘er done”. WeCould DoWithout TheSwingingChandelier:Zip Ties Much MoreEffective. The thing that’s being built here served a light that is, in theory, one sneeze closer to a ’70s disco floor grey area.

A light in a world of life hacks — nothing beats the elaborate lengths some humans go to when it comes to getting things functional.
Pure Home Improvement Havoc
These tile lovers seem to have gleefully tossed out any concept of symmetry and/or order, and into a chaotic mosaic of destruction and disorder. It looked like someone had haphazardly slathered and laid tiles with a precision level of a 3 year old putting up fridge magnets. Actually, we are pretty sure a toddler could do better than whatever adult vomited this together. The checkerboard of torn squares here really does resemble a checkerboard going through its existential crisis.

And this is a nightmare for an interior designer or a maddening jigsaw puzzle all in one. It also kinda smells like somebody gave a three year-old a spackle and an errand list.
Cracking the Code of Chaotic Tiles
Someone glanced at a box of these intriguingly patterned tiles and said “nah”. The flloor it makes is a Piccasso impressionistic and mashed random chaos and confusion. Whereas Froegt followed a very meticulous geometric design from the 50s, they’ve blown the rulebook to smithereens. These tiles were down chucked in the most whimsical of orders to a point that it would put a Rubix cube to shame. And, of course, getting there is sometimes all the fun, am I right? It is sometimes that you can journey anything goes.

That’s the wrongest right there, revealing one of the particular rebellious spirits or even a hidden code in the work of renegade tile layers like this guy. We shall never know what that code or message is.
A Few Steps up to the Toilet Throne
Either there is a new trend in bathroom design aimed at raising toilets to new heights, or someone has taken a mind too far, but a bathroom clearly has no need for a ground-level commode when you can have a lavatory staircase leading to your porcelain perch. Every step to the bathroom is now a climb to some alone time, with a view that may not be stunning, but it’s the voyage that matters in this case.

So, add about 20% to the creativity and go to Lowes at breakneck speed for someone to say, screw this, screw a bulldozer for my bathroom-and throw whatever you have available on the scales in this analogy, and this is how to feel about your own toilet turned refurbished throne.
The Thrill of Air Conditioning Daredevils
This is either a high stake moment in tumble risk context translating to the level of commitment. Three chaps perched on the top rung of a trembling step ladder, holding steady while your not-so-home-improvement guy prepares to bung in an aircon system the only way he knows how. You can practically hear the head scratching echoing from the person who took this photo from a distance, simply because three people could have forwent the tumble by paying a professional.

Ever seen extreme DIY — the Olympic sport. As the suburban games unfold outside this building — the most exciting minutiae of your lives — three men poised for first in air condition acrobatics.
Sleepy Slip up Tales of Construction
If you’re an on-the-job worker, the sound of a tool falling to gravity, then hearing that plop of it entering a deep, dark vat of cement — that probably hurts. We can assume that most of this moment seems sluggish and is immediately accompanied by the text “oh no” that picked across the work environment. These tools arenreturns only if a future archaeologist digs up these tools.

However, a lack of sleep on the construction site can turn the typical sound of buzzing drills and clanking hammers, into a total catastrophe — groggy workers and slippery hands don’t mix.
Defying Gravity With Rope Bound Repairs
Necessity may be the mother of invention for some, but often she is also the Godmother to a potential catastrophe. We know this person created a modern companion to replace a lightbulb: a single-length of rope and tons of hope. He is the Jenga tower just before it topples over, except the fall would hurt a lot more for a person than a falling pile of wooden blocks.

Others who once proved to be a bit too adventurous and ended up with a busted light bulb abroad or a bothersome leak in the gutter are also scoffing off waiting for professionals to arrive with the spirit of getting it done right, come what may.
Reverse Handrails of Confusion
There is an identity crisis here with how this handrail looks, and those who face it would rather simply climb a couple of steps the way that nature — and soil — intended: easily. Detoured and become a wild creature instead of running parallel to the steps,supporting and guiding it. It struts straight in the other direction — the direction of virtually nowhere. It seems to mock gravity and baffle anyone about to put it into use.

Share this with your friends In the website underworld of wrong doings where up is down left is right and handrails refuse to accept the law of common sense and very basic need.
A Concerning Splash and Steam Hazard
Any rogue water droplets from this sink will create a damp symphony of drips and dribbles when it strikes the giant back of metal that makes up the belly of the boiler above it. Some may consider this a fun shower novelty, and others a forever fear hovering above their a.m. skin-care routine. But this homeowner gets hot and cold water and this thrill above him.

One would almost think whoever installed this hot water boiler confused a home improvement project with a recipe for disaster soup, because all splashing water goes right onto the boiler.