Simple Tips to Make Your Home Smell Amazing

Add Dryer Sheets to Keep Your Trashcan Smelling Fresh
Trashcans can one of the biggest culprits of foul smells. You definitely can and should clean and disinfect your trashcan every now and again, of course, but in between cleanings, there’s something quick and easier you can do. Using dryer sheets to freshen your trash can Takes 1 second but will make sure your kitchen won’t stink.

Just place a few in before you insert a new bag and they should help catch some of that odor that’d otherwise escape and waft throughout your home.
Get Back That Brand New Couch Smell Again
Couches are great hiding spots for odors and stains. After all, these are things that we normally either just vacuum or just wipe down! But there is a far superior method for getting your couch clean—and it involves nothing but baking soda! Just see where to sprinkle a bit and allow a couple of free minutes. It should draw out every odor your sofa has absorbed and remove any other stains.

Just make sure to suck up all of the baking soda after it has been there for a few minutes. Apart from shampooing, this should be the cleanest you can get your couches.
Just Use Laundry Scent Boosters Or Essential Oils In Your Wax Burner
For keeping those bad smells at bay, wax burners are already a great device. Well, did you know that you can actually enhance the scent using places like Gain Fireworks or Downy Unstoppables? Simply sprinkle some laundry scent booster on top of your wax burner and the fragrance should float around the house! If you want to reduce trace chemicals, you can add some essential oils.

YouTube/Life with The Taylor’s
Simply fill the top of your wax burner with water (or wine if you have some leftovers) and add a few drops of essential oils. Soon afterward, the aroma should begin wafting around your house.
Freshen Your Bathroom With This Toilet Paper Trick
So get ready because the next hack is pretty brilliant. Essential oils can be placed on the interior portion of the toilet paper rolls in your washroom. Not only is this something that will typically help your bathroom smell a bit better, but every time someone pulls on the roll a bit of fragrance will be released. Simply choose one of the fragrances you enjoy the most and put a few drops in the hollow part of the roll and you are ready for the new day.

Do not forget to stick it in the roll and not on the actual toilet paper. Essential oils, you may want to avoid wiping with them (but again, it depends).
Push lemon peels inside your garbage disposal
A garbage disposal adds a lot of convenience, but it is also notorious for catching rotten smells, even if not clogged. You can use a chemical cleaner if you wish, but we have an alternative that is cheaper, healthier and smells better. Rather than putting your cash into a product, something else you can give a shot is lemon strips. Simply slice a few lemons into pieces, peel a few pieces and shove them down your garbage disposal. They ought to eliminate any dirty secrets that were lurking down there.

This will not only make your garbage disposal smell like citrus — because no pesky bacteria like citrous or lemons for that matter — but it’ll help your disposal be a little less bacterial as well.
Pour A Few Drops Of Essential Oils Into Your AC Filters
Do you like a smelling house but concerned with all of these chemicals in the majority of fresheners? So, why not create and use your own air fresheners? It’s as easy as it seems, and to be honest, “make” is a little generous. All you simply need to do is to take of some necessary oils and also put several drops on the air filters of your house anytime you prepare yourself to change them out.

This will allow the scent to fill your home while you and your family avoid being exposed to harsh chemicals. It also has a good amount of longevity compared to air fresheners that you spray.
Using Dryer Sheets in Your Closet to Keep Linens Smelling Nice
This one is very easy, but very powerful. It can also happen when you have stored away your linens and they still happen to have a bit of moisture. That is how you get that clear linen closet smell. But this can be easily combated by putting a dryer sheet in your linen closet. It will absorb some of the moisture around them and will keep your linens smelling fresh no matter how long is in it.

Arguably the best thing about this simple yet impactful hack is that you will also be greeted with a pleasant aroma when you open up your linen closet anytime. And that, and being dry, so no mold growth.
Lemon To Clean Your Cabinets and Make Them Smell Good
When cleaning season comes, kitchen cabinets often get little attention. Which means your kitchen cabinets might help provide some iffy aromas and you do not even know it. But fret not, we have just the thing. Occasionally, clean your cabinets with a water and lemon juice blend. Else, you can use some vinegar and baking soda – but we still suggest you wipe a layer of lemon juice or even some lemon oil after. Here’s why.

It will not only instantly improve the smell of your home but will also fight bad odours before they become an issue later on.
Get Rid of Your Nasty Smelling Fridge
Cleaning the fridge is a huge pain, And while it is important to clean your fridge regularly, there is a trick to keep it smelling nice in between the cleanings. Simply, take a few lemons, slice them in half and put them right into small bowls together with some baking soda. This ought to make your fridge stay smelling as fresh as citrus, which is to say they will keep it nice and fresh until you actually go in there and clean it up.

They’re also anti-bacterial so while they’re in there they’re doing their thing. Just be sure to swap out the lemons before they start rotting.
Tip: A little Eucalyptus in the Bathroom goes a long way
Want your bathroom or shower to feel more like a spa? Well, it is so much easier to pull off than you probably think. Eucalyptus bunches can be purchased and hung from your shower head to help create a much more natural vibe in your bathroom. Eucalyptus is another great option to add to your shower as the good-smelling oils are released each time you shower, which also brings their odor – and health – advantages as well.

Aside from smelling fantastic, Eucalyptus oils can aid in nasal congestion, among other things. Make sure you replace the bunches whenever the leaves becomes old.
An All-Natural Freshener That Will Have Your Home Smelling Divine within Minutes
It is actually pretty easy to create your own air fresheners, the natural way. Combine a few simple, pleasant-smelling ingredients. A combination of fruit and herbs is your best bet. There are a few variations of this method, but essentially you boil the ingredients in a pot and then pour the mixture into a jar.

As soon as the mix starts to boil and begins to release vapor, you will smell great in your house. And once jarred up, this concept is a great decoration. Talk about a win-win scenario for home maintenancethere ever was one.
How To Easily Make Sure Your Mattress Smells Nice
You may be under the impression that regularly washing your sheets is all that there is to bedding. But this is the bare minimum and you’re leaving your mattress by the wayside if this is all you’re doing. A mattress can absorb a lot of fluids (yes, even with a mattress protector) overtime from sweat and more. This is why every now and then you ought to cleanse it out with some sodium bicarbonate and also water.

If there is no stain or the stain is not that bad, you can sprinkle a little baking soda on the mattress and vacuum it, and the process is similar to vacuuming a couch.
And Your Pet’s Bed Will Also Smell Great
We adore our pets, however, they tend to not be the fragrance in our homes. This is particularly true for wooden beds. But, there is a super simple solution to that which takes all of two minutes, so no excuses! All you need to do is sprinkle baking soda on their beds and then vacuum it up. It is safe for your animals and it will get rid of any stink.

It’s the same concept you get when using baking soda to freshen up a bed or sofa. It somehow pulls out the odor, and it just smells cleaner.
Bad Odors Sneak in Through Your Shower Drain – Here’s How to Handle It
Every once in a while, we can get a nasty whiff from the shower or tub, too. This happens because the drain does not get cleared off as well as it should, and this debris gets lodged down there. Fortunately, there’s an easy answer. You simply pour some baking soda into the drain and wash it down with apple cider vinegar. Together, they create a natural drain cleaner that will melt out all the muck.

And it is nothing to worry about if you notice a bit of foam or bubbles rising to the top of the drain, that is a sign the cleaner is doing its job and will flush away any dirt.
Refresh Your Vents with A Clothespin & Essential Oil
If you’ve ever turned on your air conditioning or heater for the first time in a while and been greeted by an odd odor, you’re not the only one. But it needn’t be that way, and detectable vents can be freshened-up with essential oils. Put a few drops on the clothespin and then attach to a vent, which gives you an aromatic punch of smell once you are using the AC or the heat.

Also, since furnace filters get dirty quickly, be sure to change them before winter and then every month thereafter. Failing to do this can cause unpleasant odors from the vents.
Pour Laundry Detergent Into Your Toilet’s Tank
Detergent can be an excellent way to get rid of unwanted smells in your bathroom. In some locations, you are advised to dump a little fluid laundry detergent into your bathroom container. It will definitely enhance the pleasantness of your toilet, but the other choice is just to soak the cotton balls with detergent – and place them throughout your restroom.

You never have to worry about damaging your toilet, and you still reap all the advantages of having a detergent in your bath. If you know you’re toilet can handle some laundry detergent, we would funnel it into the tank.
Your Carpets Probably Stink Even If You Don’t Think So — Here’s How To Fix It
A little bit of baking soda goes a long way, so when it comes to affordable smell-good hacks for your home, nothing can beat it. It is more or less used every where for odour removal. Sodium bicarbonate works like a charm, when put on the carpets and left for 15 minutes it saves all the odour from your carpet. In 15 minutes, simply vacuum it up like you would normally, and your set!

It should also work on items like rugs or pretty much any other carpet you have that you have noticed has been developing a little funk recently.
Have a pump with vinegar and water in your toilet
We learned something as we worked to rid our home of the stinks, and if it is one thing that we were sure of, that thing was the vinegar, our number one ally. And here comes our next protip: Make sure you have a spray bottle filled with vinegar and water (which you can get from your dollar store) in your bathroom. It can even be used before things turn gnarly—spray your shower tiles, bathtub and showerhead every couple of days.

YouTube/FIX IT Home Improvement Channel
Spray a bit after your shower. It will become a part of your daily routine without much effort, and it will help to avoid the smell of other potential stinky. You can thank us later.
Take Some Dryer Sheets And Wipe Them Up On Your Fan
This one might be a little more summer, but it’s super easy, and it works wonders. If you attach some dryer sheets on almost any fan you are using, this will also straighten out the smell from your room. This obviously won’t work for something like a Dyson fan, but it should be useful for pretty much any bladed in use, box fan or other fan for that matter.

Seems basic, but it works, and it particularly works in the summertime when sweaty smells are more likely to show up than in the winter or autumn.
Minimize Bathroom Odors by Spraying Your Toilet Brush With Lemon
While you can literally use a DIY lemon scented cleaner wherever, they are perfect at cleaning toilet brush holders and not many think to use them there at all. There’s a plethora of explainers online discussing how to DIY, most of which suggest a mixture of lemon juice, water and a dash of natural dishwashing soap to create a household cleaner. You can just transfer that into a spray bottle.

This spray bottle works wonders, spray it to wipe down your toilet brush holder and your bathroom smells like lemon freshness for a surprisingly long time. It also should kill any bacteria that are dirty.
Simple and Budget-Friendly Coffee Fragrance Candles
Except for coffee aroma filtering through a home. You Can Actually Easily Make Your Own Coffee Candles At Home Buy a vanilla scented tea light candle and keep it in a cup or bowl of coffee beans. Then, simply light the candle and the warmth will heat up the coffee beans enough for your house to smell like fresh vanilla coffee.

You can even use a simple battery-operated tea light for this, of course, you can use a regular pillar candle as well (but the vanilla is a great match with the coffee beans).
Eliminating the Musty Stench of a Basement
There is a reason that the vast majority of basements have a certain odor. It becomes nice areas for mold to live and thrive. But you can take steps to eliminate the musty smell and have a basement smelling as good as the other rooms in your home. It is a challenging task but worth it since the mold will have nowhere to hide when you’re done cleaning.

You only have to spray the wall with bleach and put some baking soda around it in the ground close to the wall. It will remove any mold spores infesting your basement.
DIY Cheap Air Freshener
Do you like spray bottle air fresheners but prefer not to part with your cash for them? If so, then this hack is for you. You just need a spray bottle and Gain beads. While the bottle is still warm, drop a few of the Gain beads inside and fill it with warm water! After that, shake up and wait for 10 minutes approx. When all is said and done, all you are left with is basically Febreze.

Mist it around your place or spray your cushions, it does not matter. And one, you need this handy little tip for when you run out of Febreze and you don’t want to go to store and pay.
Hang Potpourri Bags in Your Closet
One of the bastions of potpourris is they do provide an ambiance in your home, but it appears they also help a great deal tucked away inside the quiet confines of your closet. You may create them out of essential oils or other kinds of natural (not herbal) ingredients, and all you have to do is put them in a bag that you can hang in your closet with your clothes. It will make sure you have a pleasant smell coming out of the closet each time you open the door.

Using tea bags is also an option, but then, of course, you have a tea smell, which may not be what everybody wants. There are many recipes out there for potpourris.
Use It to Clean Your Washer Your Nose Will Thank You
They are among the major culprits of bad smells. And while you could wash everything with hot water every single time, it really is not needed and it is a huge waste of energy. Otherwise, you just find a little baking soda and vinegar every once in a while to deep clean your washer. Simply mix the two into your washer and let them run a hot cycle. This will eliminate any smell or bacteria that could have been the cause.

And this has no impact on how the next batch of laundry you smell smells, if you were worried about the smell of this small hack.
Stop throwing away money on brand new ones — Plug-In air fresheners are refillable
Plug-in air fresheners are good, but they are expensive as air fresheners go, and a bit wasteful as well. They are meant to be tossed, plastic and all, once the air freshener has blown its final shhhh. But little do people know, reusing them is actually pretty easy. All you need is some fabuloso or something and you can refill your plug-ins.

Not only do you avoid having to frequently purchase new air fresheners but it helps reduce waste since you can easily reuse your plug-ins until they break or stop working.
Remove Odors in Your Freezer
One tough task you have to deal with is getting rid of odors in your freezer. This typically involves the door being open long enough for everything to get a little melted or (you know) turning your freezer off altogether. Fortunately, there is a relatively straightforward hack that is effective at removing freezer odors for good. Simply sprinkle baking soda on a paper towel and stick the towel into your freezer. L

It will soak up all the stink and keep you from having to spend your night scrubbing out your freezer to the bone. But you probably should start thinking about cleaning it out sooner rather than later.
Neutralize Pleasurable Oven Odors in 3 Ingredients
Unfortunately, there is no way out of it as it is hard to clean ovens. But next time you have to clean the oven, at the very least, you can rest assured that you are using something totally safe and effective. This is a simple concoction of lemon juice, vinegar, and a bit of water. Combine all those ingredients and you have a cleaner that will eliminate dirt and leave your oven smelling fresh as a daisy.

You can even get a little shake-it — shake-it before you start scrubbing and that should help some of those last bits of food lying around to up and away, although there may still be some scrubbing.
Tackle Car Odors With DIY Air Fresheners
Fortunately, car odors can be slightly easier to sniff out than odors in your home, as you’re typically not having to check as many areas. That said, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t want your car smelling its best all the time. Fortunately, creating your own car air fresheners is very simple, and they need not dangle from the mirror or protrude from the air conditioning vents.

Purchase your basic some party gift bags from where you purchase them, fill them with Downy Unstopables. After that just put ur bags under ur car seats and wala hidden airfresheners that smell fantastic.
Keeping your drawers smelling fresh
It is not that bad odours are usually in drawers and dressers but when you do open a drawer it is better to be greeted with a good smell. It’s also super easy. You just need a little drop of essential oil and the piece of cloth. Just dab a bit of oil on the cloth and then drop and drop it in each of your drawers. This will ensure you get a burst of freshness every time you reach out for some clothes.

Of course, only use this in places drawers you keep things like socks, as you probably don’t want your shirts and stuff to always smell like essential oils.
This Homemade Fabric Refreshener Will Save You From Nose And Money
If you use some kind of scented fabric softener, then you most likely enjoy the smell of clothes coming out of the washer. Except that smell doesn’t generally stay around too long, and a couple of days later, your clothes just smell like clothes again. Fortunately, it is possible for you to create your own fabric freshener with the help of a spray bottle. Simply combine some essential oils with water and a splash of vodka and put it all in a spray bottle.

No need to freak, you wont even smell of vodka. You can also use rubbing alcohol if you so choose, however. All you need to do is mist the clothing and household fabric. Imagine the blend similar to a light fragrance. Like the kind they probably use in clothing stores to keep everything fresh smelling.
Clean Your Dishwasher
Even your cleaning people need to be cleaned sometimes. If you have caught a whiff of certain odors from your dishwasher, that might mean it needs a cleaning cycle. The only thing you are doing is giving all the small bits that are removable a good scrub, then setting two bowls of vinegar in the dishwasher. Then, simply run a cycle and let the vinegar work its magic.

Not only should it enable your dishwasher to emerge smelling clean — it should also kill off the nasty bacteria that were likely responsible for the foul odour in the first place. Keep in mind that the only thing that should be in there are the two bowls filled with vinegar.
Eliminate Any Odors in the Attic
While your attic may not get a lot of traffic, that doesn’t mean that it shouldn’t be properly cleaned. The attics are typical spots where molds grow, and generally, cleaning them once or twice may always be a good call. To accomplish this, you simply combine some distilled vinegar and water into a bottle. Then, you just spray that on the walls and roof of your attic. This combination will also kill any remaining mold.

But make sure to wear a mask up there, a mask, since mold can be dangerous — particularly in an attic where ventilation often is limited.
Use Baking Soda To Clean Your Kitchen Sink
Kitchen sinks have a bad reputation for being unhealthy and smelly. And while there are a ton of drain cleaners, you may just not feel like going to the store, or putting harsh chemicals in your kitchen. Instead, it gives you the option of using baking powder and vinegar mixed together. Simply add a half cup of baking powder to your drain and then add some vinegar. Then cover with boiling hot water and leave to stand.

After that has sat for a few minutes, you can run some cold water to flush everything down. That magical concoction should be just as effective — if not more so! — than the stuff you get at the grocery store to un-clog your drain.
Your Home Can Smell Like Christmas All Year Long
Few olfactory experiences are as iconic as the scents of the holidays. December 25th comes to mind as soon as we take a whiff of any cinnamon, gingerbread, and perhaps rosemary or time. Therefore, why not prepare some potpourri during the holidays? You could even throw in cranberries, orange peels and cinnamon to get your house smelling festive. There are plenty of handy explainers on how to do that.

Potpourris are excellent because the scent should wander and be identifiable in your house, whatever size it could be. This also helps us solidify the memories from the holidays.