Easy-To-Care-For Houseplants That Anyone Can Keep Alive

Licuala Orbicularis
You might think that this is the most high-maintenance house plants on this list when looking at this incredible houseplant. Just take a look at those lovely, unusual, fan-shaped leaves, for goodness sake! The upside is Licuala Orbicularis does not require much plant care. It just needs to be watered weekly (top up every time the top one inch of soil is dry) and kept in a lightly sheltered location to flourish.

To keep this easy houseplant looking pretty long-term and to help her stay strong you may want to water her with lukewarm distilled or filtered water. But you should get that at the store fairly easy.
Snake Plant
Commonly known as snake plant, and also referred to as mother-in-law’s tongue, its official name is indeed Dracaena Trifasciata. And while it will seem like a super diva (maybe like your mother-in-law) it is good to know that it’s one of the simplest houseplants you can have at home. Which is why this houseplant needs almost no water at all—it’s a succulent! In fact, you’ll only ever need to water this plant once a month.

However, being a succulent that originates from hotter places, a snake plant needs full sunlight. For this reason, this low maintenance houseplant is best placed on the windowsill.
The Caladium plant is a tough nut, even though this houseplant resembles something from Stranger Things. This ones crazy hardy and great if you are one of those people who has no idea what to do with plants but want to try something out anyway and it also helps that it looks great! Water it once the soil is slightly moist and give it a little sunlight, but not too much of it.

This simple houseplant is originally from the South American rainforest, so it is adapted to a humid environment. That’s a big plus too, so if you are living in a humid city then.
Amate Umbrella Tree
The Schefflera Amate or amate umbrella tree is a tropical plant native to New Guinea and Australia, comfortable in humid environments, but will survive for several weeks without water. For this easy houseplant, the general rule is just to observe it and water when soil is dry. Therefore, you will not be required to follow a particular irrigation timetable.

It should do well in no time as long as you are also keeping this easy houseplant away from the direct light. If anything, it may go on to huge heights and can be a real statement piece in your home.
Floriana Dieffenbachia Dumbcane
Although this plant has one of the longest names we’ve ever come across, we can safely say it’s also one of the prettiest houseplants we’ve seen. And it is also incredibly low maintenance since you need to water just once every few weeks. However, if you want to achieve colourful leathery leaves, it is also very prudent to place this plant in a warm sunny place.

If you really want to make this houseplant shine, you may also want to fertilize this plant every few months also. This will ensure that it stays well maintained through the colder months.
Monstera Deliciosa
Most of you will know the Swiss cheese plant? This houseplant might be considered the houseplant of all houseplants. While many think it would be difficult to care for this massive houseplant with its massive leaves, we assure you it is not as hard as you think. You only have to water when the soil is dry and put it in bright but indirect light.

In fact, the more sunlight a Swiss cheese plants gets, the more holes you get in the leaves. Just make sure it is not getting burnt in the process.
Alocasia Frydek
Perfect for someone looking for an exotic houseplant but wants a houseplant that is very little plant maintenance is the Alocasia Frydek. Although this plant needs to be watered quite frequently, you don’t have to worry about it taking a large beverage. All they require is a top up, every couple of days to ensure that they have sufficient to sustain them. And, they simply despise direct sunlight – which makes it just beautiful to be kept anywhere in your house.

Actually, Alocasia Frydek does not like direct sunlight which make the leaves burn and scorched. And you really don’t want to do that, as the leaves are the key feature of this simple houseplant.
Gynura Aurantiaca
We’re not sure how this easy houseplant got the name (probably do a Google on that, actually), but this is also known as ‘purple passion.’ This plant literally stands out of the crowd with its bright purple hues. Principal Keep it watered to still keep its colour but there is no need to over do it with a watering timetable. Water every 1-2 weeks to maintain moisture in the soil and avoid bright light exposure that can scorch the plant.

You can still be the worst gardener and forget to water this plant once every now and then, and its still not going to die on you if you do. In fact purple passion plant loves to dry up from time to time and does even better when watered.
Spider Plant
As for the spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum), you needn’t be reminded why they’ve been given that name. Let me tell you though, this is the ideal low-maintenance houseplant for beginners to get their hands on, as it will just stay like this with minimal plant care and a little touch of colour. Simply water a spider plant about once a week and place it in a moderately sunny location within your home, in fact.

But what we really love about spider plants is that you have a regular supply practically forever. That’s because spider plants make their own little spiderette “babies” that you just repot!
Devil’s Ivy
Houseplants have a myriad of benefits for your mood but you may not know that they purify the air too. And that’s exactly what this house plant does anyway. However, while devil’s ivy is doing a lot for you and your home, you’ll be pleased to know that you won’t need to do much for it. No watering more than once a week and relatively bright place.

But the devil’s ivy is pretty hardy so if you forget it you can water it after some time without getting penalized. Set a reminder on your phone — you may want it.
Prayer Plant
Officially known as Calathea, the prayer plant is a stunner with its foliage but also a great option for someone looking for a low-maintenance plant that requires little attention. Its literally an easy plant — it requires minimal watering (a little bit per week is all), and is arguably one of the best beginner houseplants. Of course, if you forget a week or two, it’s not catastrophic.

But provided you ensure this prayer plant has the most perfect plant dad of all time, you will also want to make sure you keep this easy houseplant in indirect sunlight.
Dendrobium Lindleyi
Fun Fact: The Dendrobium Lindleyi is an orchid. It may not look like it, but this is actually one of the easiest houseplants to care for! Almost no plant maintenance is needed, especially in the winter. Actually, summer months, you should water that about once a week but in the winter you can cut that down to about once every 10-14 days.

As these are stunning, vibrant flowers, then growing this houseplant is definitely best placed where it can benefit from partial sun. It is fond of warm — but not too warm.
Aloe Vera
Although you are likely already familiar with it, it is still a possibility. You may even have it in some of your face creams, body lotions! However, Did you know that Aloe Vera is an excellent to grow a house plant at home? This plant does not need a lot of watering, but you do need to water it when the soil is visibly dry. Plus, it loves the sunlight.

That is why you should put your aloe ver tanaman in a place where you know that it will get all of the sun it can get. Needless to say a place like window sill would serve as a great spot for this houseplant.
Arrowhead Plant
Commonly known as Nepthytis, this houseplant resembles a cabbage more than a house plant but at least it has the title of being one of the easiest of houseplants to care for! The Arrowhead plant prefers a home in bright, but not direct light (as that can burn the leaves), but can get by in low light if it must. You also do not have to sprinkle it too much.

With this plant, you won’t have to adhere to an exact watering schedule. Simply feel the soil once a week or so, if it’s dry, water!
Areca Palm
Now Palm Trees, Palm Trees are perhaps one of the easiest plants to take care of and need little plant maintenance yet still look so freaking cool! Take for instance the famous areca palm, known for its big, fan-shaped leaves as well as its care requirements. All this easy houseplant requires is a couple of waterings every few days (preferably with low-salt water) and minimal bright, subdued sunlight.

Since this palm tree is used to tropical landscapes, it is also recommended to spray some water on the leaves from time to time, every couple of days, to be able to keep them in the high humidity they love so much.
Jade Tree
The jade tree is a tough, low-maintenance houseplant everyone will love. The plant has thick, lush broad leaves and delicate flowers and will make a great addition to your home. Never fear — you can be a little lax on this houseplant’s watering schedule. The only thing you need to do is to water it, when the whole soil is dry, because you need to avoid waterlogging at almost any cost.

It’s also great for low-light apartments or homes since it’s incredibly versatile. Sure, it would enjoy some indirect sunlight, but it won’t complain much if it doesn’t get it.
Brighamia Insignis
As you probably noticed by now, a lot of the easiest houseplants on this list have multiple names — and this one is no exception. Brighamia insignia is also known as Hawaiian palm or Alula, so it is up to you. Believe it or not, you also have to devise your own plant care routine for this plant—it requires watering every 7–10 days when the soil is dry.

The goal is to water this plant only when the soil is dry so could even be you are waiting longer than that. You also want to make sure to keep it in bright but indirect sunlight.
Rattail Cactus
Come on, everyone knows that cacti are the simplest house plants to keep alive, right? Since these plants are used to growing within the desert, you could go weeks before watering the rattail cactus, and it probably wouldn’t display signs of dehydration. Though, you should still water it from time-to-time, but ensure that you only do so once the soil has dried out entirely. Its desert history also indicates that the rattail cactus requires an extremely bright location, naturally.

However, if you can provide this easy house plant with a proper home — it’ll reward you for it. They have super cool tendrils that run down the side of the pot as they spill over.
Dracaena Fragrans
We’ve just introduced you to Dracaena fragrans, but perhaps you already know this plant by more common name (yes, it’s in the common name!) — the corn plant. This simple-to-care-for houseplant is pretty to look at (even if you’re a little dismayed to discover it doesn’t resemble corn on the cob) and requires only infrequent watering. Every other week should suffice.

It is very low care so for someone avoiding high-care plants, this is an ideal plant for that. It comes down to what you can give it because it will flourish in low light or high.
Red Apple Plant
It should be no surprise that the red apple plant is also among the favorites for those who want to decorate their houses with houseplants due to its bright red and beautiful leaf generally. And — even better — it’s one of the easiest houseplants too. There is no specific watering schedule for this specific plant—just water it when the soil is dry. It also loves full sun!

If you stick this houseplant in direct sunlight, then you get these gorgeous red flowers. But if you cover it in shade, there won’t be enough energy stored for the flowers to bloom.
String of Pearls
Most of the houseplants on this list get their name from the thing or things they resemble, and we think you will agree with us that the string of pearls plant is no exception to that way of thinking. The plant itself looks like many literal strings of pearls but thankfully they are not as costly to maintain as they real pearls. The only thing you have to do to keep this houseplant happy is to wait for the soil to dry.

That said, this is a very drought-tolerant plant, so don’t be too strict with these guidelines. Provided you put it where it can get plenty of indirect sunlight (and a bit of shade), of course!
Vanda Orchid
The vanda orchid is also a fun one to include, as while most of the easiest houseplants on this list love a pot, this beauty prefers to have its roots in the air. You can hang it up instead of planting it in a pot, which is ideal if counter space is limited. And you must however be certain to comply with their watering schedule because they are so simple to grow.

For this you are soaking the plant periodically in water (weekly) and keeping it misted with a spray bottle of water. A little pruning goes a long way when it comes to keeping it looking its best.
Philodendron Grazielae
Philodendrons are some of the most popular houseplants you can find and the Philodendron graziele is very much a go-to if you are looking for low maintenance house plants. Appearing so lush and green, this houseplant is very much a low-maintenance housemate. Just water it once a week and provide a place where it can get indirect bright sunlight. In case you can, it is also a good idea to keep its home quite humid as well.

So, the best and simplest way to maintain the humidity will be to spritz it every now and then with some water. So you can crank up the humidity without turning your home into a sauna.
Money Tree
Pachira Aquatica And although it’s officially named this, the houseplant is better known as the money tree – unfortunately, it doesn’t produce money! Instead, it grows green, lovely leaves and a braided trunk, which sounds like a show of foliage and makes it really unique from the crowd. And it’s also a robust, resilient houseplant that needs very little in terms of plant care, be it water or light. You literally only have to water it once a week.

You can keep it in bright and indirect light and have to check that the soil dries in between watering. It enjoys the warmth, but not excessive.
Yucca must be an ingredient you’ve tried, if you ever tasted South American or Caribbean food. But did you know that yucca actually can be grown as a houseplant? It is also needing extremely low plant upkeep. In order for you to cultivate this simple houseplant at home, you need to put it where it can receive enough light and keep it hydrated. Yucca plant should be approximately once a week.

But you might not even have to water that much. The trick, is you want to water it when it dry, so that could take a while based on your conditions.
Lucky Bamboo
Wherever they live, most folks know bamboo, but fewer know that there are species you can buy to grow in the home. In the case of lucky bamboo, that means those twisted stems which can be bent in so many directions and patterns. This houseplant is also very low-maintenance, given that like all bamboo, it is simply watered once a week. Where it can also bask in bright sun.

But be careful not to give your lucky bamboo direct sunlight at all times. It enjoys all the sun and dry heat but appreciates a little shade shelter from time to time.
How cool is this house plant am I right? The thick leaves will tell you that the bromeliad has a lot of water in its leaves, which makes it one of the easiest houseplants to care for when it comes to watering. All you need to do is water it once a week with a little water, and if the plant looks dry in between waterings just spritz the leaves with water.

And because this houseplant also tends to avoid bright sunlight and hot temperatures, this means that this plant will flourish and grow even if your home or apartment receives little light!
Hen and Chicken Fern
If you are looking at this plant, your probably could tell it is a fern. And like all ferns, the hen and chicken fern shows a fair amount of flexibility – as long as it gets the humidity it craves. So, this means that you water it weekly but also mist it and place it in a little bit of shade. What we really love most about this low-maintenance houseplant is the way it spreads itself.

Unlike the plantlets of a hen and chicken fern — which wrestle their way into the soil only after they have reached about two inches in height — this plant sends its offspring packing when they are still a few days old. And this means, you can get either unlimited supplies!
Fiddle Leaf Fig
Fiddle leaf fig is one of the simplest houseplant you can have. The plant is very hardy and can handle some neglect if you leave it for a while, though of course you should try to stick to a routine. Watering once a week and giving the fiddle leaf figur bright but indirect light is ideal. If you provide all of this, it should reward you with a healthy, happy plant.

If you tend to it this way, you will always have a constant supply of beautiful leaves, just be sure to let the soil dry out before watering to prevent the risk of waterlogging and root rot.
Albuca Frizzle Sizzle
The Albuca fizzle sizzle: And the award for coolest house plant name goes to… This houseplant is named as cute as it is a unique find, and despite the lack of recognition for most people, you may be happy to hear that it makes for a great beginner plant. This plant does not ask much from you, and you only need to water it when the soil is dry, and keep it in the sunlight.

And perhaps the best feature of this easily totable houseplant: it smells like vanilla. This not only makes it an excellent gift but an ideal addition to any home.
Peace Lily
Very few of these houseplants looks as majestic as the peace lily which with its long stems and white flowers. But you may think that it would take a considerable amount of TLC, and that’s a myth. It is as simple as watering the peace lily once a week and leaving it mostly shaded to maintain it in optimal condition. That said, it does prefer a little sun if it can get some.

The peace lily is still one of the simplest houseplants you can buy, however be forewarned that the peace lily is toxic to cats.
Red Edged Dragon Tree
This is one for those of you who have difficulty keeping your houseplants watered as the red edged dragon tree thrives in neglect. Very, very drought tolerant — can go 2 weeks without water. If you want to keep its colour red and vibrant, then spray it with a bit of water bi-weekly and place it in a bright but somewhat shady spot.

So if you have pets and are considering including this easy houseplant into your home, you need to drop that plan. This houseplant can be deadly for pets, although it is very aesthetically pleasing.
Aloe Polyphylla
Spiral Aloe is another name for this plant — and you probably don’t need us to explain why. This aloe is a spiral shape we have never before seen in aloes. And even though it appears to be exceedingly high upkeep, the aloe polyphylla is perfect for both beginners and veterans. During the winter, you would only need to give it one watering every 1-2 weeks. So expect it to need a little more in the summertime.

And as you may guess from any plant that grows in the desert; this houseplant loves the sunlight too. If you give it a sunny home, you’ll be able to keep it nice and happy.
Christmas Cactus
As the name implies, the Christmas cactus is in relatively high demand around Christmas because blossoming red leaves ornament the plant and the plant’s appearance itself is also not typical. However, you can still care for this houseplant all year long. These plants are endemic to the Brazilian sleepy mountains, meaning they like it damp and do not like direct sunlight — but that does not mean you will need to give it a lot of water. Actually you just have to water them every 2-3 weeks.

The Christmas cactus can drown if you overwater it, or too much sunlight can do it in as well, so you stick to this sparse watering schedule too. So, do not place it in the way of windows.
Aglaonema Chinese Evergreen
The Aglaonema Chinese Evergreen is a good plant to have around the house as it is one of the easiest to care for, which is great if you and your plant struggle to sync your watering schedules. So, it can also handle being overwatered or underwatered as well, but ideally you just water this houseplant when its soil’s dry and it looks like it needs a drink. And of course, also do your best to keep it out of direct sunlight.

These guys also enjoy a little humidity, so if you’re feeling extra generous, spritz em in between waterings too. If you forget, they won’t perish.
Chinese Money Plant
Pilea Peperomioidesis also known as the Chinese money plant, and is a popular houseplant. And we would love to say that this easy-care houseplant grows $20 bills right out of its leaves, but that simply isn’t true. That said, I mean, the leaves that are sort of coin-shaped, those are pretty cool. It is also an extremely low-maintenance plant and only needs watering once a week, but be sure to give it sprays of water occasionally to keep the humidity it loves high.

You will also want to place this houseplant somewhere it will receive light, but not direct sunlight, all day long. This plant would like a spot where it gets afternoon shade such as a windowsill!
Blue Moon Peace Lily
Peace lilies are voluminous and beautiful and therefore an excellent choice for a low-maintenance houseplantester. They love the sun but must be watered well when in the sun. You may even wish to mist the leaves in summer to keep things moist, as they prefer, with such high humidity. Otherwise, all you need to do is water once a week.

There is also the added bonus of this houseplant purifying the air in your home if you keep your blue moon peace lily as healthy as can be. Which means you don’t have to purchase air, purifiers!
Flamingo Flower
Although many of the easiest houseplants on this list are green and leafy (for good reason), the flamingo flower has been a staple in the houseplant scene for those who are looking for a little colour punch in their homes. Sure, this one does as good a job as any of looking the business – but thankfully extra hard work is not required. You should water it every three days or so, but you will be forgiven if this doesn’t happen.

I would think you could water it only once per week, but watch for yellow leaves. If you notice any signs of yellow leaves, you are overwatering the plant.
Lady Palm
Palm trees are the ideal choice for those looking for a large houseplant—the palm tree has a large nature of plant maintenance associated with it. The lady palm is similar, has bold foliage sure to make an impact indoors, and very few care needs. Follow this with keeping this palm in indirect light, and it will reach enormous proportions.

In the summer, it should water whenever the top 1 inches of soil feel dry. But in the winter that can be cut down to the top two inches or so.
Air Plant
Air Plant — As its name suggests, this beautiful plant won’t need more than air to grow. That means you do not have to pot them soil, and yes, you can straight up hang them from your ceiling if you fancy; Those short on home space will love this, but so will those who want no-fuss foliage. Actually, all you need to do is place an air plant in water every 10 days.

You want to do this for 2-3 hours or so at a time before putting them back in their home. In a perfect world, this house provides bright on the other hand indirect daylight.