Times When People’s Apartments Had Them Doing a Double Take

Less Than A Month In And The Ceiling Is Falling

This couple anticipated some rain as they moved into their new residence. Perhaps even a storm. However, they didn’t anticipate that, in less than a month, the very sky would collapse on them. The landlord blamed the ceiling collapse on an “act of god,” but he was not at fault and therefore not liable for any damages. Anyone would be moved to tears and outrage at this situation. It seems like the worst day ever to rent a place.


Perhaps it’s time to find a new apartment with a better landlord and ceiling.

This landlord is the Michelangelo of pressure washing.

When he promised to pressure wash your deck, you imagined a spotlessly tidy wooden sanctuary where you could unwind and soak in the sun’s rays. Rather, what you received was a vibrant jumble of wiggly lines and comical shapes. No, you did not inadvertently enter a kindergarten student’s art lesson. Your landlord doesn’t know what the various nozzles are for. Instead of using the cleaning nozzle, he chose the one that resembled a finger paint brush.


However, who wants a spotless deck when you can have one that serves as a blank canvas for your neighbor’s five-year-old doodling?

Yeah, that renovation went wrong.

A landlord’s latest refurbishment effort has left his tenants perplexed, in an odd turn of events. The shower head appears to have been made for the wrong occupants, even though there had been promises of new shower doors. The landlord’s decision to install shower doors that barely covered the shower and a low shower head has left many perplexed!


Whatever the motivation behind this perplexing bathroom installation, there’s little doubting that it’s a tale that will make people both laugh and scratch their heads.

Just paint over wasp nests instead of eliminating them.

Relocating to a new house is usually an experience. An assortment of feelings, including anxiety, excitement, and uncertainty, coexist. However, when someone just found something incredibly strange in their closet, they experienced all three of these emotions. Just picture yourself happily planning the décor of your new house after moving in and unpacking, only to discover that your landlord painted over two wasp nests in your closet! Their eyes shocked them beyond belief.


The look of dread and amazement on their faces when they thought they were paint rollers is beyond description.

Duct Tape Fixes Everything

The renters had alerted the landlord about the leaky ceiling. Despite his busy schedule and his vow to fix it immediately, he ended up forgetting about it. He realized he had to take quick action when the rain finally started to pour in the apartment one day. But what would he do if the leak continued to persist? He thought to himself, “After all, it fixes everything,” as he recalled the trusty duct tape method.


We quickly repaired the ceiling with a layer of duct tape because, naturally, this is the correct way to handle a problem.

Landlord Never Fixes Sagging Roof and Then It Collapses

This landlord appears to have elevated customer service to a new plane! One homeowner was pleasantly surprised with a fresh development after months of pleading with the landlord to look after the sinking roof of their tenant’s kitchen. Entering their kitchen, they discovered that the roof had fallen in, leaving a large hole. What we can do is hope the landlord will fix the problem right away.


While we hope this was resolved quickly, this landlord will be remembered as the worst. We hope this tenant moves in, and we wish them luck.

When Your Landlord Ruins a Perfectly Good Thing

All of us have heard of the “Landlord Special,” the cliched undesirable apartment that landlords seem to have no trouble producing. However, their eagerness to take short cuts occasionally surprises even us. Consider the landlord who painted a door and inadvertently made it appear worse than it had previously. The door remained a patchwork of garish colors and chipped paint.


Our best guess is that the landlord took action after realizing the door wasn’t bad enough.

Landlord Refuses to Fix Hole in Wall for 6 Months

Are you sick and weary of awaiting your landlord to patch up that pesky hole in your wall? You are not alone, though. Some tenants have chosen to handle things themselves since they are so frustrated with the lack of response. What is their course of action? Naturally, it transforms into an artwork. With the aid of some reliable Lego figures, some imaginative people have turned an unsightly, gaping hole into something lovely, so they won’t have to stare at it every day.


When tiny plastic toys can perform tasks better than a qualified landlord, it is depressing. If nothing else, it’s making people laugh and smile.

The Landlord Is Either Lazy or an Efficient Painter

Have you ever encountered a landlord that seems to have little regard for the security and welfare of their tenants? We have an intriguing tale for you, though! It appears that one landlord of apartments was a little too careless about replacing their antiquated and malfunctioning alarm system. Rather than taking the necessary steps to remove or fix it before painting, they chose a simple and expedient solution. They covered it completely in paint!


It’s almost absurd how lazy this is. It’s astonishing to think that the renters would overlook this!

Imagine if your landlord fixed a broken window for two years in this manner.

Breaking: after an incredible four years and two rent increases, a landlord has finally fixed a tenant’s damaged window. Hold on to your breath, though, for now. Rather than hiring a professional to mend the window, this landlord went all out and used a large wooden plank to make repairs. After all, who needs a functioning window and sunlight? We applaud this landlord for his inventiveness—or perhaps we should say his cheapness.


If anything, it gives the apartment more personality. Keep in mind that you can get some fresh air by opening your eyes and looking outside through the gaps in your window plank.

That’s a Perfectly Well-Working Shower

Everybody has experienced a landlord who, in spite of evident problems that even a blind bat might see, maintains that everything is excellent with their rental property. Take this landlord, who appears to believe that the black gunk that this tenant’s showerhead spews out every time they turn it on is a perfectly normal occurrence. As much as we enjoy a satisfying do-it-yourself project, nobody finds it enjoyable to scrub at a blackened showerhead.


Maybe this landlord is merely a trailblazer, starting a fresh movement in bathroom design. Who knows, perhaps black sludge will soon replace those boring old shower curtains.

Don’t worry about the trees damaging the house’s decor.

Hi there, tenants! Do you like being in a dangerous place? Are you sick and weary of living a dull, routine life in which you always know that the roof over your head won’t fall in at any time? There’s nowhere else to look! We’ve found the perfect spot for you. Our newest rental property features large trees that may or may not fall on your house during a storm. Russian roulette corresponds to your life circumstances. What’s the best thing, then? The landlord refuses to take any action to make it right.


It resembles a roller coaster ride minus the safety precautions. It seems like the perfect home to live in.

Landlord Sent Cleaners to Wrong Apartment

The pleasures of renting! You never know if your landlord will decide to repaint your living room neon green, which brings constant uncertainty and high prices. It is similar to a rollercoaster ride, but without the assurance of a nice snapshot at the finish line or a safety harness. However, despite its apparent carefree escape from the worries of homeownership, renting is not always a flawless experience.


Imagine, for instance, that when you arrive home after a long day at work, all of your belongings are in trash bags. And it’s not because you hoard; rather, your landlord sent some cleaners to clean the wrong unit.

Landlord’s Attempt at Tree Makeover Leads to Car Disaster

When an apartment building’s landlord decided to paint one of the building’s tree guards, the result was devastating and left a bunch of tenants scratching their heads. We can only surmise that the landlord, who is well-known for his peculiar design choices, chose a vivid neon orange color in an effort to liven up the space. But his spray painting turned out to be a poor job.


A gust of wind blew sticky pink paint onto a tenant’s parked automobile. The tenant was obviously not very fond of their new paint job.

We Hope This Tenant Has a Newfound Love for Industrial-Style Home Decor

This family believed that reporting the leaking gas fireplace in their living room to their landlord was the correct thing to do. They were unaware that their landlord would respond by completely transforming their once-comfortable living area into a furnace room! The days of curling up with a cozy book and a warm cup of cocoa by the fireplace are long gone. Maybe they should just buy some additional blankets the next time.


Instead, the sound of a subterranean furnace is all around them, humming and whirring, and it looks down on them like some kind of metal beast.

A Landlord Hid a Camera so He Could Watch Them Change

Landlords may be rather dodgy at times, as we all know. The greatest one, though, was when a renter found a hidden camera facing a mirror in their entryway in the laundry room of their rental home. Yes, this landlord was eavesdropping on his tenant while they were getting dressed! Talk about eerie. Justice must prevail, and this landlord must comprehend the unacceptable nature of violating someone’s privacy.


I salute all of the conscientious and courteous landlords out there! Just be patient, though, as the people on this list only grow stranger.

This Bathroom Looks Professionally Cleaned by Raccoons

After moving into a new apartment, this tenant discovered a soggy surprise in the shower. The apartment had been “professionally cleaned,” according to the landlord, although we’re not sure if they employed a group of experts or simply some swamp monsters. There was so much dirt in the shower that it appeared as though someone had opted to swim in the neighboring swamp and then thought, “Hey, why not rinse off in this lovely shower?”


The lesson here is to always request photographic proof of an apartment that has been “professionally cleaned.” You could also consider carrying your own hazmat suit.

When Your Landlord Thinks You’re a Spy and Ruins Your Electronics

It goes without saying that positive landlord-tenant relations are crucial. However, what would happen if your landlord locked you out of your own apartment because he thinks you’re a government agent? Doesn’t that sound like a scenario from a sitcom? Regrettably, it was a nightmare come true for one unfortunate tenant.The tenant reportedly discovered his landlord had locked the door and changed the locks when he got home from work one day.


You might wonder, Why? The renter had been spying on the landlord, who thought the tenant was a covert government agent.

When Your Landlord Didn’t Pass Geometry

We’ve all been in the situation where the toilet seat breaks, and you’re not sure what to do. One lucky tenant’s landlady saved the day by sending them a brand new one. However, upon opening the package, they discovered it was not the square seat they had asked for, but rather the incorrect size. Although others might find this annoying, one renter thought it was funny.


After all, what’s more fun than a circular toilet seat on a square toilet?

Who Needs Water Anyway

Their forgetful landlord has literally left the tenants stranded. The water bill had been unpaid for several months, and it seems that he “didn’t know” about it. This is obviously not an excuse, and the water company responded promptly. The water company dispatched a person to investigate, and he found nothing but outright fraud. The prompt removal of the water line left the renters without any access to flowing water!


It is obvious that this landlord may benefit from a refresher on accountability and common sense.

The landlord tried to claim that this place doesn’t have hard water.

As they say, the best medicine is laughter, and this anecdote will make you laugh out loud. A couple discovered their bitter water when they had moved into a rented house. In an attempt to improve the water’s clarity and flavor, they decided to boil some water in a pot as part of their determined search for a solution. They were shocked to see how thoroughly destroyed and covered in a thick layer of sludge the pot had become.


The landlord firmly denied that there was a problem when they complained about the bitter water. Well, this image cannot be disputed.

The Paint Was Peeling and Uncovered Marble

This renter discovered there was marble underneath the paint that kept chipping off their window sill! The building’s occupants were initially taken aback, wondering how their landlords could be so ignorant of interior design. Who would apply paint over marble? A tenant may have tried to salvage the marble underneath or painted over all the paint chips on their window. In any case, the landlord doesn’t seem like a wise choice.


You never know what could be hiding beneath that amateurish coat of paint! Really, landlords will hide anything.

Because Paint Fixes Everything

Are you ready for some humor? Check out this tale about a landlord who used paint to replace their tenant’s fire sprinkler. It seems that when a renter found out that their sprinkler system wasn’t functioning, their landlord chose to just paint over it rather than fixing it correctly. Yes, you read correctly—paint! This not only shows a lack of concern for safety, but it also indicates that the landlord is clearly lacking in common sense.


All we can do is hope that this landlord gets a serious wake-up call before they start a potentially disastrous fire.

Might as Well Paint Over the Furniture Too

The new tenants at a particular landlord’s apartment found themselves in an unusual situation. The landlord took matters into their own hands and painted the house, despite the fact that it seemed they had no taste in interior design. Regretfully, it was not your typical paint job. With no consideration for usability, the landlord covered everything, even lights and outlets. Well, that was a thought-provoking decision.


Even though it sounds like a slapstick comedy, this is not. So, if you’re considering using power in the near future, reconsider.

The Landlord Refused to Fix a Huge Plumbing Issue

They say the nose knows, and this renter’s sniff took him on one heck of a trip. For months, he’d been moaning about the smell of excrement coming from his room and the outside area. While his landlord dismissed it as a hallucination, the tenant was aware of something different. In an attempt to solve this revolting mystery, he had a private plumber assess the condition.


And what a surprise he received. The rusted-out main sewer system held paper towels and even toilet paper. What a revolting surprise.

Well That’s One Way to Ruin All of Your Floors

Tenants and lovers of hardwood floors, take note! Regarding a horrible landlord’s attempts to “fix” some magnificent hardwood floors, we have some important information for you. Our beloved tenants were thrilled to see the lovely, well-kept floors when they signed their lease. But when they arrived on move-in day, they were devastated to discover that the landlord’s dubious workmanship had murdered their floors. It seems that the landlord made an effort to touch up a few little dings that the previous tenant had left.


But they decided to handle things themselves rather than bringing in an expert. What was the outcome? The formerly beautiful floors now looked like an art project from kindergarten gone wrong.

Publicly Shaming Those Who Hadn’t Paid yet

Have you ever encountered a landlord who truly strives to exceed expectations? Let’s introduce Mr. Landlord, who achieved the same feat. It appears that Mr. Landlord chose to handle things himself this month since he wasn’t quite as flush with rent money. He made large posters that the entire neighborhood could see, clearly identifying each unpaid unit number on the list.


While this may appear to be a useful tactic for pressuring renters into making the required payments, let’s also discuss invasion of privacy and intimidation.

This Tenant Almost Got Evicted for Hanging His Country’s Flag up

We are fortunate to live in a world where there are many different cultures and nations, which enriches our humanity. Despite the pride many landlords take in the various flags flying in their shared homes, some remain illiterate and make erroneous assumptions that lead to humorous outcomes. Enter an Austrian renter who was facing eviction for having a “Nazi flag” flying in his room, much to his astonishment. Initially, the tenant was perplexed. He never imagined that flying his country flag would offend anyone because he was Austrian.


The landlord’s reaction when he looked up the Austrian flag and realized it wasn’t the Nazi banner he had been thinking of was, of course, the greatest part of the entire event.

The Landlord Who Drank His Tenant’s Beer

When the landlord entered the tenant’s apartment to paint it, he helped himself to an unopened beer from the kitchen. That’s not just inappropriate; it was also a special edition beer. This, you see, was no ordinary beer. The recently deceased legendary rapper MF Doom inspired the release of this limited edition beer. The tenant did not plan to consume the merchandise; instead, they were just gathering it. This landlord obviously went too far in a lot of ways!


However, the landlord seemed to be carefree as he swigged away. Regardless of how tempting it might be, never tamper with someone else’s Limited-Release MF Doom Beer.

Landlord Would Rather Kick Out Tenants Than Fix a Leaking Ceiling

Ever heard of a landlord that would prefer to have you vacate the property rather than fix a few leaky ceilings? So grab a seat; this is going to be a crazy ride. Sources claim that rather than fixing their leaky ceilings, a landlord has advised their residents to move. What comes next? We can’t help but wonder. Could it be a fire or a busted pipe, followed by a simple “well, you could always move” response?


Come on, is this really the landlord’s solution? We’re all for optimism. Is this an attempt to put off repairs in order to save money?

Tenants Move Into New Apartment That Is Covered in Filth

A group of tenants had received the keys to their new apartment and hurried inside, anxious to settle in and begin their new lives in their shiny new surroundings. But their joy gave way to distaste as soon as they were inside. Despite their new landlord’s insistence that the apartment was immaculate, it had not undergone any cleaning. Rather, it was a filthy house with sludge in the refrigerator, unwelcome creatures, and holes in the wall.


It’s an amusing story, even though the landlord’s disregard for personal cleanliness and lack of willingness to assist his tenants is troubling.

Growing Vegetables Is Apparently a Public Annoyance

This tenant was shocked to learn that they had “too many plants” in their yard when they received a letter from their landlord. She also lived with roommates. This was their only private outdoor area, after all, and they had been meticulously tending a lovely vegetable garden. It seems like their landlord is too young to understand the importance of fresh fruit! It’s pretty odd, and there aren’t even that many plants anyway.


Who knew gardening could be such a disobedient act? We ponder whether its eradication ever occurred.

When Your Landlord Locks You Out of Your Own Apartment

Tenants have been reporting wild actions, which suggests that some landlords are acting a bit too brazenly these days. One especially heinous instance is when a landlord locks a unit and doesn’t bother to notify the renter! You may think that there must be a rational explanation for this by now. Perhaps there was a disagreement between the two parties, or perhaps the tenant was behind on their payment.


But no! In this case, the renter was simply going about their business—working late hours, as many of us do—when they unexpectedly found themselves locked out.

Sealing a Mosquito to the Countertop Must Be the Latest Home Design Trend

Are you sick of putting up with bothersome insects interfering with your food preparation? Look no further than the most recent landlord faux pas, which hid a mosquito beneath epoxy on the countertop. Not only is it repulsive, but it can be harmful to your health. Consider all the microorganisms and bacteria that this tiny creature is exposing to the surface. If you hang near this flat, you’ll suffer the same fate—unless it’s a warning to other bugs.


It resembles a perverted method of managing the mosquito population. We should include this in the extensive list of mistakes made by landlords.

This Landlord Only Paid for a New Oven to Be Dropped off

This landlord takes the hassle of having a broken gas oven to a whole new level. It seems that the landlord ordered a new oven to “fix” the issue, but he just paid for its delivery. There’s a brand-new appliance in the middle of the kitchen, requiring no setup or installation. Can you imagine this poor tenant’s frustration? However, the best is still to come.


The tenant’s dissatisfaction with the situation and desire for a professional installation startled the landlord! It is the landlord’s fault that the tenant refrained from attempting to install it themselves.

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