Effortless Tips and Tricks to Simplify Household Chores

“Utilize a Dustpan to Transfer Debris into a Bucket”
Need to fill a bucket with water from your sink, but find that it is either impossible, super-messy, or you have to hold the pail angled against the faucet forever before it gets full? If so, you will appreciate this time-saving hack for every house. Just a pan, sink, and basin will do! You dip the dustpan under the tap. After that, put the bucket under the kitchen sink and turn on the tap (like in the picture below).

This water runs down the dustpan, to its handle and into the pail. To keep it all tidy, simply make sure that the dustpan and bucket are right in front of you when you begin!
“Organize Cords with Empty Toilet Paper Rolls”
We just about bet there are a million homes filled with tangled cords enough to make your head spin looking at the mess. When we are talking about things like extension cords, cables, phone and laptop chargers, etc. And if you never make time for them, they can sit in a drawer for years. However, they can be so time-consuming, incomplete, and tedious to keep dust-free and arranged. Enter recycling your toilet and kitchen towel by turning them into cable storage.

Simply stuff each separate cord into a tube, label the outside with a permanent marker, and BAM, an at-home organization hack that will keep you from getting all tied up.
“Clean Your Air Conditioner Vents in the Dishwasher”
Want to know a super-simple way to work out how dirty your home is? Heading out to check air-con units It is self-evident the beauty of an A/C system. However, this has the negative that it will collect dirt over time and may become less effective and less efficient. Think of all your dust, animal hair, and human and animal skin flakes in your house, and now think about some of these getting stuck in your vents. Bleugh.

Just remove the vents and pop them in your dishwasher on a cool cycle instead of hand wash in the sink! Then blow dry the excess water and you are done!
“Utilize Shoe Organizers for Versatile Storage Solutions”
Has it ever happened to you that you went to a friendholics house and had to use the toilet? Well look at this one, a shower shoe organizer full of toiletries can be one of those clever home storage solutions! Someone had put the organizer over the door and stuffed it with beauty products, toiletries, medicines, hair accessories, and other things.

Use this home hack wherever you need space, such as in a downstairs cupboard or garage that holds your electrical cords, screws, and other DIY bits and bobs.
“Apply Painter’s Tape to Walls Before Hammering Nails”
Nailing walls is a bit of a hit and miss – but then again, if you miss, well, you have a bent nail or an unsightly dent to deal with. To avoid doing damage from nails or screws potentially misaligned, put a piece of masking tape along the line to be nailed or screwed on top of it and make sure that it is level. The masking tape is acting as a shield — the tape is the cushion between the wall and the hammer.
This would prevent scratches, ding and other damages to a greater extend. You can easily remove the tape before inserting the nail or a screw and not leaving any gum on the wall.
“Quickly Remove Pet Hair Using a Squeegee”
Vacuuming is one of the most dreaded daily chores, made worse if pet hairs lay scattered all around! We all love our pets, but pet hairs can send even the most dedicated animal hag round the twist. The answer may be as surprising to you as your old squeegee. You basically just sweep the squeegee over your carpet in one direction [Use pressure with a same amount of strokes ]. It helps attract and collect pet hairs from your carpet owing to the static charge of the rubber blade. Perfect for DIY cleaning all the way, especially if you love keeping your carpets clean and nuisance-free.

Method 3: Keep Floors Without Pet Hairs Without Expensive Cleaning Products Instead, will allow you to gather the hairs to suck them all at once.
“Organize Plastic Bags Using an Empty Tissue Box”
Anyone aware of recycling will reuse plastic bags where possible; they are good as bin liners, dog poop bags, and more. But then you have nowhere to store all those bags you get from your many visits to various stores and your kitchen cabinets become overwhelmed with plastic. There is, however, an at-home solution to correct this. If you have empty tissue boxes, reuse them to keep your plastic bags at bay, instead of tossing them into trash.
Simply roll each bag tightly (with the loops pointing up, so you can easily pull them out after) and shove them into the box, so that every time you reach for a clean bag, one pops out nicely from the tissue box.
“Use Binder Clips to Keep Freezer Items Sealed and Organized”
Say your freezer is small and you are looking for something in it but you cannot find it because the plastic bags of you food are all in one mixed up bunch. But if so, this one is a home remedy. Simply use any binder clips you have around. After that, for each bag of food, roll down the top part as low as possible, and hang each bag onto the middle rack of your freezer with the binder clips.

But, this really helps to make some more room in the freezer. And no more of those unwanted scraps of veggies hiding at the bottom of the freezer drawer.
“Clean Your Gutters with a Vacuum and PVC Pipes”
Its an awesome and smart trick that can actually help you save quite a lot of money in place of getting it done by someone else. What you will need: a shop-vac + PVC pipe cobbled together with duct tape. Consider also a pvc elbow joint (at a 45 ° — or …) It will give you a way to place the PVC pipe into the gutter and it will be held there and you won’t have to hold it with your hands.

Then use a vacuum to suck up the debris, sliding along the gutter with the PVC pipe to fully clean it. This is to help with home maintenance that can be tricky and often messy.
“Make Non-Slip Hangers Using Hot Glue”
Let us say you have some silky numbers in your closet. If so, you probably understand how cumbersome they can be when trying to find your desired outfit as they fall off the hangers creating a tangled clutter. Instead of hitting the stores to purchase more hangers for just a few items of clothing, try creating your own non-slip hangers with a hot glue gun. It holds you clothes in a grip that keeps them from sliding off the hanger.

This can be critical for light fabrics or clothes with a slippery strap. Super easy to do, and the hot glue dries fast, so you can put your new hangers to use near-on immediately.
“Eliminate Carpet Indents Using Ice”
If you love your hardwood floors, you can go ahead and bypass this home maintenance hack. However, if carpets are present in your residence, one of your most likely jobs is to deal with their maintenance. You cannot avoid getting carpet dents when your pets will walk on the carpet. Such marks usually end up being furniture moving along, and they ruin the beauty of your rooms. But there is a simple but good solution to the problem. Now, all you have to do is scrape some ice you have in your freezer.

Put an ice cube in each dent. When it thaws, absorb the excess water and fluff your carpet. This hack takes about 12 hours to completely get into the action.
Flatten Your Ground Beef Before Freezing
Maybe you have some of that awesome ground beef you are stashing for when the weather warms up and you can make burgers and barbeque, but you have little (or no) freezer space. Well, fortunately, this household fix can come at a convenient time. Just place the beef in a good freezer bag, shut the bag, and be sure to squeeze out the air. Then lightly press your beef down to flatten it.

The brilliance of this convenient hack is, not only will it take up less room in your freezer, but the ground beef will thaw out more quickly. There you go, sounds like a winnnnnn-win, am I right?!
“Clean Your Blinds Easily with Kitchen Tongs”
They range from ordinary household cleaning tools and implements that we own to help us clean everything even our blinds. Or you can skip the expense and simply use your kitchen tongs instead. Get them a through wash first though. After this, leaving the handle dust free, wrap the duster, microfiber cloth, or even an old T-shirt around the rest of the tongs, and hold it all in place using a rubber band.

YouTube/Rachel Sprinkle Some Fun
Now just slide the tongs through each of your blinds’ slats and watch as the fabric collects all of the accumulated dust and grime. Remove the cloth, shake it, and repeat when it is dirty.
“Use a Tension Rod to Organize Your Cleaning Product Cabinets”
Ironically one of the most messy rooms in the house is the cleaning cupboard! It reall can be some hodge podge of all your products and tools. But a tension rod may be just the ticket to getting things organized, and easily accessible. Use a tension rod at the back of your cupboard and hang cleaning bottles over it One clever home storage hack makes the most of vertical space in the cupboard, which in turn becomes a quick grab-and-go center for cleaning supplies.

You don’t have to always use it in your cleaning cupboard because tension rods can be adjusted for any size cabinet with a little creativity.
“Clean Your Blender by Blending Dish Soap”
The second disadvantage about your smoothie mixer together with the fresh fruit juice combinations is the clean-up every morning. However, did you realize that your blender, itself, can assist with that daily task? Simply pour some warm water into your blender or mixer and add a squirt of washing-up liquid. After that, switch on the blender or mixing machine, and blend for the next few seconds. The soapy water will wash the blades and any residue or food debris that has stuck on the inside walls.

Finally run the dirty water down your kitchen sink. After that, rinse out the blender jug to remove any soap bubbles and set it to dry on your drying rack.
“Maximize Closet Space Using Can Pull Tabs”
The bottom line, we are all low on storage– a shortage of closet space to hang new clothes is a problem. She came up with this great household advice to blow that problem out of the water. What to do rather than discarding clothes you still love to incorporate from your wardrobe: double — and even triple — stack hangers using one hanger to store another (or two or 3). All you need to start with is soda can pull-tabs with two holes.

Hang the tab from the top hole onto the first clothes hanger. Next, slide another hanger through the bottom one of the two tag holes. Do this as many times as the weight of your clothes permits.
“Use a Pot Lid Rack to Organize Your Purses”
Purses, bags, clutches, these will complete your outfits, but hardly your closet one. They clump, they get misplaced, and ruin an otherwise picture perfect closet. Fortunately, this home-storage hack can make the task simpler. If you have an old lid rack with numerous dividers or slots, you only need that. Just use screws or adhesive strips to attach the pot lid rack to the inside of a closet or pantry door.

After that, you can just slide your purses into particular pocket or divider, and arrange it as you choose. Job done! OKAY, WHO SAYS KITCHEN STORAGE HACKS HAVE TO STAY IN THE KITCHEN? Not us.
“Store Spaghetti in a Pringles Can”
We all know the story, you buy a pack of spaghetti, you go to open it the wrong way round and suddenly sticks end up mysteriously infiltrating your cupboard. This is a simple hack which would save you from messing around and keep your spaghetti intact. Wash and dry out an old Pringles can and insert your spaghetti. Save the cap, a can will keep the pasta in the position.

This is great for keeping your spaghetti from spilling out and entangling with other things in your pantry. This is a simple and inexpensive method to organize your pantry and recycle your Pringles can while you are at it.
“Organize Your Cables with Tags”
We might be enamored with our tech, but that rarely extends to the mass of cables they come with. For example, suppose you’re plugging in a new piece of electronics equipment and you pull out one cable, and bam — you cut the power to the entire thing. Annoying, right? Well, no more! You need only collect a few bread tags and write with permanent marker on them what device or appliance the cord belongs to.

Afterwards, clamp a bread tag to the cord or cable, then pull it tight. These bread tag labels that will allow me to identify each cord and keep them nice and organized, so they don’t get tangled or damaged.
“Seal Bags Effectively with Plastic Bottle Caps”
Where has this hack been all my life? This is super easy, but you might not have thought about using old bottle tops to seal your plastic bags. First, slice the top off a plastic bottle, leaving a bit of the neck so that it will seal the bags you are going to use it on. The next step is to push the open end of the bag through the mouth of your bottle, fold it over, and fit your bottle cap back on top (like so).

This allows for an airtight sealing that will keep your food fresh and free from leaks or spills. Also, it is cheap, can re-use your empty bottles, and last but not least, reusable again and again.
“Prevent Scraping Your Car in the Garage with a Pool Noodle”
A pool noodle on each side of the garage entry can prevent that accidental scrape when you push too far. This trick can of great help when you have no space or your garage entrance is narrow. It uses pool noodles on the side of the garage as a kind of bumper that is less of a chance of denting your car while also not damaging your garage wall. Foam noodles are cheap and can be stuck on with adhesive strips or hung with a hook.

This handy hack will go a long way in saving a lot of time and money on expensive repairs for car owners and of course, peace of mind to park or reverse into the garage with confidence.
“Save Kitchen Space by Hanging Pots and Pans”
We all know that pots and pans are not the easiest to store. They are huge, space consuming and can be irritating to grab out of whichever cupboard you shoved them in. Luckily, one simple fix is to place a rod in one of your kitchen cupboards or on a kitchen wall. Get some hooks, and hang your pots and pans. This is a simple means of effectively utilizing the space and adding some decor items to your kitchen.

This is also a great time-saver in cooking as things are easier to access on-the-go! No more throwing open your kitchen cupboard and trying to juggle with a saucepan when you opened up the door and half the contents came tumbling out!
“Maintain Boot Shape Using a Foam Noodle”
If you love wearing boots, you know that over time, they can tend to lose shape. They also use up space and clutter up the look. However, instead of purchasing overpriced fill Crews for boots, you might want to try cutting a foam noodle to the length of your boot and inserting it into it. The pool noodle will also pack out the boot to help hold shape, particularly in boots that may crease or collapse.

Maintaining your boots will also save you the extra costs and you will be able to enjoy your boots longer without having to need them repaired, as they are much easier to store as well.
“Create Your Own Aluminum Foil Dispenser”
A roll of foil seems to have some kind of miracle properties to get lost or disappear somewhere in the cupboard. This is where two command hooks and a tension rod to the rescue. All you need to do is hang the hooks on the wall or behind your cupboard door, slide the aluminium foil(s) on the tension rod and hang it on to the hooks (as shown below). This way, you will no longer lose track of your al foil rolls, voilá!

This DIY hack is a multi-purpose kitchen hack; ready access to your aluminum foil when you are cooking and how to save space in your kitchen 🙂 Well, it is really A WIN-WIN!
“Keep Your Sponges Clean Using a Binder Clip”
Sponges turn out to be slippery devils, which is hardly surprising. They’re quick to catch and hold dirt that can ruin your clean plates. If you do not have a sponge holder yet, you can try using a binder clip, instead! This one is beforeI use a sponge to scrub the dishes or tabled, then clip it onto the paper binder clip and hang on the sink chasis edge or a dish rack. This means that air can move around the sponge.

This allows it to be quick-drying, and helps to not have mold and harmful bacteria grow so you don’t have to purchase expensive sponge holders or racks. Or just go to your home office and check if you have some binder clips lying around!
“The Hole in Your Pot Handle is Perfect for Holding a Spatula”
Okay, so this is an easy one. And yet somehow the fact that you can stick your cooking spatula into the hole in your pot handle to let it drip there to avoid mess and help the cooking process seems to be something a lot of people still don’t know about. After you have started to cook, stick the handle of your spatula into the hole in the pot handle so that your spatula sits on top of the pot. All the spatula needs to be focused is right at your vicinity.

This way you avoid putting it down on the counter or the stove where it can make a mess and transfer germs. So why not give this hack a go the next time you make dinner?
“Attach Car Fresheners to Your House Fan for a Pleasant Aroma”
That may not be the traditional way to keep your house smelling nice. However, there is an answer when the weather is hot, and you need the indoors to keep cool and smelling as fresh as a daisy. So you’ll begin with car air fresheners (the sort that clips to vents) and a regular household fan. All you have to do now is stick them on the wire or outer plastic cage of your fan (as seen in this picture).

Caution: Do not try to attach the fresheners on the fan while it is switched on. Turn it off while you are using them. As a side-note, make sure the fresheners are clear of the blades before turning the fan on again.
“Use Clothespins to Keep Toothbrushes Germ-Free”
This one is for you, if you do not have a toothbrush holder and are looking for a quick and inexpensive method to keep your toothbrushes separated from one another and prevent organized clutter and contamination! Simply remove two pegs from the line, wash them in some dishwashing soap, dry them off and then use them to lift your toothbrush head away from germs and bacteria. It skips the sink mess day after day in a more elegant and cleaner fashion in a less space-eating way.

You can even go the extra mile and stick a few labels on the pegs or use different colors, so that every one can find their brushes with even greater ease.
“Use Magnets to Keep Your Hammer and Nails Organized”
If there are a ton of nails to be driven, the last thing that any hammer (or hammerer) wants is nails flying here and there. Even if they have a box for them, back strain is a common issue, crouching down to pick them in the middle of your job. Rather than do this, DIYers can rely on magnets to hold their hammers and nails together. You can do this by using a super glue to attach a tiny magnet to the hammer handle.

Reddit/Ruki_iz_zho via heraldweekly
This magnet will grab onto the nails and hold on securely (as shown here), so they donEver find their way all over your workspace. Genius, right? If only we had discovered this hack earlier!
“Calculate Perfect Spaghetti Portions Using the Center Hole of a Spoon”
Having people over for a spaghetti bolognese for dinner or a large family to cater for, it can be difficult to know how much to cook per person and to make sure you don’t overdo it. You do not want your guests or family members to go back home with an empty stomach! We’ve had these friend dinners where we’ve need to call on the way home for takeout, haven’t we? How do you work out how much pasta to make per person? Easy: with your pasta spoon.

Grab a handful of spaghetti. The quantity that sits in the hole in the centre of your pasta spoon is your suggested individual serving. Adjust as necessary to reflect your guests.
“Repair Car and Furniture Scratches with Toothpaste”
Furnishings and vehicles endure a lot of wear. Whether your children scratch and scrape things in play or put their feet up where it doesn’t belong, or maybe you knock against it while going about your busy day, it doesn’t really make a difference. Or maybe your family pet. Wherever the scratches come from, you get our drift — scratches happen easily. Which is where a tube of toothpaste makes an appearance.

Apply a small amount of toothpaste on each spot and gradually buff the area with a cloth in circular motions. When you have finished, wipe away the excess with a damp cloth.
“Convert Shower Hooks into Trouser Hangers”
Hanging trousers can be a clumsy experience. To save some space without going through so much trouble, repurpose some old shower hooks into hangers. Providing a working, functional storage solution suitable for different applications. You can spread your shower hooks along a rod and they heighten trousers up through the loops. Plus it hangs scarves, ties, belts and even handbags.

But it canFurther do not have to change here! Shower hooks are another inexpensive and practical hack perfect for storing utensils, towels, loofahs, or anything else you find getting in your way. What to love about it is the versatility, affordability, and non-triggering clutter.
“Repurpose Old Beverage Dispensers as Detergent Containers”
Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to bust out your detergent nice and quickly without rifling through the cupboard every time? Well, there is! Use an old drink dispenser or a container with a label and fill it with your favourite washing soaps and liquid. Which ultimately helps with specificity of what you are looking for. This dispenser can simply be placed on the shelf.

Or you can easily mount your dispenser(s) to the wall. Next, whenever you feel, press the soap pump to take the amount of soap you want and you’re sorted.
“Prevent Sheets from Slipping Using Suspenders”
Cover the bed: Elastic sheets are excellent to cover the bed without folding or work. Well, at least they are meant to do that. In practice, however, these bugs tend to fall off the bed’s edges, rendering them more or less useless, unfortunately. But not to worry, here come the suspenders. Take the suspender clip and put one on each corner of the bedsheet, making sure they are properly spaced. After that, you will need to raise the mattress a bit and connect the suspender clip at an equivalent location on the next half the mattress.

Slide the suspender clips as necessary to make sure that the shorts fit properly and tightly. Then, Voila! Combined with the plans for the bed, and so now you must not have to battle with bed sheets bouncing off from the mattress once more!
“Secure Trash Bags Using Command Hooks”
Speaking of trash bags, it is incredibly annoying when the liner slides over the edge of the bin and into the trash can. Not only does this make a huge mess, but you would have to dig it out too -gross! To prevent this, attach command hooks to the lip of your bin with a dab of glue and use these to keep up the liner. Twist over the top of the bin bag around the hooks, nice and tight.

This will keep the bag in place and stop the bag from slipping and falling into the rubbish bin. Command hooks, cheap as chips in pretty much any DIY shop.
“Add Keys to Your Keychain Easily with a Staple Remover”
Consider all the times you made the simple task of putting a new key onto your chain a battle with chipped nails fighting to do so. Instead, switch out that for this simple and painless solution. Trust us—this tip is a huge timesaver, and will save you a lot of headaches. Simply insert the pointed end of the staple remover into the keyring with the flat portion of the remover facing up.

After that, just operate the keyring — press the remover’s handle, and it’ll open with a little latch between the joints. Next, use your key ring to slide the key into position through the opening created by the key remover.
“Achieve a Cleaner Paint Job Finish Using Caulk”
Painter’s tape is always a good idea when it comes to a DYI touchup but sometimes it doesn’t give that perfect smooth finish. This is certainly the case when it comes to baths and sinks, which have a ceramic coating that also appears to make a pristine appearance that little bit harder. In such scenarios caulking is a great aide – if you will! The caulk can fill in any areas where your tape didn’t join perfectly, which will save your beautiful paint job.

This creates the clean lines you want, and you can purchase it for an affordable price from your local hardware store. Put tape on either side of where you’re gonna give it the caulk, caulk it up, and pull the tape.
“Store Plastic Bags in Old Wet Wipe Containers”
Check out these tips from the New York Times for packing your kitchen up for a move: They say: You hardly realize you have a nemesis until a move thrusts one upon you, but one of the great evils of your kitchen can be plastic bags. They start to accumulate, and soon get buried in corners and crevices, and then it becomes hard to remember where they are when you actually need one. But unbeknownst to you, you had the answer in you all the time. Essentially, all you really need is an old pack of wipes. All you need to do is fold away your plastic bags and stuff them in the container.

Just make sure that they are organized so that you have access to them easily. With this DIY hack, you can store your plastic bags in a neat manner and easily find them.
“Drill Holes to Prevent Bin Bags from Getting Stuck”
There are, however, a few household tasks that are truly draining — like taking out the trash. A trash can filled with moisture and humidity means stickage to the bottom of the base, a torn bag in some instances. Fortunately, an easy solution to sidestep this conundrum is to drill holes in the bottom of the trash can so that bin bags do not stick. The holes enable air to flow into the bag to avoid vacuum sealing. So when the bag is full it is a little bit easier to pull out.

Especially handy for anyone who’s ever struggled to get a full bin bag out, and cursed as the permanently stuck bottom of a bag won’t come free. It’s a no-brainer, working, time-saving and mess-preventing solution.
Use a Mug’s Ceramic Edges to Sharpen Your Knives
Having a knife that is sharp is like the backbone of everything in cooking. But at times when they do start to wear down, purchasing sharpeners can weigh on your wallet. Which of course could also be done for free by using your old ceramics instead of buying new ones? On ceramic plates or coffee mugs, the unglazed ring on the bottom has a rough surface that can hone the blade. To sharpen a knife, hold the ceramic with other hand. Next, take the blade, and at a 20 degree angle, draw it across the unglazed ring.

Just, use a light hand. This needs to be repeated a number of times — switch back and forth sides of the edge until sharp. Now you are all set to dice your veggies within no time!