Simple Ways to Make Small Rooms Feel Spacious on a Budget

1. Organize The Space

Before you know what furniture decor to add to small room, start decluttering the same. As Marie Kondo asks, “Does it spark joy? If there is anything you don’t instantly love about what you have in the room, or it doesn’t serve a function, then donate it to your local thrift store. Once all the knick knacks, large pieces of furniture and other odd end items have been removed the space is ready to decorate!
2. Select The Perfect Color Palette

Ever walked into a space that has walls done up in a dark blue or a red? Dark colors give a sensation of closeness, which is why a small room painted in a dark hue will feel even smaller. That is not a sensation you want to experience in small quarters. When the time comes to select a color palette for the space, consider the furniture you intend to use, and all of the accents you will bring in. This will dictate the color choice. Best to opt for lighter colors, and shades within the same color. Mint greens, pale blues and pastel purples all have the effect of opening up a small room and inducing a feeling of air.
3. Let The Sun Shine In

I hope your little room has a nice big window to let the sun streaming in. Any time a room gets natural light, it awakens. Thick curtains in deep colors, or heavy blinds, are one reason smaller rooms should avoid them. They block the light, and dark curtains simply make a room appear more cramped. Tack on some gauzy curtains in a light shade, for a bit of movement and potential light fixture if you like that finds a place that brightens the space even further. Track lighting works well, but avoid fluorescent, it can be harsh.
4. Add A Mirror

Do you have a living room or bedroom with a large mirror? These mirrors are not simply for aesthetics. A free standing or hung framed mirror over something can make a room look bigger. It does so by reflecting other portions of the room, and it fools the brain into perceiving a space as larger than it is. If you are willing to go a step further, then think about the purchase of some tables with mirrors tops.
5. Glass And Lucite Furniture

Lucite was all the rage in the early 2000s and has returned to the fashion scene via the Kardashians, who have been spotted in lucite heels. This trend has also infiltrated interior decorating. Glass and lucite furniture has become super trendy in the past couple of years — its transparent nature makes these pieces the perfect fit for a small room. Lucite chairs and glass tables let everyone see right through them, as if they are not there. That adds space in a room — they don’t take over the space. Materials that are dark, heavy and bulky, such as dark woods and metal, occupy more space, making spaces feel closed in, as with darker colors.