Hilarious Construction Fails You Won’t Believe

“We’re Familiar with Flipping Houses…”
But the first rule of Fight Club: You don’t talk about Fight Club. Now what about the Construction Club? Sorry, but we feel a new rule needed to be added here: Read the blueprints. We love a good house flip story, don’t get us wrong, but we’re pretty sure this isn’t what house flipping is about. Or at least we hope not! How could this have gone so spectacularly wrong, though?

No idea how this happened, but hey lets hope an F5 tornado comes by and puts this house where it should be. Think about the aftereffects of construction workers losing their jobs.
“Space-Saving Fails”
As the world swells with more and more mouths to feed, it only makes sense that more and more developers are getting into the game of “tiny living,” right? These space-saving efforts give the everyday Joe a smaller footprint without lacking on limit. And while the majority of these small-space solutions do a phenomenal job, some of them by just get your head spinning. We’re seeing this picture pop up below and our brains feel like they might just explode out of our heads.

But in the case of whoever built this kitchen counter/stairs hybrid design, we have to wonder what they were thinking, because nobody wants to walk all over their food. Gross!
“Creating a Home Public Bathroom”
Anyone who has ever been to a public toilet in the USA has likely been acquainted with the gap. These bathrooms, for some reason, are equipped with doors that leave a quarter of an inch on either side, which really makes for an awkward poop session. No one wants to lock eyes while they’re relieving themselves, but that’s exactly what it sounds like the builder of this home bathroom door thought should happen.

This construction worker obviously wanted that public bathroom feel at home, but at least the guy behind the door doesn’t seem too bothered by it. Well, we do see a fair bit of him, after all.
“What Could Possibly Go Wrong?”
Being a construction worker has got to be a difficult job. We don’t doubt that. Between the late nights, and the sore knees by the end of a hard day’s work, we don’t blame these lads for having a bit of time off. I mean, come on, we all need a 5-minute break to catch our breath, and stuff a few donuts in our mouths, right?! However, one has to wonder about the decisions made by these construction workers.

Yeah, we bet they enjoyed the shade. But was there a good idea about sitting under heavy duty machinery that was resting on its own hydraulics? Hmmm, we think not.
“It’s Art—Look It Up!”
I mean, c’mon, bricklaying seems like a blast. That is, until they actually interconnected five minutes later. Boring brick on brick sounds about as exciting as laying each brick by boring brick, and while professional bricklayers take pride in their tidy, professional walls and buildings, it seems these guys missed the bricklaying boat. Actually, you can pinpoint the precise point where they started to become bored. From that point on it was as if they just threw down the bricks and cemented them wherever they landed.

Sure, these folks may have been working on a surrealist art project, but we think this is more of a major construction mess-up. Hopefully, someone didn’t buy that for the full price.
“The More You Observe…”
Residents in a rental property understand how frustrating it can be waiting for a landlord to do everything. You need to call them when the shower don’t work. You are forced to call them when the windows rains in. When something does need a (little) re-fit, though, you have to call them. Of course, that doesn’t mean they’re going to do a great job.

This image is the more you look at it, the angrier it becomes. It has the little oven that doesn’t align to the extractor fan, the wonky tiles which make the walls have out-of-line outlets – it’s ugly to behold.
Caution: Wet Floor
Has something ever come across your radar and said to you,—this is the most dumb thing you have ever seen, yet the most genius? If the answer is no, then look no further. We all know that floating machinery over a swimming pool is a calamity just waiting to happen, but we can’t help but be somewhat impressed. Those behind this had a vision, and they had the gumption to pursue it. Whatever other means were they supposed to get up there?

We should commend them for their imagination, but the little devil sitting on our shoulder was also hoping someone stepped out on the floating pontoon and gave it a nice shove and watched it drift slowly away.
Dividing the Assets
At the very least, this person living in this house is getting a divorce and splitting their shit with their ex. Maybe they have half a couch in their living room, and half of a mattress in their bedroom. Half of everything belongs to them, isn’t that so? Although, they do only appear to have half a flight anyway. Or they constructed steps just for their cat.

One more ridiculous aspect that makes the entire construction fail is that the stairs are not even on proper side. The entrance is from the right, and steps are provided on the left side. Yikes.
“When Gravity Takes Over”
A large portion of the world thinks that they can do a DIY project on their own. Sometimes because they want to save money, and sometimes simply because they want something to do. Got to hand it to them for the tenacity! However, you’re never going to get it 100% unless an expert is standing at your shoulder. Before long, the owner of this home learnt this the hard way when they forgot about a little thing called gravity.

If anything, the more you stare at this image, the more perplexing it becomes. Okay they totally blew it with the window treatment, but check out the kitchen cupboard handles! Why are they so high?
“No Sleepwalking Allowed”
At times you have to wonder what are some people thinking when making a decision like this. Or is this house the product of AI that has no concept on how humans function? Either way, living with this construction fail is definitely a challenge, you could say. And this room is by no means for anyone who’s had too many to drink or has a tendency to sleepwalk.

Can you imagine having to get up in the middle of the night not being able to see and being bleary-eyed from sleep and falling down the gap and falling down the steps! That ought to do the trick to get you up.
“Time to Climb for Survival”
Wanna say a thing, anyone who is getting heart palpitations just apparently seeing this photograph, putting please hands up! We really don’t blame you. Nothing about the stairs on the side of this building makes sense, they appear to belong in a recurring nightmare, and truly, we do not know how anything like this actually gets built. I mean, we get it, exterior stairwells are crucial for fires but where’s the handrail?!? But what about everything else in the building?

It would take us an hour to go up these stairs; if we ever got all the way to the top of course. We would be breathing heavily, crying, and probably puking as we did so.
Improvise, Adapt, Overcome
This is a screen that anyone who has ever used metal will likely be sweating over right now. And that’s because the image of the following is a lot more than just a building fail. And also an accident about to happen! Yes, we see that this guy is a champ, who made do and was able to think outside the box when he found no goggles or mask available on him. However, we know that plastic is not meant to be near fire, right?

This dude is seriously racing against time. The real question is; can he cut through the metal before he suffocates or sets himself on fire? We guess we’ll find out.
The Kitchen of Nightmares
The kitchen is where the heart is for a lot of individuals. This is the place a lot of their time is spent, where their meals are cooked, their family drawn together. Thus, a kitchen should be suited to the needs of the people living in the house. But somehow, it seems this kitchen isn’t for anybody with hips. Just thinking about this makes our bones bruised.

Funky angles, handles from the cupboards protruding all over the place — we just know that we would be bruising our bones more than washing dishes. This is literally a nightmare in the kitchen.
Time to Break Your Arm
As all of us know fairly properly, bathroom cabinets is must in any house we stay. Great for stashing away all your unwanted clutter and a great excuse for keeping the room looking neat. And they are relatively simple to install, no? Well, not quite. Whoever put these bathroom cabinets in is probably ashamed right now. After all, the first law of construction is that you should “measure twice, cut one.”

So because of this major construction fail, the one who lives in this house will have to literally dislocate their arm if they have any desire to store anything in the back of this cupboard. Ouch.
“When You’re Just Looking for Some Curves”
We all know about Photoshop fails that we often get to see online. Everyone, from celebrities to your old college friends, appears to want to enhance their curves on social networks. But that doesn’t seem to be the only junk they are looking to add to their trunk. The designer of this “straight” road and the adjacent curb also felt like they weren’t going to play by road convention. They were looking for a change of pace.

The result is a complete mess that would be ridiculously painful to drive on. And the million-dollar question is; does it drive straight? Or go along with weird curves?
Caulking While Blindfolded
Have you ever hired someone to do construction, only to have that person leave and think that you would have done a better job (and saved more money doing it)?! Yep, we thought so. The owner of this house likely felt the same when they viewed this pile of rubbish. But the contractor who caulked around the edge of this sink must have been blindfolded, right? That’s gotta be the only logical thing.

Caulking isn’t exactly the trickiest job in the world, but this photo goes to show how much can go wrong — and hey — when it goes wrong — it usually goes really, really wrong. Like something exploded a tube of toothpaste.
A Very Expensive Mistake
Now that we have firmly established that the quest for the ultimate skyscraper is commanding the attention of builders evermore skilled, These fellows have to freaking erect all this stuff thousands of feet above the ground, that can’t be easy, can it? Now construction talent doesn’t always go hand in hand with common sense and whoever signed off on the plan to airlift a huge piece of glass ended up with none.

It looks more like the stuff of an action movie maid for TV than an appropriate construction project. We fully expect to see Vin Diesel leap off that building and land on that glass pane while the FBI chases him.
Door Molding Strikes Again
To have something in your house that you cannot use because it is broken or defective in some manner is the most annoying thing that could ever happen. Not least when that anything is a cupboard under the sink. Now, that’s what you call a prized junk cupboard, eh? At least it is for everybody else. Not the person who lives in this house so much. Mainly their cupboard beneath the sink is off-limits.

Well, it’s not entirely obsolete, of course. Sure, but the ugly cabinet is a reminder that door jams will always be the bane of a builder’s existence. They’re always getting in the way of something!
“Flipped and Turned Upside Down”
Of course, this is truly one of the biggest, hilarious construction fails we ever did see, but we get the confusion. Well, all these numbers on this house sign could be turned upside down and still be a number right? Read more about how unlucky someone was who installed this right-side-up, though we reckon they should have made a bit of effort to ensure it was going in upside down.

If you really think about it, the 8 is a bit weird looking. Let us just hope the postman is not taking everything you read for gospel or he is going to get very lost.
“Who Came Up with This Idea?”
A construction worker is often bound to work under a code of practice. Each is responsible for certain building codes and they all must comply with these codes to keep structures free of dangers involving people. However, the folks behind this epic construction failure appear to have simply chosen to take the rules they normally follow and toss them out the window of their poorly constructed building for this particular job. Seriously, have you ever seen anything that gross? Because we haven’t.

Everything down from the super flimsy breeze blocks, to the un-staggered seams suggests that teenagers with only Lego building experience could have built it better.
“A High-Stakes Game of Jenga”
We probably dont even need to tell you that construction is one of the most dangerous jobs ever. Now you have all the heavy equipment to contend with, some questionable heights, and then the workers for whom common sense went out the window. Actually these guys represent the most dangerous side of construction! Particularly when one of them chooses to take an entire (so incredibly heavy) pallet of bricks onto the poorly supported scaffolding.

This entire image is a train wreck, and one has to wonder what was he hell was he thinking. Was he attempting to be smarter not harder? It definitely didn’t work.
“Why You Have to Appreciate Plumbers”
What is most annoying during any construction project is to deal with several professionals at a time. Then there are all of the other people working on the project, such as carpenters, electricians, and plumbers, and it can be time-consuming to work with all of these people if one of them wishes to take shortcuts. You know, like taking a saw to a support beam to make it easier to fit their pipes, so they can go home early. That goes for plumbers too, so yeah, you, know who you are.

The argument over whether the plumber is entirely at fault or whether the carpenter also shares some responsibility for the problems put him in the limelight, but there is, of course, a deeper conflict. We will maybe leave that one to you to go back and forth on.
Level 3 Parkour Unlocked
Every man, woman, and machine that has a job works above ground, but so many men, woman, and machine, have to go into the depths of the sewers and go down vaults like this. Which means, of course, that some attention to detail must be paid in designing and placing the rings that make a ladder for these workers. Well then, do you see a problem here?

That image above resembles a video game parkour level more than a typical work hazard Fingers crossed, they were aces in their parkour courses!
The Deck From Hell
If you didn’t know, you probably lay eyes on a DO-IT-YOURSELF show and think YUP I CAN likely DO THIS MYSELF. The fast-paced sensation of these heavily edited shows lulls us into a false sense of security, but it isn’t long before we learn that construction is far more complicated — and far more exacting — than we’re led to believe. And so the person who attempted to construct this horrible deck in their house clearly got that memo far too late and then had to get someone in to save them.

Between the wonky wood to the oddly constructed joints, we wouldn’t blame the pro for ever so slightly pondering the possibility of ripping the whole thing out and starting fresh. And we wouldn’t blame them.
One Small Step to the ER
Now, we are no professionals for construction and building works, but one thing we know for sure is a staircase is a very essential item. They have to be stable, they have to be robust, they have to be endearing. Well the absolute opposite to that staircase you see pictured below! We don’t believe we’ve ever seen concrete so freaking thin. What’s the weight limit? One banana? One detached foot with no attached body?

Hopefully no one ever walks down this staircase; unless you are interested in an extremely costly visit to the ER. It could well be a stairway to heaven (after all).
“The Hottest Neighborhood in Town”
If you are in a hot country, air conditioning is everywhere right? In fact, without it, you probably would have a tough time imagining that sweat-free life! A/Cs are such a staple you’d assume 99% of companies could install it with their eyes closed, though it seems some of the new players in town weren’t paying much attention in air conditioning school. Well, certainly the principles behind this installation are not entirely false. Just half wrong.

Yep, the installer put this in completely the wrong way around. This unit will, therefore, chill the whole neighborhood outside instead of the house. Perhaps they’re battling against climate change?
When Old Meets New
Construction trends has changed throughout the years. Some architects go for more classical styles of building and ornamentation, others lean more modern, and still others seek to blend the new with the traditional. Yes, this works sometimes and looks quite nice. But it can also backfire to the crime of extortionate magnitudes! And that picture below needs to be imprisoned for life and never seen ever again.

You don’t even want to see that view and neither do the angel statues — construction fail Whoever did this should not be around this building ever again.
Just Click It Back in Place?
None of us know what we are doing when it comes to a build. Playing with LEGO skyscrapers and farmyard scenes sure didn’t set us up for real life when you think about it! And although we are not going to be securing any pedestals in passing architectural contests anytime soon, we can agree that bridges should park. OR: They definitely should not have moved 6 feet during a truck crash, right? No, we thought not.

Well, that happened when the dump bed of this truck rose and rotated the entire bridge off its moorings. How do you click it back into place though?
Just Keep Driving
It must be a real nail-biter to design roadways. Given the nature of cars, pedestrians, and cyclists all using the same roads. And, while the experts in this field are well aware of what they’re doing, we can’t help but thinking about the lack of training for employees untrained that should get a little bit more properly before the crash course. Otherwise, you could end up with cars coming straight for oncoming traffic and cyclists. Only got to check out that third lane right there.

It’s literally an accident waiting to happen and furthermore this looks like a second spoon at the task. There’s actually a much fainter line just a bit to the right of that line, if you look closely.
Keep the Seat Up, Please
If you live with a person who constantly reminds you to put the toilet seat down after using it, you might love this construction fail. Boy, does this suck at the job though—they literally can’t put the toilet seat down when they’ve blown it (and so, fwip, another thing not to worry about!). Which makes the concept of this bathroom fail that much more disgusting because this just looks like a public toilet area or some sh*t.

You get the need for grab bars in bathrooms, but placing one behind the toilet itself feels to be an odd place. Unless you’re sitting on the toilet backward.
“You Said Paint Everything, Right? “
Painting is one of those professions that bestows a level of precision-sensitivity that is occasionally called upon but rarely needed all the time. Actually even if you have never painted a room before you will understand that painting a big wall will not be the most boring job, the sleepy mind, day dream appears here too! But by doing that you run the risk of accidentally missing something. Something, you know, like a security pad you were probably not supposed to paint over!

Sure this person did their job and painted everything they were supposed to but they really messed up here. We all know how difficult it is to scrub off paint.
When You Just Need Some Space
If the paint cracks falls off on your walls and the mould starts to creep up your windows, it can be irritating. However, you’ll want to return and view this picture once that happens because nothing can be as bad as this. No idea how or why but this person’s house told them “I just need please some space from you right now.”

Looks like these two walls are getting further apart from one another, probably leaving the owners wondering just how many thousands of dollars it will cost to fix this construction fail.
Strong and Warm?
If money is tight and you’re fully aware that something on your property will need replacing or upgrading, there is nothing wrong with taking a do-it-yourself approach. Why not give it a go, hey? You may be surprised with yourself. Now don’t go being a dumbass about this before actually doing a little due diligence. And these dudes clearly didn’t. They bought spray foam instead of the right product to reinforce their stone walls!

The one silver lining we can grasp at is that at least their stone wall will be a bit more insulated in the winter months. But what good that will do is an open question.
Does It Fold in or Out?
We all know it is an epic fail of construction, and yet the picture is so strange and wonderful we cannot help but admire it. Not only did the construction worker settle for what they had, but they also pulled off a pretty harsh angle on that switch. But is anyone else seeing the mirage? After endless gazing, however, we still aren’t clear if it folds in or out.

Whatever the answer, in a way it’s one of those ‘so bad it’s good’ construction fails. Okay, we wouldn’t have it in our home, but a real conversation starter.
Who Upset the Three Little Pigs?
We are aware that weather systems across the globe are shifting. It is raining harder, sunnier, and windier. Which is why, although the world is changing, most of us sleep easy at night with the knowledge that buildings tend to be built for such weather. Fine if, sadly, not so much these houses. The big bad wolf surely had a ball over here.

However, it is pretty unsettling to witness such a construction fail IRL, but perhaps, such was a blessing in disguise. Living near the water is great, but we all know it can be a bit too close.
Work Smarter, Not Harder
These days, it’s hard to be on social media and not see a video of someone using ramen noodles to fix a cracked sink, or a walnut to polish a hardwood floor. We’re apparently not too surprised by this construction fail since people will find bizarre and beautiful ways to do anything. Yes, the construction worker that created this half-assed solution should perhaps have gone and sourced some stone to repair the walkway with so the idea was a little more in line with the other various pieces of stone the surrounds the repairing structure but we like this peculiar approach!

Not that it would matter, the bags are already filled with concrete after all. There is nothing the worker needs to do, wait a couple of days for the paper to decompose and it will be shiny again. Come on, people, work, not hard, work, smart.
Who Wants to Stand Side-By-Side, Anyway?
Well, washrooms are very awkward places. Everything from the stalls in the bathroom to the urinals and the hand washing stations is too much human contact for many. They just want to flat out do their biz without staring into each other eyes or standing face to face, and we can only assume construction workers behind this fail were of the like mind. As a result, they created an introvert-size bathroom.

We’re not entirely sure what the hell is up with this sink being on its side, but now this bar has got those sinks to work with.
Hope You’re Not Too Hot
If you stay at home with the ceiling fan going to high speed then do not apply for the company that works within this building. Sure, they have a ceiling fan; but that doesn’t mean they can use it! The person who installed this thing was clearly not looking at their work surface very carefully.

We have no idea how they missed a huge column going up into the ceiling but bye bye fan. If you don’t want to hear bonk four times a rotation.
You Pay Cheap, You Pay Twice
Construction work is expensive, that much is certain. While no one wants to pay thousands of dollars for work they have no desire to do, the only way to prevent a major construction fail is to couple a reasonable price. After all it is true that if you pay cheap you usually buy twice! The person who green-lit this project clearly missed the memo, though. They went with the cheapest option instead.

What results from this is far from adequate construction. You might even say that this is downright dangerous. The builders gave their best efforts, but missed by a stunning margin.
Oh, Dam(n)
While the majority of the world’s dams we like to think are the product of those clever little beavers, it seems humanity has its hand in the mix as well. And while one may think that something which is man-made must be better than something which is made by an animal, it appears that a worm does it better in some situations. We’re betting you wouldn’t see this if a beaver built it.

Either it was an epic construction disaster or a cool, new water park ride for the fish and the rest of the wildlife. We guess they enjoyed themselves sliding down around too.