Transform Your Daily Life with These Smart Hydrogen Peroxide Hacks

Revitalize Your Home by Cleaning Grout
And, grout gets dirty and stays dirty. Perhaps because it is such an accessible place that most cleaners do not effectively reach. That might not be as big of an issue for hydrogen peroxide, however, since hydrogen peroxide tends to fizz up. Simply spray some peroxide on your grout, grab an old toothbrush, and scrub away! Fortunately, peroxide does not require a long wait to work its magic.

Yet depending on how many tiles you actually possess reaching all of them may demand a few endurance. It’s still totally worth it for a less gross house though.
Sanitize Your Appliances for a Cleaner Home
Like everything else in your kitchen, you should always clean the inside of your appliances pretty often. This is especially the case for appliances with food contact, for example: stove, toaster or microwave. This is where hydrogen peroxide can be useful because it is super safe and contains no harsh chemicals. Simply spray your appliances and wipe away the peroxide afterward.

This will help you wipe almost any surface down and sanitize it; from your waffle maker to your fridge. Peroxide can also be used to clean knives or forks as well.
Eliminate Musty Odors from Your Towels
If you have begun realizing that your towels smell a bit mildewy lately, then the chances are that mildew has started to develop on them. Mildew, besides being fairly smelly, can be quite harmful to your health as well, so deal with it as quickly as possible. All you have to do is pour roughly half a cup of peroxide and vinegar into your washing machine and let your towels soak in it for a while.

Wash them normally once they’ve had a 15-minute soak. When you take them out of the washer, they should smell clean and fresh, and be completely mildew-free.
Treat Acne Effectively with Hydrogen Peroxide
This is a bit of a disclaimer before we begin. Hydrogen peroxide is first and foremost a household antiseptic, and although it can be good for clearing up pimples. As a result, side effects may occur, including skin irritation, blisters, and dryness. With that being said, hydrogen peroxide can actually treat acne. It does this by killing the bacteria associated with extra acne. That said, always contact a heath professional before putting any product near your body.

Usually, the doctors will prescribe a different hydrogen peroxide product, but one that is much gentler on the skin, and was far less likely to cause any of the side effects mentioned above.
Clean Your Floors with Hydrogen Peroxide
No one enjoys mopping their floors, but it is a necessary evil of being a good housekeeper. Using hydrogen peroxide allows you to eliminate some of the harsh chemicals found in other cleaners. Just add approximately ½ cup of peroxide for each gallon of hot water. From there, just mop your floors. You don’t even need to rinse after using the gentle concoction, however, if desired, you can still have a towel dry!

So feel free to get in there with your mop and scrub, scrub, scrub, because peroxide is totally fine if you’ve got hardwood floors.
Disinfect and Clean Your Children’s Toys
Hydrogen peroxide is much milder than other household cleaners, so it is a lot safer than some other types of cleaners. So, which makes it an excellent option for disinfecting children’s toys. And you are going to want to disinfect toys as frequently as you get into it because they acquire bacteria and germs the kids work to with. Hydrogen peroxide offers another great advantage over much of the competition when it comes to chemical cleaners; it does not affect your lungs.

Simply spray the toys you wish to disinfect and wipe it down with a dry cloth/rag. It will keep any bacteria that could cause harm away from children.
Protect Your Dog with Hydrogen Peroxide
And as much as we may try to supervise our dog we can almost guarantee they’ll get themselves into something they shouldn’t be at least once I’m hoping that your dog never ingests anything harmful, but if they do, you may be able to get them to vomit using hydrogen peroxide. Do keep in mind to always run it by your vet first, especially regarding dosage, but it might just prevent the absorption of whatever it is your pooch has eaten.

And do not forget to dilute their dose. The general rule, according to Pet Health Network, is to administer 0.5 to 1 ml of hydrogen peroxide for each pound of your dog.
Eliminate Excess Ear Wax
There are a few reasons why your body produces earwax, but primarily it is to prevent bacteria from entering your ears and to keep them lubricated. But, of course, there is a limit to how much good you can have — and too much ear wax can cause a couple of different health issues. Fortunately, hydrogen peroxide helps maintain a healthy ear canal. Step 1: Put a few drops of olive or tea tree oil in your ear.

Let that sit in the ear canal (this will normally take a minute or two). Afterwards flush out everything with hydrogen peroxide and gently wipe everything down with a cloth.
Keep Leafy Greens Fresh Longer
One of the best tasks, but you have to keep an eye on wilting of leafy greens can be time-consuming. They just go rotten too fast in my experience. But apparently a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide in half a cup of water can keep them from wilting sooner. All you have to do is combine the two ingredients in a spray bottle, then give your veggies a quick mist before you wrap ’em up and toss them into the fridge.

Keep in mind, however, that you will still wish to wash them the next time you bring them out—whether or not you’re consuming them raw or cooking with them.
Enhance Seedling Growth with Hydrogen Peroxide
You probably typically think of hydrogen peroxide in a cleaning or disinfectant context. But you gotta think gardening because there is an application or two with antiseptic, regarding plants. Hydrogen peroxide can add oxygen to the soil so you can use it to ensure that your seedlings get the best start possible. Simply add hydrogen peroxide to your soil each time you add water.

You can also utilize it for solidifying new roots once your seeds grow. Just remember to dilute an ounce of peroxide for every cup (not quart) of spray.
DIY Mouthwash: Create Your Own
We often wait until the last drop of our mouthwash has worn off in the bathroom. Fortunately, you can combine a 50–50 mix of peroxide and water yourself. All you need to do, is combine those two and you get the most effictive home made mouth wash and a hell of a lower price than what they sell in the markets. The reason is that the peroxide disinfects and works particularly well against large colonies of bacteria that produce odors.

You can prepare a single infusion or bulk if you expect your next grocery trip is going to be a while. Swish it around like you would typical mouthwash.
Remove Blood and Sweat Stains from Clothing
And as anybody who’s ever done laundry can tell you, blood and sweat stains are especially tough to remove. Good news—you won’t need a strong chemical cleaner to remove these stains. Or rather, gently scrub out the stain with some hydrogen peroxide. We don’t even know how peroxide gets rid of stains, but we think it has something to do with the hydrogen molecules inside the compound.
This photo shows hydrogen peroxide and baking soda (you can use just baking soda but it isn’t necessary to be so fancy). Typically, I’m just able to spritz some peroxide and be fine.
Get Rid Of Skunk Odor
We truly hope that you never have to resort to using this hack but if ever your pooch (or you, for that matter) gets skunked, using hydrogen peroxide to remove the smell. Your magic deodorizer is a quart of peroxide, a quarter of a cup of baking soda, two quarts of warm water, and a tablespoon of dish soap. Warning: it may take two washes

But this mixture should really help eliminate that skunk smell. If you’re using on your pet, just treat the solution like you would any other shampoo — keep it away from their eyes.
Remove Dirt and Grime from Glass
Now, sure, most people would typically reach for a glass cleaner when they find themselves doing some glass cleaning, whether that be a window or a mirror, but actually glass cleaner may not be the best type of household cleaner to clean glass with. It turns out hydrogen peroxide is not a bad glass cleaner. In fact, it doesn’t streak like some other cleaners are known to do either. Simply spray some on a cloth or glass and wipe.

Just as effectively as a regular glass cleaner, the peroxide will easily remove all the dirt or grime that’s on your window, but without the fear of streaking.
Eliminate Stubborn Bathtub Stains
You can’t really avoid the stains in a bathtub, and those stains are also quite hard to remove as well. That does not mean that it is impossible to remove them though. Ingredients that make up two household items do a relatively good job of eliminating yellowing and other grime from your tub. Mix hydrogen peroxide and baking soda, and let it sit for about half an hour – easily wash away stubborn tub stains.

So, the ratio of the peroxide to the baking soda is going to be 1:2. Mix that up into a paste and slather it on whatever mess you have on your tub and that is it.
Boost the Effectiveness of Your Dish Detergent
Its excellent germ-killing capabilities make it great for sanitizing dishes while being much less harsh than a lot of the alternatives. Simply add a few ounces to whatever dish detergent you normally use in your dishwasher and it will result in cleaner dishes. This is a safe method to use quite frequently to avoid any hidden bacteria as well.

For those who prefer to wash their dishes by hand, there’s a couple different recipes floating around for mixing dish soap and hydrogen peroxide together.
Eliminate Mold and Mildew with Hydrogen Peroxide
A bathroom is pictured here due to the naturally humidity of this area, and therefore the greatest potential for mold and mildew. But you can implement this hack literally anywhere around your house. Hydrogen peroxide: Hydrogen peroxide is also a very effective antiseptic, which makes it great for getting rid of mold or mildew at the point of application. Simply spray or wipe the peroxide surface and let it sit for about 10 minutes, then wipe it all away.

If a surface does not seem fully clean, feel free to follow up with some water or more peroxide, but after the first application it should be thoroughly disinfected.
Sanitize Kitchen Sponges with Hydrogen Peroxide
Certainly, we tend to believe that there is no saving our kitchen sponges and we simply toss them away. As it happens, not only is it possible to prolong their lifespan by sanitising them, it’s probably best to between washes. Fortunately, hydrogen peroxide can help you sterilize your kitchen sponge in a fast and efficient manner. Simply combine equal parts peroxide and water and allow the sponge to soak for about 10 minutes.

Then, let them dry and you may be left with a disinfected sponge which is much better than new.
Easily Treat Clothing Stains
Hydrogen peroxide is good at a lot of things — one of them is stain removal. Well, it seems logical you could use some peroxide to remove fabric stains. Simply slather on some peroxide onto your stain, wait for a few minutes, then toss in washer. Now, when you take your garment out, the stain should be entirely gone.

And this technique is safe to use on other garments. Keep in mind that peroxide does bleach darker items, so beware if using this on something like a black shirt.
Disinfect and Clean Lunch Boxes
End of the day lunch boxes are undoubtedly a stinky area — you should already know this — but what you’d wonder is how and with what will you clean it up? As luck would have it, there is a rather good, non-toxic, home-cleaning product that you can clean out your lunch boxes with called hydrogen peroxide. A couple of sprays of this and a wipe of the insides here could save everything with a beautiful shine.

This makes it suitable to store your, or your children’s food, inside a hygienic, and disinfected lunch box. Plus, it will eliminate any lingering smells, too.
Remove Stubborn Cookware Stains
Chances are you have a sheet pan or two hanging around, and the bottom has been stained for as long as you can remember. Naturally, this means that you can hit most of the stuff that you typically have lying about in the house between the pans, pots, and other cookware, with a combination of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda you can easily lift heavy stains. Combine one part peroxide and two parts baking soda to make a paste.

We apply the paste on your stain and allow it to stand for about 7 to 10 minutes. After that, you simply wipe it down and the stain should easily come away.
Keep Fungus and Bacteria at Bay in Houseplants
Now this one may surprise you, but if you are not adding a little hydrogen peroxide into the spray bottle for your plants, you most probably should. It can drive away mold, insects, and other threats to your plants. Hydrogen peroxide is so mild that it really should not hurt writing, but it is wise to not exceed the 1:1 ratio of peroxide to water.

The solution will also kill the fungus responsible for root rot, so check that you thoroughly drench the soil of your plants’ pots, alongside the leaves of your plants.
Effectively Clean Shower Curtains
Shower curtains get dirty really quickly. That is due to the humid climate and the river they come across on a consistent basis. Add a cup of hydrogen peroxide (or vinegar) to your next wash, along with your regular detergent, to kill any bacteria or mildew. Put it on the rinse cycle and leave the peroxide to fully disinfect your shower curtains so you never have to deal with mildew or mold for the next time.

If you have plastic you can still just take your curtains and lay them out and scrub them down with some peroxide and water.
Eliminate Germs and Mildew in Showers
Although showers are enjoyable, they tend to collect things like bacteria and mildew. Which is why cleaning your shower is generally a good idea every now and then. There are tons of cleaners that will do a good job of cleaning your bathroom, but what if you want something that has not so much chemicals for your shower? So, what can you do about that shower walls to the ugly showerhead? Work w/ hydrogen peroxide.

If it’s been a while since you’ve cleaned your shower head, you can even clean the inside of it by running really hot water through it for a few minutes.
Clean Fish Tanks with Hydrogen Peroxide
Could aquatic fungus be the bane of fish owners? That can grow rapidly in your fish tank and can end up harming your fish. But hydrogen peroxide can clean a tank out quickly and kill fungi. Simply remove your fish, have them in a place where they can still swim and breathe, then go about cleaning their tank with a bit of hydrogen peroxide.

Also, you do not want to use an excessive amount of peroxide when cleaning their tank, because that could leave some in there to be deadly for your fish.
Create Your Own Toothpaste At Home
While there is a lot of shiny labelling and different claims from the various companies, most toothpastes use the same ingredients and do exactly the same thing. Which means that it isn’t difficult to whip up a toothpaste at home with regular household ingredients. Just hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, coconut oil, and salt. You can always throw in a little peppermint flavoring too, but the mixture is perfectly fine without it.

You can find two or three somewhat diverse plans on the web and change or alter in view of how delicate your teeth are and regardless of whether you need it for brightening or simply the breath.
Sanitize Dirty Coolers
If those dirty coolers have been sitting closed without any cleaning for extended periods of time, the need to sanitize can be downright frightening. But, cleaning a cooler doesn’t need to be this much of a pain, and you can always count on your cooler to be disinfected if you do it with hydrogen peroxide. You may not always be able to clean a cooler as soon as you return from a trip, but you should put them away the first opportunity that presents itself with some peroxide.

Simply remove your sprayer, towel, and water and use just like you would with any other household cleaner on the inside of your cooler.
Wash Your Produce with Hydrogen Peroxide
Certainly, you can wash your veggies with plain water, but why not add some peroxide to make sure they are disinfected? Few quarters of a cup of peroxide into a semi filled sink or simply a 50-50 Peroxide and water mixture saucepan. After that, scrub and wash your fruits and vegetables with your mixture.

This will also remove each of the fungi or microbes and it can help you to avoid removing each of the pesticides from the fruits and vegetables.
Clean and Sanitize Your Toothbrush
Your toothbrush gets rinsed with water at every use, so you may not think about this, but you should be regularly sanitizing it with the toothbrush sanitizer for you. That’s because it comes in contact with all sorts of nasty bacteria that may be floating around in your mouth (ones that water won’t always wash away). Next time you’re brushing, just take a drop or two of hydrogen peroxide and clean your toothbrush(es) and you are good to go!

If it is been a while due to the fact that you disinfected your toothbrush, let it soak in a few peroxide for a bit of time, too. But, do not take long for the peroxide to do its work.
Sanitize Your Humidifier
It’d be best if you were cleaning your humidifier pretty much all the time given that there is quite a lot of water in the system. And there’s likely no better, simpler way than pouring a little peroxide into the water of your humidifier. Simply use a pint of peroxide for each gallon of water you are using, and this solution should sterilize the entire inside of your machine and leave no toxic germs floating about for you to breath it.

This will also prevent mold growing or building up inside your humidifier, which is very easy since there is a lot of accumulated water.
Clean Your Toilet Bowl with Hydrogen Peroxide
The temptation to apply the most serious product you can find in your toilet bowl is at hand. I mean, no-one wants it to be dirty as dirty can get. But you may want to hold off on the toilet bleach for the time being. Instead, give some hydrogen peroxide a try just like it is a disinfectant. Even better, it won’t make your lungs mad, so there’s no holding your breath as you scrub away. Pour half a cup per oxide in your toilet bowl and leave it there for 20 minutes.

The next step is to get the bowl scrubbed with a brush as you would do if using any other type of cleaner. Lastly drain all the bacteria and stains before.
Turn Yellowed Linen White Again
If you ever had any white linen you owned for a long time, you will be familiar with the fact that the fabric, over time will start to yellow. The good news is that you can apply a small amount of hydrogen peroxide to undo that. Soak your linen in a sink (or bucket) filled with 2 cups of peroxide and some water for an hour. Once soaked, the linen can be hung up to dry and everything will be as white as on the day of purchase.

As for why this happens, linen is generally believed to turn yellow from extreme heat or excess chlorine. Be careful if you are using peroxide in a dark material.
Disinfect Contact Lenses with Hydrogen Peroxide
If you wear contacts, then you’re most likely already aware of this one, but what the heck, we still added it to the list! Hydrogen peroxide can safely and effectively disinfect contact lenses And that is good because you really do not want dirty lenses touching your eyes. But whatever you do, ensure that the peroxide is weak enough by diluting it in lots LOTS of water.

Most of the commercial contact lens cleaning solution also exploits the antiseptic characteristics of peroxide and utilize it as a key component. If you are purchasing lens cleaners, then look out for those containing peroxide.
Lighten Your Hair with Hydrogen Peroxide
Do you want to go a shade lighter without fully committing to dye. Turns out you can trick your hair into thinking it’s summer with a bit of hydrogen peroxide for a quick highlighter effect, buddy. But if you want your hair to be healthy, then be sure not to do this too often. Even still, it is safe to do here and there. For this you can just take equal parts of water and peroxide and mist your damp hair just a couple of times.

It won’t leave you with a platinum blonde look but you can expect to be a lot lighter than the colour you were before you put the stuff on. This can also be used in conjunction with dye.
Use Hydrogen Peroxide In Foot Soaks
A good foot soak can do wonders — surprisingly so. They have hung out with circulation and help with stress release and both lower your risk of blood clots. For real, maybe we’re just out of the loop or something, but we had no idea about any of this. Hydrogen peroxide soaks join the list of perks that a foot soak gives you. Simply add about one part peroxide and three parts warm water to your next soak.

It will even help soften up your feet, particularly useful if you’ve callouses, as well as kill any foot fungus you have going. It will also heal any small wounds you may have.
Use Hydrogen Peroxide for First Aid
Hydrogen peroxide disinfects wounds, this is no secret! Well, that’s exactly what it was made for. But, chances are you do not have a bottle of peroxide with your other first-aid supplies. If not, well then you should really consider getting some in your kit because the first thing you need to do when you have a wound is clean it and peroxide is probably the best way to do so.

No need to even store a whole bottle of peroxide in your first aid kit. You can simply pour out some peroxide on whatever size bottle is handy and use that.
Get Rid Of Yellow Nails
While it’s not the most appealing train of thought, there are many reasons that your nails could be going yellow. You might have a fungal infection, or maybe you are a smoker. Either way, you’re probably doing everything you can to avoid yellow or dirty-looking nails. Fortunately, an easily available cleaning agent — hydrogen peroxide — can help whiten yellow nails quickly.

Rub your nails with peroxide and n after put some lotion to prevent your skin from drying out so much, that it starts to peel off at your nails.
Remember to Clean Your Shopping Bags
It may sound simple, but most of us (guilty as charged) neglect to disinfect our bags. Since these bags often contain produce, meats, and other items with germs, you should wash them regularly. Fortunately, you don’t need to send them through the washing machine just yet—and consult, a few sprays of hydrogen peroxide may be able to sterilize your grocery bag.

Your grocery bags get the same treatment from the peroxide as do any other surface. Even better, it only takes a couple minutes.
Tend To Food Prep Surfaces
Cleaning food prep surfaces (they can take you to be a hassle, such as counters or cutting boards). They’re just always so gigantic, and in order to wash/wipe down properly, they take some time. But thankfully, there is an easier way, which includes peroxide. Simply spray some hydrogen peroxide on your surface and then wipe with a rag or clean cloth.

Not only is it incredibly fast and simple, but it definitely wipes out nasty bugs, which is what every chicken and other meat handler wants.
Treat Canker Sores and Ulcers Safely
This is a common, but nonetheless important one. Hydrogen peroxide for canker sores or mouth ulcers These are the ulcers inside your mouth or on your gums. Very irritating, and also, they can sting a lot. Fortunately, you can use a little peroxide and swoosh it out just like a mouth wash.

This will not cure the sore instantly but it will disinfect your oral cavity and make your immune system process the sore faster.