Smart Couple’s Creative Revenge on Their Annoying Neighbor

It Was Their Dream House
Before diving into this story, we need to know a bit more about the homeowners. The Swansons were even more excited about finally purchasing their dream home in Hawaii. They’d dreamed of relocating to the Aloha State for years, and after scrimping and saving for many years, they finally were able to make it happen. Who found their forever home – a gorgeous duplex!

In their minds, they were in fucking Heaven. It was their dream home, and then some; on paper, they had finally realized what they always dreamed of.
Everything Seemed Perfect
The Swansons’ new house appeared to check off every one of their “must have” buttons. Well, the property was beautiful — just what they needed, and the area looked to be a perfect match for them. It was a very green area, there were plenty of shops around to stay stocked in their cupboards, and bars and restaurants to keep them entertained.

Unloaded, they began hoping for the decades they planned to stay. And now they populated their friends and family with their new neighbours.
Then They Decided to Make Changes
Even though their home in Hawaii was lovely in all respects, the Swansons had a few modifications and renovations that they desired to personalize it. And the first thing they did was to remove an old playset in the back yard that was showing some age. The playset was part of the house when they bought it, and while it would be a nice addition if their kids were still young enough to use it, they were well past the age of being able to play on something like that.

As a result, it made perfect sense to remove it. But while they were getting their hands dirty, little did they suspect that this one decision would spiral everything out of control.
Their Neighbor Put up a Fight
While the Swansons thought that what they did on their property, including with the included playset, was their own business, a neighbor came over with a different opinion. As a matter of fact, this neighbor was very annoyed that the couple even touched the play set. She said that the playset was in a portion of the yard that was allegedly common ground with the Swanson’s home and the neighbor’s home, so she ruled that the Swansons had no right to tear it down.

Their neighbor Tanaya says they were “violating the rules” by taking down the playset — which was allegedly Tanaya’s to begin with! She was not at all shy and very much nasty.
The Swansons Tried to Stay Calm
Initially, the Swansons chose to remain calm. They certainly didn’t want to irritate the neighborhood right after they had just moved in, but more than that, they really didn’t want to be on bad terms with the neighbor. Well, the wife, Emily figured that if there was a problem, it needed to be addressed directly. Emily said she already contacted the landlord of Tanya’s rental house, and he’d given the okay for them to remove the playset.

This, of course, did not sit well with Tanya. Stage-whispering wasn’t enough: behind the Swansons’ back, and behind her landlord’s back, nettled feeling sluiced out of her.
Emily Tried and Failed to Reason With Her
In the days after they moved into their ideal home, the last thing the Swansons needed was a neighbor for an enemy, which is why they attempted to settle the dispute before it escalated, according to them. Thus, Emily reached out to Tanya in order to convince her. According to her, they were acting with the landlord’s permission and they did not want Tanya’s children in the yard they owned.

But this did not excite Tanya. Sure, she left the Swansons, but they could tell she had more to say. That left some unfinished business though, and it didn’t take long before it came back to bite Tanya.
Tanya Decided Plan a Loud Party in Response
While the Swansons could certainly empathize with Tanya, they also knew they were in the right and that Tanya wasn’t really being a very good neighbor. Little did they know, however, that Tanya was going to fire back with a loud, brash party just the night after their first clash. So, in revenge, Tanya invited hundreds of people over to her house while she played music and socialised in the garden.

The Swansons, of course, knew: They were aware that their neighbor wanted to take revenge on them, and they were aware that she was determined to create havoc. Then it all just went downhill from there.
A Rogue Guest Ventured Into the Swanson’s House
The Swanson’s had no other desire than to get their neighbor in trouble with the cops, but they knew int the end this wouldn’t answer to their Tanya problem. They locked themselves in their living room, and pretended not to hear the thump and ruckus of the party next door. However, just as they began to put their minds on anything other than the neighbour beside was, an rude, and an acquired guest.

In an outrageous turn of events, one of Tanya’s guests believed it to be acceptable to enter the Swanson’s dwelling and use their bathroom. Naturally, Emily and her husband weren’t too thrilled about random stranger 3 entering their home.
The Swansons Were Terrified
Actually, the Swansons were scared to death. Yes, they had come to Hawaii to pursue a dream and the rewards of the island, but all they were getting was kick after kick – and the stranger pushed through their front door was a far step too far for them. When the stranger had knocked on their front door, they told him he’d come to the wrong house – Tanya’s house was next door, they said – but the stranger said Tanya had invited him in.

The man had alleged Tanya had actually told him that she owned both the properties so he had full access to the bathrooms in both homes. But that didn’t stop him from going to the bathroom, even with Emily having stated unambiguously that this isn’t the case.
Tanya Wanted an Apology
While the Swansons had every right to call the cops on Tanya, they asked the stranger to leave. He soon returned to the party — and promptly gave Tanya the run-down. Thinking they could ignore this crazy woman for the rest of their lives, Tanya added fuel to the fire and stormed over to the neighbour and was quite emphatic with what she had to say! I mean, after all, she thought they were out to make her look bad.

Tanya went on a 10 minute rant accusing the Swansons of trying to make her out to be the bad neighbor while at the same time saying they did not deserve to be neighbors with her or live in a house they busted their butts to save for. It was shocking.
The Swansons Thought up a Plan
Emily and her husband listened to their neighbor rant and hurl cruel comments at them, but they were stuck on what to do. They had never been so shocked by how bad someone could be, and never believed that one person could be so ignorant. And as much as they both wanted revenge, they definitely would not sink to her level. Well then, they figured that they might as well come up with a scheme.

They saw that they needed a means of demonstrating Tanya’s guilt, but how to do so? They collectively strategized to perfect the plan.
They Continued Work on Their House
In the meantime, the Swansons moved forward with their property developments while they dreamed up the best method of revenge. No way were they going to let Tanya intimidate them, or ruin their dream house for them, nor were they going to give in to their awful neighbour. Because, after all, they knew they were right, they were pretty sure Tanya was the bad guy in their story – and they knew all their friends were the good guys.

So, they went ahead with their plan to construct an outdoor kitchen and firepit in their backyard. They knew all along that Tanya would have something else to criticize – but they did not care.
Tanya Started Getting Nosey
Emily and her husband, as they were preparing their dream house, tried to see the silver lining Tears of joy seeing them all, years and years of hard work savings and they were finally living the life they had worked their whole lives for here in Hawaii. They were doing changes to their house that made their house a home, and they loved that. But then one day Tanya got a bit too inquisitive and started poking her little head up over the fence.

While there was no malice in her voice when she asked this question, the Swansons knew something was off. He thought she was just being polite, but he soon discovered why.
Their Nosey Neighbor Threw Another Party
Hence the Swansons knew that Tanya had been far too polite all the while. As Emily and her husband busted their asses getting their forever home ready, Tanya had something up her sleeve that would annoy them even more. She was actually throwing another major party on the property that had been divided between the Swansons and their landlord next door, keeping the Swanaons up for another lengthy, noisy night.

As before, the party went on into the early hours of the morning and prevented them from sleeping. They realized Tanya was pushing them to move, but they were not going to let her win so they attempted to ignore it once more.
A Few Days Later, Tanya Lost It
The Swansons might have lost a couple hours of sleep, but that didn’t exactly deter them from their home improvements. Although they had described nearly everything they were going to do to the house when Tanya had most politely inquired a few days earlier, they had omitted telling her their most vital scheme. But Tanya caught wind of why they had done it for their own gain, and quickly grew to resent them.

The Swansons said they were braced for some opposition from their neighbor, but Tanya’s response seemed extreme. She yelled at them, dropped profanities on them, and lost her mind.
The Swansons Had Installed a Barrier
So what had the Swansons done? So they went ahead and erected a fence on that part of the lot that is common land between their home and Tanya’s home. They wanted to do this to try to add a little bit of privacy to their property and to also create a sort of line between their house and Tanya’s house. And the Swansons felt they hadn’t done anything wrong because it was on the land they owned. But Tanya didn’t see it like that.

Tanya had seen red as soon as she saw the barrier. Without mincing words, she made it clear what she thought of it to her neighbors, as the Swansons attempted to tune her out. However, somebody else showed up.
Tanya’s Boyfriend Got Involved
Tanya was awful; so far as Swansons went, Tanya was not that bad. Then, when Billy showed up to support Tanya, Emily and her partner knew it was all going to become a lot uglier. He instantly started hurling beer cans and cigarettes butts over our fence and into the Swanson’s yard — at least by the time we moved in, being within minutes of him getting there. He also insulted the couple, causing them to disrespect his woman.

Unfortunately, that was not the last time they dealt with Billy. With each day that passed by, Tanya and Billy hosted more parties and hurled more garbage over the neighbour’s fence.
The Arguments Didn’t End There
Things for the Swansons couldn’t get any worse, in the Swansons’ opinion. However, their dream began to feel like a nightmare, thanks to their neighbor, especially when their dock started to get in on the act. The couple had more than 50% ownership of the duplex, so they were permitted 30 feet of a shared dock, as her landlord owned only 15 feet. But after they found out that Billy had a 30-foot boat and always left it on the dock, things went wrong.

It was an unanticipated crisis but one they knew they would have to wage battle against. They weren’t footing the bill for the neighbor’s boyfriend using what was, at least technically, their land.
The Swansons Wanted to Rent Their Docking Space
But the Swansons were not interested in solving this problem for their own boat. In fact, they didn’t own one. However, they were reasonably entitled to rent out their dock space to any other boat owner needing it, and they were going to do so to help make a little bit of extra money. However, with Billy’s boat taking up much of the dock that they legally owned, they understood that they’d never be able to lease out their area.

They did, however, let their renters park their boat on the dock when Billy had taken his boat out. And they were aware that backlash was going to ensue, but they didn’t realize how much.
Tanya Gave Them a Bad Review
The Swansons were not blind to what was going on around them. They had been engaged in an ugly, on-going war with their neighbor, and they were sure the news had spread. But they were still certain they had committed no offense — despite Tanya and Billy believing otherwise. When they discovered what the Swansons had done with the dock, they got all lathered up and went on the attack.

Where Tanya went about this quite publicly as well. She had a poor review published in the local paper about the couple and the space they docked at, claiming the couple to be so mean and rude themselves.
Then Tanya Went to the Police
But Tanya didn’t stop there. Along with writing a review said to be unsatisfactory, she also reportedly approached the police to complain about the pair. It was then that the Swansons discovered she intended to pursue charges against the couple based on a verbal contract which she argued consisted of the Swanson’s verbal permission for Tanya and Billy to use their dock for three months. This was, of course, a lie, and one that had never taken place.

To the Swansons, reporting the couple, and falsely accusing them, was over-the-line behavior. They knew they weren’t going to be able to return from that.
She Even Pretended to Be Emily
At this point, the Swansons were midly afraid. They dreamed that Hawaii would allow them to experience a little piece of paradise and be happy. Only Tanya had made it a constant source of aggravation for them. But what they all did not realize was that Tanya was far from over. During the time the couple was out of town, she did even more, and impersonated Emily.

She called the people renting the dock and told them (as Emily) that their boat needed to go. Naturally, they did so, and Billy parked his back on the dock again.
Emily Had to Call the Police
And the Swansons found out pretty quickly after Tanya posed as their Emily — that had to be the last straw. They put up with an awful neighbor for so long, and finally—enough! Then they decided to call the police, scared of what Tanya might do next. Fortunately, the police took the Swansons seriously and promptly sent someone to their home to talk to them.

The officer spent a good amount of time hearing me out about things and what had happened before he just said that he would go and have a word with Billy and Tanya and see if they could get them to shift their boat. This, of course, was not well received.
Tanya Continued Her Tirade
Instead, Tanya and Billy ignored the policeman, stating that the water was a free-for-all and that Emily and her husband had no claim to ownership of the dock. Know what happened at the top of their lungs was the Swansons, and they heard everything. Tanya wasn’t going to go away, they could hear that. And they were so drained. They had the absolute worst neighbor.

The worst part, Emily said, was that every day that their new house sat vacant and unfinished, the excitement they and her husband had for it vanished a little more. All the hard work they had put into their aspiration and Tanya had destroyed it just like that.
Their Lives Had Turned Upside Down
Most would have backed off their 12 hour a day b** fest once the cops arrived, but Tanya and her bf were not like most people. In fact, as the weeks went by they seemed to do everything they could to try to get Emily and her husband out of their home and the behaviour only appeared to worsen. And the Swansons did think about moving, but then they thought about how they would be rewarding their terrible neighbors with a victory.

But things were bad. She urged her kids to imitate her, and they consistently tossed their trash over the wall and lit fireworks on the Shutterts’ side of the headed dock.
It Lasted Years
Overall, this went on for over a few years. And their dreaded new next-door neighbour continued to annoy them! Tanya and her entire husband never stopped doing whatever they could to ruin the Swansons dream, in fact, they were close to succeeding. At the time, the police were so familiar with being called out to this neighbourhood falling out that they could tell which house to head to just by the sound of the phone ringing. It was a nightmare.

Tanya had ruined Emily’s and her husband’s ability to enjoy their lives in Hawaii. And they must have lost hope, except they knew the police were the good guys.
The Police Supported Them
During this time, she had called the police so many times that they had given up counting. And as much as Tanya and Billy had long hoped the police might favor her as the victim, that wasn’t at all what happened. The police were aware of the fact that Emily and her husband were being terrorised by their neighbour but simply weren’t sure what steps could be taken to alleviate the situation. They were not doing anything illegal per se, and thus could not be arrested.

But what Tanya and Billy didn’t take into account was the fact that karma will always come back around. Theirs was lurking just out of sight, biding its time, waiting for its moment to pounce.
The Call That Changed It All
By now, they had nearly lost all hope, through Emily and her husband. They were saying they were going to sell their house and hand it to their rotten neighbour. Just before they were about to call the realtor, they got a call. The letter was from Tanya’s landlord, who had a little (and big) news to brighten their day. Actually, that call came just at the right time.

Hearing the landlord had to say, Emily froze. The second such a thing happened she turned to her husband and they both immediately knew what to do.
He Was Tired of Tenants
From the phone call, Emily and her husband received some interesting information that the landlord who owned Tanya’s place was sick of being a landlord and sick of problem tenants like Tanya. And even though the cash that came from the house was nice, he no longer felt it was worth it. He was done, and—just like the Swansons—he was done with Tanya.

Emily was glad to find out that Tanya made trouble with her landlord too, and they weren’t the first people Tanya had terrorized. But ironically, however, what did that mean for Tanya’s house?
Putting Forward a Proposal
Emily didn’t get why the landlord was calling her at first, However, the more he listened, the more he understood that the landlord was drafting an offer. He wished to sell the dope and wondered if the Swansons wanted to buy it off of him. Being well aware of the extreme stress and discomfort Tanya placed them in, he felt this would be the ideal solution to their dilemma.

As a matter of fact, it would be the ideal deal for both parties. The landlord would get an effortless property sell without real estate agents and obscene commission fees, and the Swansons would finally be free of their neighbor from hell.
They Had to Think About It
The offer certainly turned the Swansons’ heads but they needed to rein it in and not get ahead of themselves. Indeed, picking up the property next door will cost them, even if it will turn their nightmare back into a dream. They had to properly reconsider whatever the landlord was proposing to them, and ensure really, it is the right choice for them.

But deep down, the Swansons had a plan. And they thought about it for a few seconds but this niggle in the back of their noggin was nefarious enough to be forgotten.
The Perfect Solution
Ultimately, Emily and her husband went ahead with the offer on the layout next to their dream home in Hawaii. However, this did not only resolve the issue with her neighbor from hell. It also answered a nagging concern they had discussed for years: As Emily and Jason’s parents aged, how would their lives work out? And she had always hoped they would live in Hawaii with them — hopefully next door.

They could avoid a bad neighbor by buying the house next door just to make sure their neighbors would be Emily and her parents. And as soon as the sale was in the can, they set their first order of business into motion.
They Had No Idea What Was Coming
Naturally, Tanya and Billy had no clue what lay ahead. Their landlord told them he was selling the house, but they just figured they were going to be there for a while. After all, at least in their minds they had been the ideal tenants. But it isn’t just all about paying your rent, and the new landlords, of course, did not want them to remain there one little bit.

Nevertheless, they wanted the opportunity to grant Tanya and Billy a path towards redemption. Before sending them out forever, they decided to make them have a choice. In fact you might never leave — you could stay if you wanted.
Knock, Knock, Emily Was There
Seeing as Tanya was still blissfully unaware that she and her husband now owned her, Emily thought she might as well cut to the chase. She went and knocked the door, told Tanya what had happened. But as Tanya believed that the entire saga was a joke, Emily, on the other part, was able to pull out her paperwork to validate that they rightfully lived in the home.

As if that weren’t bad enough, she had also just received word from the Swansons that they expected her rent by the end of the month – and that the terms of the rental had been altered somewhat.
They Priced Her Out
Being the owners of the house, Emily and her husband were free to modify the rental contract all they wanted – which they did, in order to price Tanya and Billy out of the house. Well, Tanya got the same speech, so Emily informed Tanya that not only were they raising her rent, but they expected the increased rent to start in just a few weeks. They were well aware that it was extremely improbable that they’d have the ability to manage the five stated payment increase, but still felt that she should be given the choice.

Before long they found out that Tanya and Billy had moved out of the house, which they were unable to pay for any longer. The news the Swansons had been waiting for!
Tanya’s Mom Apologized for Her Daughter
And Tanya just had to live with her mother because she had nowhere else to go after being made to move out of the Swansons’ property. And sure, a tiny piece of Emily and her husband felt sorry for Tanya, but they could also acknowledge that she did this herself. She had been a horrible neighbor and treated them like hell for years, and she was literally getting the karma she deserved.

There was even a time when Tanya’s mom said sorry to the Swansons about Tanya. She was aware she was rude, brash, even said, I am ashamed of Tanya.
Not Sure Where It Came From
And, in one of the most revealing chat with Tanya’s mom, the Swansons learned so much more about the neighbor who had been such a thorn in their side. Tanya’s mom apologized for how her daughter treated them and was also bewildered. Perhaps that was exactly why, because she was trying to raise her daughter to be the kind of person who does not always live life like that. But she had not become that at all.

Not that she missed Tanya— but she almost felt for her mom, having to mooch with Tanya. But ultimately, she was just relieved that she was no longer there.
They Became Friends
Oddly enough, Emily and Tanya’s mom hit it off instantly. Cosette and Tanya have obviously suffered similar experiences, they could literally talk for hours about anything and everything. Actually, they discovered that they mutually enjoyed baking, so they did a lot of baking together, making cakes and cookies for all of their neighborhood.

Tanya was not her mom, which made Emily feel better, but her mom got it that they had to exterminate their living nightmare somehow.
Tanya Was Incredibly Jealous
So when Tanya found out that her mother was so friendly with the ex-neighbor, she was incensed. She had jealousy for the mother having that connection, and disbelief that anyone could do that to her — but also happy for her mother as well. That though was a huge learning opportunity for her. As soon as this went down, she knew the circumstance was brought about by the hand of her doing.

We bet this made Tanya reconsider her treatment of others and particularly how she treated her neighbors. And it better have made her a vastly improved dog lover.
Finally Free and Enjoying Life
Finally free from Tanya’s control, and having a new friend in Tanya’s mom, Emily and her husband could finally experience what they had so long anticipated. While their transition to Hawaii started out rocky and involved a few run-ins with the neighbors, soon enough, they were able to experience all that the island had to offer and appreciate how perfect their home actually was. The pièce de résistance, of course, was that Emily’s mom moved in next door!

Now, with new neighbors they loved and trusted, Emily and her husband felt like they could finally build their life together. Now they are soaking up every bit of Hawai’i.