Essential Home Repair Hacks You’ll Wish You Knew Earlier

Get Some Superglue To Keep Screws Together
Although a straightforward screw installation may sound mostly simple, the actual process is typically not. It seems that screws tend to roll away or slip off — costing you several minutes searching for it. It becomes extremely difficult to place the screw at a precise angle.

But what if we told you that there exists an easy way to avoid the bustle? And then, if you take a bit of rubber glue and put on the tip of the screwdriver you could easily avoid any screw from falling off your drill or screwdriver.
Toothpaste Is An Easy Way To Fill Nail Holes
If you live in a place that you know you are going to be around for a while you end up having few pictures and paintings hung on the wall. So when it is time to go, then you can not leave anything out. But what do you do about those inescapable nail holes in the wall?

Definitely something that, if a landlord were to ever see, would likely come out of that security deposit. Now to prevent this, there are many easy ways to plug those holes and one of the easiest ways is to use white non-gel type toothpaste. Use a little toothpaste to fill the holes and your wall will be absolutely flawless.
Coffee Ground Hack Helps Restore Wood Furniture
We have all probably spilt a drink or two on a furniture piece within our home at one time or another. But when its coffee, we all know how its stain overpowers all others. But, as for anything that uses a raw hard wood, cabs, dressers and anything of that nature you can do coffee.

You just scratch on it with your coffee grounds. That will not only give it a neat brown color at absolutely no cost to you (and you will avoid spending money on paint) but also fill in any scratches and nicks the furniture may have.
A Simple Trick To Save Your Fingers When You Hammer
While you might want to pound a nail or two in the house, you’d better wait because you’d likely like to do so with all your fingers intact. Unfortunately, it is a repeat accident with homeowners, however one which one other time you can simply avert.

Any old object will do— a bobby pin, clothes peg, or even a comb to save your fingers. All you need to do is insert the nail into whatever object you choose to use and then place it on the wall.
Before Cutting Tiles, Soak Them
If you are going to cut a few tiles there is one home hack that you must know. It will both ease up your life by a lot and save you a ton of sweat and tears.

Before you begin, make a pre-cut or rivet into the tile. Then, check how much you need to cut and start the cutting process. Then, you just dip that shiznit in some water for a few hours and bam! It will be a lot less difficult to chop off with much less effort!
Soap Will Quiet Wooden Drawers in a Snap
Those squeaky wooden drawers are the worst and it is one of those things we always put off to fix. The trouble is, that noise doesn’t just go away, and eventually you have to do something about it.

Fortunately, we have the right solution for you. Either a bar of soap or liquid soap will do the trick so go ahead and hook yourself up with some soap like you need the extra lather on your skin and rub it on the faulty drawer rails. That ought to silence that sucker for a long time.
Having Trouble Getting Old Stickers Out? Use A Blow Dryer!
No matter if that new buy is a fresh chair to complete off the family members space or perhaps a waffle product, we can many like to watch our own brand new order keep what’s more, fresh so long as achievable. Unfortunately, however, new packaged things have one annoying down side – big package labels.

They are ugly as sin on the new appliance, and a major pain to peel off without tearing them. Well, fear no more! Next time you have to remove a sticker, just hit it with a blow dryer. Do so using heat, as the glue will be weakened and it will you free in no time.
Vinegar Bring Old Shower-Heads to Life
Having vinegar in our home can be a very useful item to us. Even worse, showerheads eventually get their flow inhibited due to calcification over time.

But instead of slogging through bad showers or spending a ton of money on expensive products, you could fix that showerhead with things you likely have at home. Soak it with a plastic bag, fill the bag half with vinegar, tie it up and let it sit overnight. The pressure is already up by morning.
Use Baby Powder To Finally Silence Those Noisy Floorboards
Another precious resource for some DYI activities we do at home: the baby powder! And if your home has hardwood floors then baby powder could be just what you need. While we can all agree that nothing that looks as good,Appears hardwood floors don give your a very sophisticated appeal, but there are some drawbacks.

The first is that irritating thorn that never stops squeaking due to the friction of different pieces of wood. Fill one of those little squeeze bottles with baby powder and squirt it between the floorboards to put a stop to that. Just smother it into the cracks and you should be fine!
Light Socket Screws To Push Into Holes Are Soap
We’ve all had to deal with those super annoying screws that just won’t go into the piece of wood You can scream, you can shout, but they will not go in. And even if our instinct is to push just a little further, we might find ourselves injured or risk hurting the wood for good.

So take a bar of soap and rub the screw against it. You need to do it on all sides carefully so that it serves as a lubricant for the screw to enter easily.
tape Makes It Easier To Hang Predrilled Frames
So some of us just want easy, though — and “pros” did tend to steer clear of predrilled frames. If you are using predrilled frames then we have the ultimate tip to know where to hammer your nails.

Sadly, this is not where simply making a quick guestimate is going to help, as the nails need to be just right. Grab some masking or painter’s tape and mark where the holes will go. Then the tape could be placed on the wall and fully understanding the location of where each nail goes.
Microwave Tape That Is Not-So-Sticky To Be Sticky Again
Tape is probably one of the most useful and versatile tools in your DIY arsenal, but anyone who knows a thing or two about DIY knows that by now. Now tape has one slight wrinkle in its prep perfection, it tends to wear out after a bit.

However, what if we told you instead of letting it go to waste, you can repurpose it? Simply put the tape in the microwave for a few seconds and the tape will return to normal.
Put That Ice Cube To Use And Level Up The Dents In Your Carpet
And if you are one of those people who really love carpets, it is a fair bet that there are two or three pieces in your home, too. When such a situation arises the possibility of you moving the carpet placed beneath large pieces of furniture becomes difficult.

More often than not, the furniture was heavy enough to leave a couple of those unsightly indentations that looked to be permanent. The bright side, however, is that you can actually eradicate them quite easily. Just put some ice on it and allow it to drip. Then, soak up the excess water with a mop, and use a toothbrush to smoothen them out gently.
A in extracting for to Search cables that are Hidden
Drilling near switches or outlets is dangerous to do! You might get a fright if your not super careful. To prevent this from happening, you can literally have a mic. It’s weird, so stay with us!

However, if you plug the microphone into a tape recorder you can then find any wires in the wall. If the tape recorder hums when the mic is placed near a certain area, you will know the wire is present. So that you will be aware that you should be drilling in another part of town.
You can just wrap them in a plastic bad to keep them fresh.
If you like paint walls, you know, its a type a therapeutic kind of thing. However, at times, we begin with our painting and did not realize that this paint was not sufficient for the first layer, we would need to collect another paint and resume our job another day.

In that case, we run the risk of again getting back to a completely hard brush with the paint that we left to dry. But you can actually avoid doing this if you immediately place the paintbrush in a sealed airtight plastic bag right after you are finished painting.
Use a Potato To Remove A Broken Bulb
This can lead to breaking the lightbulb, which is annoying, even worse, is the fact that can be seem like the impossible step when removing a socket from a broken lightbulb. So, there is an, erm, slightly weird way that you can have success the next time you want to.

You pull out a potato and split it in two. Now push its soft part in the lightbulb that was broken, turn it anti-clockwise and take out the broken part.
Use Kool-Aid To Diagnose A Leaking Toilet
A leaking toilet can mean one of two things — wasting hours desperately attempting to repair it without very much success or shelling out big bucks to a plumber. However, here is one method in which you can diagnose the problem without having to waste time and money on a battery replacement.

Get a little envelope of dark Kool-Aid and dump it in your toilet tank. Half an hour later have a look at the water in the bowl, in case it is coloured then you have a leak, otherwise you might be good.
Use Coins To Fill In A Too-Narrow Bolt Gap
Tim: We have lost count on how many times we needed the properly sized bolt to do some work at home but they just weren’t there. However, there is a means that you can adjust to the one that you currently possess, also if it is huge.

The fix is to take a quarter, insert it inside the space amongst this wrench plus bolt, and fill it up as much as you must. The waste will disappear and it will allow you to go about what you were doing.
Find Nail Holes With Magnets
Sometimes we need to refresh the home, a wall needs to be painted or some wallpaper needs a little change. The time may come where we simply have to remove anything hanging on that wall but it might should be hung again.

Don’t make new holes – just stick a magnet on the other side of the existing holes, so you can find them easily and re-use them once you’ve painted.
Unclog Spray Cans With Gasoline
Companies that mass produce will often employ a little trick called “planned obsolescence,” which is where manufacturers engineer a short shelf life into many products, ensuring customers come back for more. A classic example of this is spray cans.

A common one is: there’s still some juice in there but not a single drop comes out. Well to sort that out you merely soak the item in some gas for 15 minutes as well as the clogging will be gone.
Use Tape To Help You Drill Into Tiles
We know drilling is not easy work, but it becomes ten-fold more difficult when it needs to be done on slippery tiles commonly seen in the bathroom or the kitchen. However, at any point, you can lose hold and find yourself in a forced and inconvenient situation.

Fortunately, there is a really simple solution to this. To make the experience less slippery, you can simply cover the tile with some masking tape. This will immediately make the area you intend to drill feel more secure, and you will find it much easier to experience.
Fix Squeaky Things With Cooking Spray
Everyone has had a window, a door, a cabinet, or some thing that squeaks. So it can slowly drive us completely batty depending on how squeaky it is. However, the good news is you can resolve that in one second!

Simply grab some cooking spray and spray it only on the hinges. In a few minutes, the squeaky sound will vanish and you would be left with your sanity back.
Prevent Car Door Hitting In Garage With A Pool Noodle
The lucky get a tidy garage next door to their house, but the rest are stuck with a driveway. But if you do have a garage and it’s nothing more than the width of a car, then every now and again you are gonna slam your car door.

That not only makes exit from your vehicle enormously uncomfortable but can cause you to bust your entire door in the process. If you want to stop that, you can screw a pool noodle to the offending wall so that your door starts hitting the piece of foam instead of the wall.
Prevent Rust Circles With Nail Polish
The metallic containers or similar items may form rust circles on any surface due to moisture and humidity that is ample in our bathrooms or showers. This can be very frustrating since, one, they are extremely difficult to eliminate.

To prevent this from happening, all you need to do is put a layer of nail polish on the bottom of each of these containers, which will ensure the rings never form in the first place.
Prevent A Mess With A Plastic Bottle After Drilling
Drilling has the potential to produce a literal disaster for projects that require it, particularly if any of the drilling needs to happen on the ceiling, or otherwise high up. Dealing with sheets everywhere to make sure the whole room isn’t a disaster area is just not worth it at times.

For a slightly less traditional approach, you can just cut the top off a plastic bottle and slide it over your drill. So whatever is coming off goes straight in there.
Remove Stubborn Screws With A Rubber Band
It hurts the most in the middle of many DIY projects if it is not getting a grip of the screw tightly. While this can happen to anyone, it absolutely does not need to happen.

A rubber band can save the day, and you can totally spare the nerves. Just place a rubber band between your screwdriver and the screw and that should immediately give you the traction you need to keep going.
:Take Off Old Wallpaper With A Water-Vinegar Mixture
Replacing an old paper in a room is one of the best methods to refresh and rejuvenate the room. However, removing wallpapers is often a job that seems easier than it really is. You can change that though.

All you need to do is mix equal parts of some hot water and vinegar, and immerse a roller in it. Simply run the roller over the wall several times and the wallpaper should start to come away within a couple of minutes.
Fix Burst Or Broken Pipes With A Sealant
So, it should be noted this one is for a patch; however, it is by all means worth it, and especially when the time is of the essence. What if it was the weekend and you have a broken/burst pipe?
Because odds are you won’t call a plumber until Monday so you can grab some silicone sealant and fill it in the hole. That should buy you time to prevent a larger catastrophe until you manage to call on a plumber.
Prevent Doors From Slamming WIth Cabinet Door Bumpers
Slamming doors are a classic pet peeve we can never seem to shake but that may cause us to lose our freaking minds. You will be pleased to hear that it is simple to resolve that for good. If you have some cabinet door bumpers hanging around your home, then you are in luck.

Just slap a pack of cabinet door bumpers on the offending door, and poof, no more noise.
You Can Remove Unwanted Scratches With Toothpaste
Your rustic wooden furniture can get a few scratches anytime, whether due to redecorating, moving or simply hitting something into the piece of furniture.

However, before you can rush to the grocery store and pick up some overpriced polish, or even worse; consider purchasing new furniture, here is a quick fix with a bit of toothpaste. Apply a bit of it on the spots and rub it in circular motion. Just enough to polish out the scratches for a reasonable price.
Iron Dents In Wood To Get Rid Of Them
The wood is attractive in his floors and furniture, and it may create a lot of problems. To be more precise, most of these problems are the regular unwanted ball marks that appear over time. Fortunately, they are much easier to get rid of than you may have previously assumed.

Only thing you need is a wet towel and iron. Wet the dent with some water until the area is look dampish. And then with those same protein structures, put a wet rag over it, and iron on high. Make sure to do it in circular motions for optimal results.
Nail Polish Can Fix Small Tears in Screens
Net screens are mostly good as not only they allow fresh air to come in but also prevent the bugs and mosquitos from entering our houses. They can also be a right pain to repair when they do tear either.

It works by the way of having the clothing repair better than living with it torn forever or a fully new set of net screens. You can use nail polish to accomplish that. Nail polish can be used as an adhesive, but the dried polish itself is completely clear. That is to say, it might actually work more efficiently than regular glue.
Use Rubber Bands To Prevent Doors From Shutting
Rubber bands — As you may have guessed by now, rubber bands are also a great product to have around your home. It is useful in many different ways, one such way ensuring that the door does not slam onto the latch.

We can achieve it by simply taking a rubber band and attaching it to one of the door handles then twist it up a turn, tie it around the handle from the other side of the door. This will stop the latch from jutting out which as a result, even if it gets pushed, cannot close and be secured.
Use A Plastic Bottle To Make A Sprinkler
But what if we told you, you don’t have to spend a penny on a sprinkler, it’s easy to make your own? Simply take an empty plastic bottle and puncture holes in one side of it. Then, connect the garden hose that you have with the mouth of the bottle and open it.

That is literally it. Once the bottle is filled with water it will start spraying water all around like a sprinkler
Your kitchen vegetable peeler can serve as a screwdriver
Screwdrivers are one of those things that seem to vanish from a home, and we have no idea where they go. But when that happens, there is a simple alternative.

A lot of normal vegetable peelers have wicked sharp ends, so they also can serve as a stand-in for a missing screwdriver. Just be careful of the razor edge because it can be quite the death trap.
Use Aluminium Foil To Sharpen Scissors
Some may not be aware, but aluminum foil is a simple and effective tool for sharpening your scissors. What visualizes in our brain better is the times you want to cut something but you need to hold them at a certain angle so they work, right?

The solution is fast: fold sheets of aluminum foil over themselves a few times and take maybe a dozen cuts into the foil using the same scissors. That will sharpen the blades and rejuvenate those scissors in a heartbeat.
Use A Regular Pencil To Free A Stuck Lock
We are all at risk of having a locked-out door, hell, most of us already have been. We will attempt to insert our key and the lock simply will not budge. While in these moments the thing to do is to call a locksmith, you can save that call and do a much easier and cheaper thing.

Just take a pointed pencil, insert it into the busted lock, and make sure the inside is coated in pencil lead. This will ensure that your key slides easily and might even save you a bucket of time and cash.
How To Fix Snags In Woven Rugs So They Look Good As New
Rugs also have this wretched habit of appearing cheap and ancient with age — especially because the mini snags never stop coming. But that’s an easy fix. Start by snipping the damaged end off each snag with scissors then adding a small amount of fabric glue into the base of the rug.

To press everything, take a piece of wax paper and lay a heavy book on top to sit for 4 hours.
Use Zip Ties To Unclog Blocked Drains
We all face clogged drains now and then, but the worst has to be seen, right? It may cost a bit of cash to pay somebody to repair it, however you could really do it your self for little to no money.

If you find some zipties at home, link them together and gently cut a few barbs with a wire cutter. Next, place the ties into the drain and the clog will be gone in no time.
Use Cat Litter To Remove Oil Stains
Oil stains are a fact of life, and for some strange reason far too many of us have it in the driveway. Whether it be due to something leaking from a vehicle, or we dropped the car onto it while doing an oil change, the fact is that that stain is there and we need to do something about it.

So, enter cat liter to the rescue. Sprinkle the stain with a heaping scoop of cat litter and leave it for about 15 minutes. Then smack it, dawn scrub it with hardcore brush, and rinse.
Measure Out The Depth Of Holes With Some Tape
And sometimes, when we want to put some shelves on a wall, we have to predrill a hole on the wall to insert in it some screws. But more often than not, it is difficult to gage how deep the hole needs to be for everything to fit just right.

If you need to measure it, you would be able to actually measure the screw against the very tail end of your drill, and then, get yourself a piece of tape and mark the depth that you need it to go. And inaudible of course, you know when to stop drilling.
Use A Small Magnet To Keep Nails In Place
It could be time to get something new in your toolbox in the form of two of the raddest and most practical tools around. Just have a magnet and glue and done. There are several uses for it, but one of them is to store all of your nails in an easily accessible location.

Simply stick the magnet on the base of your hammer handle and let dry. With this, you will finally have the ideal space to store your nails.
Use Foil To Line Paint Your Trays
Some home repair jobs inside the house necessitate that we apply a fresh coat of paint over the top of it to properly complete the process. Cleaning up paint remains, however, is no fun, which usually results in us shying away from launching a paint job to begin with.

However, if you would rather not have the hassle, all you need to do is place some foil on your painting tray before adding the paint to it. Barely any cleanup other than when you’re finished painting.
Get Rid Of Excess Paint With A Couple Of Rubber Bands
A rubber band is an easy solution to avoiding your paint can getting all gunked up. Just select a wide enough of band that can extend all the way around the circumference of the paint can.

As you pull off the lid, the band ought to be pulled taut over the top. Then you can easily get paint off that brush and you won’t have to mess up any of the edges)
Quiet Rowdy Pipes By Turning Off The Water
Noisy pipes are not just another annoyance, they can literally wake us up at night, or we might avoid using certain household appliances because we cannot bear the noise. And the silver lining is, you might be able to stop them from making that noise in the first place.

First, cut off the water at the main valve. Afterward, run every tap in the house in cold water. Once all the water has drained away, turn the taps off, and switch the mains water back on.
Use Liquid Soap And Water To Unclog A Toilet
We all face that problem too a clogged toilet. However to clear it, all you require is soap and a pot of boiled water?

You just (ideally) pour some soap into the bowl and leave it to sit for 20+ minutes. Next, let a lot of hot water flow and allow that to sit for a few minutes, as well. That, paired with the other two should be able to clear it unclog it within moments.
Plan Out Your Gallery Wall With Newspapers
Gallery walls are gorgeous, but they take a bit of strategy and practice to nail and get them perfect. If you have pictures or paintings that you want to eventually hang but were putting off doing so because you were not 100 percent certain where, here is your answer newspapers.

Go ahead and mock up a gallery wall of frames with newspapers so you know just where to put the frames.
Say Goodbye to Genus TUBE & Nuisance Around Chain of Fan Noise
Having trouble with a super-noisy ceiling fan is something that everyone might have encountered. They could be working just fine but still the pull of the fan is constantly making an annoying sound that we cannot just seem to be able to shut off.

To do this, all you have to do is slide the chains into plastic tubing of just the right inner diameter. Then the noise is gone permanently. You will find this at most DIY stores or your local pet store as it is commonly used on fishing tanks.
Wedge Rope To Curb Water Drips In Gutters
And what about the constant annoying dripping sound that you just cannot get rid off? It constant, and so high-volume quiet, it is a torture of sorts. Well, suffer no more. At this point, all you may need is a rope to shut it the fuck up.

Firstly, without pulling too hard tie the rope to one end of the gutter and run it down the pipes immediately. Then the water will have something to follow instead of dripping everywhere.
If your sink is clogged, try a baking soda and vinegar combo right away.
Baking soda and vinegar mixture – also another magic DIY ingredients that you can apply to lots of house use you solve and clean. For example, this type of mix is exactly what you require if you have to clear a sink.

Right before pouring some vinegar in the pipe, just put 1 or 2 tablespoons into the pipe. After a few seconds, you should see it rise up and clear out any blockage that may have been in the sync.