Times When People’s Apartments Had Them Doing a Double Take

Less Than A Month In And The Ceiling Is Falling
The newlyweds expected a bit of rain when they moved into their apartment. Maybe even a storm. What they didn’t see coming was the sky literally falling in on them less than a month in. The roof cave-in that the landlord said was due to an “Act of God” was not his doing and he wasn’t liable for damages. This will make anyone scream and cry. It is The Landlord’s Worst Day as a Tenant

I guess its time i start searching for an apartment with a nicer ceiling and landlord?
This landlord is the Michelangelo of pressure washing.
When he said he would pressure wash your deck, you imagined a gleaming wooden oasis where you could lounge in the sun. Next came a sort of colourful dog-breakfast of squiggly lines and cartoon avatars. And no, you didn’t inadvertently find yourself at some kindergartener’s art class. Your landlord has no idea what these nozzles do. He went for the wrong cleaning nozzle — the one that looked like a finger-paint brush.

Who cares if your deck looks like it was painted by your neighbor’s five-year-old?
Yeah, that renovation went wrong.
A landlord has baffled his tenants with his latest bit of home improvement — running a line of tiles from floor to ceiling across the door — in a bizarre turn of events. They promised new doors — but all that looked like was shower heads, from what I remember, and our heads were clearly not the target market for whatever the designer had in mind. Needless to say that many people have been left wondering what the actual landlord was thinking replacing the shower head to such a low point and shower doors which almost barely covered the shower!

Whatever the reasoning, though, for this head-scratching toilet configuration, at least one person is now chuckling at the tale they’ve inadvertently become a part of.
Just paint over wasp nests instead of eliminating them.
Moving into a new house is never easy. I could be excited, or I could be scared, or both (lots of that too), but ultimately it all just ended up being a mixed bag of feelings. However recently someone received all three when he found something quite bizarre in his closet. You move in, unpack, and get stoked about decorating and stuff — and then discover your landlord painted over two wasp nests in your closet. They shook their heads in disbelief.

We couldn’t even begin to fathom the terror and disbelief on their faces when they thought they were paint rollers.
Duct Tape Fixes Everything
His tenants had informed the landlord about the ceiling that leaked. He immediately said he would take care of it, but of course, he got busy and completely forgot about it. And so, one day when it started to rain inside the apartment, he knew he had to do something. However, what does one do when the leak just can’t be stopped? Recalling the duct tape trick from his younger years, “After all, duct tape fixes everything,” he thought barring out of earshot.

Duct tape was a thin layer of occupancy upon ceiling before no time because, duh, this is what fixing a problem looks like.
Landlord Never Fixes Sagging Roof and Then It Collapses
Looks like this landlord just took customer service to the next level! A new development, however, was a pleasant surprise for one homeowner whose tenant’s kitchen had developed a sagging roof after her landlord put off investigating it for months. Their feet had barely touched the ground in their kitchen when the roof came crashing down, leaving them with a hole that looked as if you could drop a bomb in. Here is to hoping perhaps the landlord actually wants the fucking problem solved now.

This hopefully was resolved quickly, but hey, add this to the worst landlords of all time list. We wish this tenant some seriously good luck—preferably after they moved out.
When Your Landlord Ruins a Perfectly Good Thing
We have all heard of the “Landlord Special,” the gem of an apartment stereotype that landlords seem to spit out like a factory line from hell. But every now and again even we are taken aback by how zealous they can be with circumvention. Enter this landlord who painted a door and somehow made it worse than it was before. The result was the patchwork of colors and peeling paint that the door became.

One can only imagine that the landlord, creatively inspired, realized the door was just too damn ugly and decided to really get their hands dirty.
Landlord Refuses to Fix Hole in Wall for 6 Months
Are you sick of waiting on your landlord to repair that pesky hole in your wall? Well, you’re not alone. Other renters are so fed up with the inaction that they have resorted to vigilante renters rights. And what’s their solution? Making it into a piece of art, of course. Rather than gaze each day at a hideous yawning abyss, a few crafty souls filled it up – utilising a bit of Lego minifigure assistance.

Sometimes it’s a little plastic toy hummin’ along and makin’ a better landlord than a bona fide landlord. Well, at least it’s put a smile on people’s faces and provided people with some great laugh.
The Landlord Is Either Lazy or an Efficient Painter
So have you ever seen a landlord who simply does not seem to care much about their tenants at all? Well, we have a story for you! One apartment landlord does a lackadaisical job updating their outdated, busted alarm system. Rather than repairing or removing the problem before painting they took the shortcut. They painted right over it!

This is nearly comical in how lazy it is. And that the armenian tenants could never notice!
Imagine if your landlord fixed a broken window for two years in this manner.
Developing — Why, after four years and two increases in his rent, a landlord finally rectifies a tenant’s broken window. However, don’t hold your breath. Rather than properly fix the window, this landlord decided to go all in and blocked it with a big-ass piece of wood. Who even needs sunlight and a window that opens? So we salute this landlord for their creativity — or should that be cheapness?

If anything it gives the apartment some character. If you crave some fresh air, take a look outside the gaps in your window plank with your eyes wide open.
That’s a Perfectly Well-Working Shower
If you’ve ever rented a property, you’ve had the landlord who swears that everything is absolutely fine with the property, despite glaring evidence to the contrary (I’m talking about you, blind bat!). For example, this landlord who believes that black ooze exiting this tenant’s shower head every single time they use it is just part of life. We do enjoy a DIY project like most folks, but spending their time scrubbing the blackened item showerhead is not anyone’s idea of a good time.

Or maybe this landlord is simply ahead of the curve and heralding a new era in bathroom chic. Perhaps soon those nasty shower curtains will be made with black death goo.
Don’t worry about the trees damaging the house’s decor.
Attention all renters! Kicking It In The Danger Zone: Are You a Fan of It? Sick of a mundane, predictable existence where the ceiling above your head will not fall on you at any time? Look no further! Well, we have the ideal spot for you. The latest rental we found has large trees, which maybe will fail and fall on our house in a storm. It is Russian Roulette with your living arrangement. And the best part? The landlord isn’t going to do anything about it.

It’s the carny version of getting on a roller coaster, but without any of the safety. Looks like a real dream house to stay in.
Landlord Sent Cleaners to Wrong Apartment
Ah, the joys of renting! All of that ambiguity, the sky-high expenses, the excitement of never knowing when your landlord will suddenly find it appropriate to paint your living room neon green. More like a rollercoaster, but we are not strapped in and there is no cute picture at the end. But come on guys — renting may be an easy cure for the headaches of owning a home, but it’s definitely not all rainbows and unicorns.

For example, coming home after work to a bunch of garbage bags with your belongings in it. And not because you’re a pack rat, but because some cleaners from your landlord accidentally cleaned the wrong unit.
Landlord’s Attempt at Tree Makeover Leads to Car Disaster
A landlord in Sydney took it upon himself Tuesday to give one of the propertys tree guards a fresh coat of paintMeriam Websters new guidance on pronominal adjectives leaves room for disagreement আরো পড়ুন → A group of tenants in an apartment building were left scratching their heads after a decision made by the landlord went awry. The landlord had this thing for outlandish, or dare I say ridiculous, decorating choices and chose a very highlighter-orange color that we can only guess he thought would brighten things up. But his spray-paint job was awful.

Wind blew the gooey pink paint onto a tenant’s vehicle parked outside. It goes without saying, bad news for the tenant who just had their excellent new paint job ruined.
We Hope This Tenant Has a Newfound Love for Industrial-Style Home Decor
This family reported the leaking gas fireplace in their haqnd LIVING ROOM to their landlord thinking they were doing the right thing! However, their landlord would spin their entire living situation — a furnace room! Those days of cozying up with a book and warm cup of cocoa by the fire are long gone. Maybe next time, they’ll spring for a few more blankets instead.

Instead, they find themselves enveloped in the hum and whirr of a basement furnace, with a percussive floor stamping down on top of them like a metal dragon.
A Landlord Hid a Camera so He Could Watch Them Change
Anyone who has had a landlord in their life knows that people can be weird, especially landlords. However, this one is the icing on the cake – a tenant found a camera stuck up in the laundry room of their rental, pointing at the mirror in their entryway! Yes you read it right, this landlord peeping on his tenant while they were changing clothes! Talk about creepy. We really want the justice that this landlord realize it’s never okay to invade someone in privacy.

So a toast to all the good landlords who abide by the law and are respectful of the rights of tenants! However, things only get weirder from here with the entries on this list.
This Bathroom Looks Professionally Cleaned by Raccoons
This tenant just moved in to his new apartment to find a swampy surprise in his shower. The landlord said the apartment had been “professionally cleaned,” and we’re putting air quotes around that one until the day we find out if the professionals he hired were cleaning people or just a cadre of swamp beasts. The shower was more disgusting than if somebody had taken a swim in the swamp down the road and then said, ‘Hey, shower time!

Tip: Make sure to request pictures to prove an apartment has been “professionally cleaned.” Or bring your own hazmatsuit, obviously.
When Your Landlord Thinks You’re a Spy and Ruins Your Electronics
I’m sure everyone understands the value of a good landlord-tenant relationship. But after you get your gun, what if your landlord thinks you’re a government spy and keeps you from entering your own unit? Which is a classic sitcom scene am I right? For one unfortunate tenant however, it was a living nightmare. Reportedly, just as the tenant had finished work one day, he returned to find that his landlord had changed the locks and blocked the door.

Why, you ask? The landlord thought his tenant was a deep cover government agent and was monitoring him.
When Your Landlord Didn’t Pass Geometry
And if the toilet seat sometimes falls apart, you buy the toilet seat, what should you do? One tenant was so fortunate that their landlady came to the rescue, sending them a brand new one. However, when they opened up the box it quickly became apparent, it was not the right size – it was not the square seat they had ordered. Some might find that frustrating, but this renter had a laugh about it.

I mean what is funnier than a round toilet seat on a square toilet?
Who Needs Water Anyway
A forgetful landlord has given his tenants the highest and driest of hands. He had “no idea” that he hadn’t paid the water bill in months, apparently. This, however, is by no means an excuse, and the water company was quick to respond. A dude went into those stores to investigate, and what he discovered was sham. They even took away the water pipe and turned off the water completely!

I mean…obviously this landlord needs a lesson in the fine balance of responsibility/common sense.
The landlord tried to claim that this place doesn’t have hard water.
It has often said that laughter is best medicine, and the following story will definitely tickle your funny bone. A couple recently moved into a new rental property and noticed that their tap water was hard in their home. They felt like they must do one thing and they boiled water in a pot. They realized that it was better in taste and clear to whole life. But they were very disappointed to find the pot was ruined inside, covered with thick residue.

So they complained to the landlord about the hard water, and he boldly denied that they had a problem. Anyway, you can’t argue with this photo.
The Paint Was Peeling and Uncovered Marble
This tenant kept noticing that the paint kept coming off of their window sill, and it’s actually marble underneath! The tenants counted themselves horrified at first — was it even possible for their landlords to be so “unaware of the principles of interior design?” Who would paint over marble? This meant that either the tenant could have all the chipped paint on their window or attempt to reclaim the original marble beneath— Either way, the landlord comes across looking pretty foolish here.

You never know what lies underneath that half-assed DIY paint job! Landlords really will silence anything.
Because Paint Fixes Everything
Looking for a laugh? To illustrate, look no further than this tale of a landlord who repaired their tenant’s fire sprinkler using paint. However, as one unfortunate tenant found out the hard way, his sprinkler system wasn’t working, and rather than having it replaced, the landlord just painted over it. Yup, paint — ya read that correctly. This not only compromises safety, but is also a prime indicator that this landlord has no common sense at all!

Let’s all just hope that this landlord gets a serious wake up call before they cause a life threatening blaze.
Might as Well Paint Over the Furniture Too
New tenants of an apartment belonging to a particular landlord have found themselves in an odd predicament. Apparently, the landlord was the type to have zero interest in home décor, so they took it upon themselves to do some painting. However, this paint job was anything but your run-of-the-mill. The landlord had painted their covering over each and every item, sockets and lights almost without functional consideration. OK, that was a bit weird.

Now this may sounds like a scene from a slap stick comedy, but we assure you this is real life. If you’re about to use some electricity, we would suggest not now.
The Landlord Refused to Fix a Huge Plumbing Issue
As they say the nose knows and in this case, the renter was off on quite a nose-driven ride. For months the unmistakable smell of shit from his room and the outside area had been coming out of his mouth. His landlord dismissed it as a figment of his imagination, and the tenant knew otherwise. Willing to leave no turdy-stone unturned, he employed the services of a private plumber to investigate the scent.

And boy, doesn’t he get a surprise. The main sewer line was corroded and filled with toilet paper and even paper towels. Really sweet surprise, right.
Well That’s One Way to Ruin All of Your Floors
Calling all renters and lovers of hardwood floors! Here’s a spicy little tea for ya, about the way one super bad landlord “refined” some beautiful hardwood floors. Those precious tenants were thrilled to see the pristine floors back when they freshly signed their lease. But, when it came move-in day — their hearts dropped — the floors were butchered — courtesy of the landlord’s shoddy handiwork. The landlord, apparently, tried to fix some of the small scratches from the previous tenant.

Instead of calling a professional, they decided to handle it themselves. The result? The floors, which had once been beautiful, were like a kindergarten art project gone horribly awry.
Publicly Shaming Those Who Hadn’t Paid yet
Did you ever see a landlord that takes the phrase “going the extra mile” literally? Cue Mr. Landlord, who apparently did exactly this. Mr. Landlord felt kind of low on this month’s rent and took the law into his own hands. He made up a sheet of all unit numbers that had not paid yet, highlighted them, and posted them on large posters in the neighbourhood for all to see

This may appear to be a good way to publicly bully tenants into paying their dues, but come on, talk about invasion of privacy and intimidation.
This Tenant Almost Got Evicted for Hanging His Country’s Flag up
Today we are surrounded by many cultures and nationalities which add richness to us as humans. There have been many landlords who are all for the flags flying proudly in their shared houses but some remain blissfully unaware and make some blind assumptions that create some truly funny situations. So enter one such Austrian tenant who recently discovered that his room could be put on the rental market to be evicted as a result of a “Nazi flag”. The tenant, understandably, was baffled. Never expected his national flag would offend any one as an Austrian.

But of course the highlight of the whole thing was when the landlord looked up Austrian flag and realised it wasn’t the Nazi flag he thought it was.
The Landlord Who Drank His Tenant’s Beer
A landlord entered a tenant’s apartment to paint and took an unopened beer sitting in the kitchen. That’s not only improper, but it was a special batch done beer. Well, this wasn’t just any beer. It was part of a limited release honoring MF Doom, the legendary rapper who had just passed away. This tenant was actually gathering this product for not drinking. That landlord was totally way over the line!!!

But there was the landlord, happily swigging away. Even if it takes a year’s worth of beer to get revenge, don’t take a chance with someone’s Limited-Release MF Doom Beer.
Landlord Would Rather Kick Out Tenants Than Fix a Leaking Ceiling
Ever heard of a landlord who prefers to kick you out than patch up some leaky ceilings? Strap in friends, it gets weird out there. A landlord at the very least had told their tenants to pack it up and leave rather than fix their ceilings that were leaking. As we finish gleaning over these initial details, one has to wonder — what’s next? So, a pipe bursts, perhaps a fire, and then the standard “hey, you could always just move” answer?

We love the positive thinking though — but seriously how is this a solution? Are they doing this to not spend money to fix it?
Tenants Move Into New Apartment That Is Covered in Filth
Recently, a group of tenants received the keys to their upcoming apartment before rushing inside to start their lives in their new home. However when they went in they quickly become attracted to place, feel disgusting. The unit had not been cleaned, despite the claims of their new landlord that it was immaculate. The location was instead filthy with wall punching holes, nasty bugs running around, and nastiness in the refrigerator.

It was not too hygienic that the landlord did not help the tenant at allther than throwing a dirty blanket on them, but it is amusing.
Growing Vegetables Is Apparently a Public Annoyance
Meet one tenant and her housemates who couldn’t believe it when they got a letter from their landlord saying they had ‘too many plants’ in their garden. After all, it was the only garden that was theirs, and their garden was full of vegetables. Guess their landlord hasn’t lived long enough to understand the benefits of eating farm fresh fruits and veg! And they’re not even that many plants to begin with so it is all very odd.

Lo and behold, they are acting upon the future with every weed pulled and flower growing, what do you know being a home gardener is an act of defiance? We wonder if that ever got removed.
When Your Landlord Locks You Out of Your Own Apartment
Landlords have clearly been feeling a little ballsy lately, since tenants are getting stories these days that would raise eyebrows at a bad frat party. One of the worst offenders: a landlord who changed the locks to an apartment without an attempt to notify the tenant! You may be wondering that there is surely some kind of reasonable explanation for this. Perhaps the person renting the house had been late on a few months’ rent, or maybe they had come into conflict with the landlord.

But nope! Here, in this case, the tenant was simply doing what so many of us do — working ridiculous hours — and when they went home, they were now unable to enter their home.
Sealing a Mosquito to the Countertop Must Be the Latest Home Design Trend
Fed up with mosquitoes ruining your meal prep time? This latest landlord fail, covering a mosquito with countertop epoxy. This is not only disgusting but also a serious health risk. Think of all the germs and bacteria that little critter is pulling to the harbinger. You will receive the sime treatment if you come to the apartment, unless it is a warning for other mosquitoes.

Think of this as some perverse form of mosquito birth control. Another thing for our list of landlord fails to look out for.
This Landlord Only Paid for a New Oven to Be Dropped off
This landlord has gone above and beyond even a broken gas oven. Well, this landlord “fixed” this by getting a new oven but only paying the cost of it being dropped off. No installation, no set-up, just a chromed out new appliance in your kitchen, taking up space. Just imagine the amount of frustration for this poor tenant. Now comes the fun part!

To the landlord’s surprise, the tenant was not pleased with the arrangements and wished for a professional to have it installed! This landlord should be glad they didn’t try to put itself in.