Public Spaces in Desperate Need of a Modern Interior Design Makeover

The Striped Staircase
This doesn’t seem like such a bad design, right? And although you may gradewise true objectively, you will probably back decide afore long realise in fact the choice of carpet that was afforded a staircase. The stripes, as themselves, are not so much problem and even, it can be a nice design idea, but put it on stairs, it will lead confusion!

With these striped stairs that play tricks on the eye, you can imagine that countless people have tripped or nearly tripped.
When You Have a Mirror Ceiling in the Bathroom
There are definitely instances when the mirrored ceiling can be an appropriate design decision but maybe the bathroom is not one of them? Sure, nobody wants to watch themselves going to the bathroom, but they probably want to watch their coworkers going to the bathroom even less. What a weird office to feel like this was a good moment to go to the toilet.

They should be designed as if that bathroom is for one person only. Imagine just doing your thing and then glancing up and spotting the reflection of your colleague in your mirror.
The Hairy Hotel Lobby Artwork
Art is subjective of course, but some art probably is best not selected to be the face of a business. The last thing you want when you walk into a hotel lobby is something that is reminiscent of one million little black hairs. After all, that’s not the experience you want to be part of the stay you’re about to have at the hotel.

Whoever designed this hotel lobby clearly had no idea that this artwork could be a little controversial (via Sinna Man)#
When you wanted tacos but instead got a wood plank
Nothing compares to pulling up a chair at a nice table in your favorite restaurant for a delicious meal. You know what the food is going to be like and your are dying of anticipation of the moment to come. This guy got that thrill as he walked up to the table at this taco place. But no sooner had the excitement begun to build than it was swept away by something else. →the nice big wooden plank that was hit in his face at the table.

Perhaps no one considered that if a person was seated at the table they were most likely receiving a large board to the skull instead of a lovely view of their loved one. Most likely this table was meant for those who dare dine alone.
The Sink That Is Actually Just a Slab of Marble
Apparently, marble has its detractors in the bathroom, but we never met a marble we didn’t like. If it is more used to make the correct form for the purpose, it is even more loved, even though most people general. Although this bathroom has a super stylish sink, it’s really not functional at all. No groove or draining whatsoever. And when you go to open the faucet, the water simply runs off the edge and onto the bathroom floor.

It cannot be the most convenient way to have a toilet 24/7. While that was likely just human error on the part of whoever constructed the object, it needs to be repaired.
A Chandelier of Knives
And it is true that while great chandeliers can be made and created in new and interesting ways using a multitude of different products, not everything should be used especially if it will hang over the heads of innocent lives. One such taboo item is absolutely knives. Most people would be uneasy at the prospect of a bunch of knives hanging over their heads, and so should the owners of the establishment.

They are not little knives either. All it takes is one of those landed anywhere or at the wrong time and it coud be some big trouble.
A Lamp in the Face
Well, if you ever wondered what it would be like to have dinner with a lamp, here you can find out at this restaurant. Now you happen to be sitting just in front of a lamp. If you think that yiu likely may have to sit at this spot in the restaurant, then maybe bring sunglasses. Well, good luck escaping that kind of light.

Someone clearly did not think through their lighting choices for this restaurant or bar. They never considered that there would be people seated at the tables.
Just a Streak of Red
Normally, when it comes to design, a streak of color is a good thing, but not in the case of this interior design choice. Whoever designed this hallway clearly did not consider that red lines on the ground tend to look like blood in the majority of people’s minds when walking by, and that it would not be just a nice spot of color to introduce to the ground.

It’s just what you’d expect as if bleeding dragged across the carpet. No one would have guessed that it was a planned design choice.
A See Through Door in the Bathroom
Any high-schooler could tell you the primary purpose of a bathroom is to be private, and so on, and if you were to ask a bunch of college students, they would probably say the same thing. I know most places offer will offer that and you can never see inside the stalls, but this bathroom sounds different. We ultimately went with a door that is semi-transparent as they thought it was the best option for this bathroom.

All you can really hope for is that there is another door between there and the rest of the world so that passers-by don’t get an eyeful of fellow detainees doing their business.
When the Seats Don’t Match With the Desk
If you’ve got this major or even minor OCD — then this image itself is an agony pararasaed. The desks these students have to use to go to class. On the surface, they look kind of standard, but then you look at the seat and you go, Oh Hell No. The upside down folding chairs are also out of alignment with the desks. And you know what the biggest irony of it all?

This is what the desks and chairs look like in one of the engineering buildings, which is the ironic part. And there is something just inherently funny about that.
The Worst Place for a Door Handle
Now this is either genius or terrible—as in, terrible to the point of being painful to look at. Perhaps someone found this to be the funniest thing of all time or just missed it altogether somehow. If you still cannot spot the error in that photograph, then perhaps you should pay attention to the positioning of that door handle. Using that on day to day basis, people most likely would be feeling weird. It may feel a bit strange.

The saddest part of this is that this seems to be a part of an office building so people need to use this in an office setting very frequently.
An Attempt to Make It Chic With a Chandelier
Ok well at least the designers of this room get some points for trying. Most folks would just leave the ugly fluorescent lighting and drab ceiling tiles to go about their business of lighting up the building, but it seems someone wanted to improve the situation, or at least take a crack at it. So they put in the centre of the room a complete chandelier in order to fill the atmosphere.

It may seem a little silly initially, but you have got to hand them an A for Effort. I mean, at least they were making an effort to create a little visual appeal.
Bowling Balls That Come Out of the Back of a Hippo
Bowling is a great time, but frankly speaking, as a game and sport, usually pretty simple. There really only so much you can do with bowling alley decor after all…or so you probably thought. A bowling alley in Bangkok decided that the game was getting a little boring, so they threw in a little bit of decor. Not clear, however, what they specifically chose the hippo for.

The best part of this decision was that they positioned the hippo so that bowls would be coming forth from the hippos backside.
An Excessive Amount of Stairs
But if you are not a lover of stairs (and really who is?), then this is not the building for you. And I guess the designer of this building made a tiny error. Anyway, it basically doesn’t very well reason that at any point should walk up the stairs and afterwards stroll down the stairs basically to get to the door. This is a completely redundant uphill and also downhill.

A direct route to the door from the previous level would have sufficed…or a set of tiny stairs and then just get rid of the small hallway area.
A Toilet in the Middle of the Classroom
Ok So this one is beyond bad design choice this one is actually on the unsanitary side. At least in the 2nd picture, the kids have a bathroom right in the middle of the room to use — but it’s out in the open. Snacks for kids are beside the toilet and bathroom goers have 0 privacy

That would probably get really foul at times and also embarrassing for kids when they used the restroom, since it could be loud or could stink.
The Worst Door Design for a Hospital
And with those doors, context is everything at this hospital. Well, for anyone that hates being reminded about death of course, which is literally why they are called coffin doors, but I really don’t think that was a smart decision for a hospital. It might be amusing and darkly humorous quip at the funeral parlor or such, but not the best idea for the hospital.

Or did this interior designer just have a really dark sense of humor? Or do you think totally missed the boat on likeness, with no clue what this looked like?
They Forgot to Take It Out of the Box
Maybe it was supposed to be a hipster-esque clock piece, or maybe it was simply laziness. We’ll never know the answer, and all that remains is to talk about the piece. So it makes sense to see a clock on the wall that’s still in the box, although admittedly it does sort of resemble a piece of artwork hanging up there.

But really how did they make it hand itself up with the box, did they just … prick a hole in the cardboard and then hang it up?
The Seat Behind the Pillar
There is one precious thing in an auditorium, sir…so that I can see what is happening. So while I guess one may make the case for hearing as well (and that could actually be true too), it is obviously a little more vital to see what one performs. Which is why the placement of this pillar is so ridiculous and, dare I say, hilarious. It blocks out your view completely.

And the really unfortunate person who sits in this seat is way over the barrel. This is the absolute worst location, as it covers up most of the view around, though.
Is It an Exit or Not?
If there was ever an emergency here then things could get a bit messy. Even not in an emergency, things can get pretty confusing for people in the building. I mean, there are some mixed signals and that makes it a little tricky to know where to go. Going out or going on out? What does it mean? It is difficult to know and difficult to discover.

Let’s just hope there are enough people that work inside this building that are familiar with where the true exit is and can guide people out.
Urinals in the Main Hallway
Have you ever thought about what if just public bathrooms for everyone, no privacy whatsoever right? So, a small preview of that life and horror, here it is. This image features the entrance and mirrors that the design of this bathroom has in place and it really weren’t well thought out. After all, anyone who walks through the main hallway of this building can see people in the urinals.

The sight must be quite an uncomfortable one to pass each day. My wager is a subset of the people look too, as they avert their eyes.
It’s a Ticket Gate Without a Gate
Which you would think is called such, but actually,其實這東西才該叫做這個名字、..a ticket gate…the ticket gate part is not really accompanied by a gate. You can always wish that folks will still scan their tickets when they enter the next room, but you can’t control it—that space doesn’t have a gate where people can only enter if they go through the scanner. At the end of the day, it is a pretty dumb piece of shit.

If anything, it just seems like a space took up, as it is a little redundant.
When the Urinal and the Toilet Are a Little Too Close
This is another that although at first glance seems fine, once you see what’s gone wrong, you’ll be left wondering how? Did you spot the issue yet? And yet, if someone takes over the left-stall and then someone walks in and occupies right-urinal, there might be an awkward collision coming.

It’s either going to slam into the guy at the urinal or the guy in the stall is just going to be trapped in there until the guy at the urinal finishes.
When the Bathroom Stall Doors Are Semi-Transparent Bathroom
Most of the bathrooms on this list did not seem to test well for design on the privacy front. Apparently not anyone entering the bathroom thinks privacy is the making or breaking of a bathroom, but then again most people likely have better intentions to use the bathroom than most of the people constructing this bathroom would imagine. Looks like the folks working in this office building are most likely going to pass on this for the sake of dignity.

Maybe the worst thing about that, is it is in what I can only describe as the literal center of the room, its not even in a back hallway or something, as the bathrooms are put on a show.
Lucky Enough to Have the Locker With the Pipe
Someone here at this school was bound to be unlucky, and stupid enough to be the ones with the pipe locker. As long as most of the lockers in the area don’t have pipes running through them, this young lad was a recipient of one of the latter. I find it funny that there is even one locker that can be assigned that is literally running a pipe through it.

But one could only hope that once the school realised what had happened, this boy was issued a new locker and not left to deal with this useless one for the entire year.
The Lights Are All Over the Place
While many people would likely presume that ensuring things aligned in a straight fashion would be important, it does not appear the designer of this hallway thought so. Or perhaps they weren’t equipping themselves to gauge it all with the way to do the latter. Either way, the lighting ended up all in a caterpillar shaped crooked way, which is very confusing to look at.

If you consult all your lights, they did not actually have a way to create any of the same into a straight line. Yet, was on purpose or by accident?
The Most Confusing Elevator in the World
If you want to experience the world’s most confusing elevator, then make a reservation at this hotel in Iceland. It can be difficult to ascertain where the floors relate to the rooms, even after looking at this for some time. What do the numbers represent, the floor and the room? Its elucidation (if it can be called that) is painstaking, and its procedure is even harder to pursue. You just have to hope everything goes right.

This is one of those times they basically need a doorman to direct their visitors, who need simply to know where to go and how.
Cutting the Mirrors in Half
In the bathroom, it can be somewhat difficult to work out exactly how to fit the space with everything you require in terms of size. If you want to save some time, and honestly, who doesn’t?, you have to take some shortcuts, or in this case you would have to take some mirrors. These fools split the mirror in half in order to be able to fit the soap dispenser + the paper towels. But this a weird decision, when it has gap among mirrors.

But there’s not really a whole lotta real estate on the in-between to fit these things, although there’s enough room to fit at least a few items so they won’t have to break your mirror in half.
Urinals in Very Close Quarters
Sticking with the theme of bathrooms that would make it hard to take a dump, here comes one of the most awful ones yet This is pretty much a nightmare scenario if you ever have to use the urinals at the same time with multiple people, and I think everyone would agree with that. No one would want ones bum-to-bum contact with the bum of a different person when one is urinating at, say, a restaurant’s public urinal.

Imagine Germany was the first abroad country that you travelled to and this is the first restaurant you visited to. You might find it to be one wackadoodle nation and culture.
Just a SpongeBob Stained Glass Window
Now, many of the things on this list are instances of what some would call uncomfortable, confusing, or downright awkward, but this one had more potential to be cute. Or, kids (perhaps moreso than any other group) probably love to stare at stained glass images of SpongeBob while their teeth are being tended to, so you might as well be able to look at something if you need to go through the experience. The problem with this, however, is that SpongeBob has a lot of missing teeth, which not the best type of impression to make on a dentist.

Perhaps the dentist had this place to view when if you fail to brush & practice nice oral hygiene; shut-up, dentist dude; we don’t brush at night-time & we can’t because we are sleeping.
Self Service Kiosks That Are a Little Low
Alot of folks seem pretty keen on being able to help themselves when they hit their most favourite restaurants at the moment. It usually makes things faster, eliminates the waiting process, and helps people with social anxiety to order some food. I mean sure, this Taco Bell was attempting to modernize, but it forgot one of the key elements of these kiosks, user friendliness from the customer end.

Presumably not aimed at pre-schoolers, the toilet (and its partner) seem poorly suited for this outlet, given that everyone would need to stoop down to use them.
A Booth Without a View
Nothing like a nice dinner with someone you cannot see sitting across the table from you! Unless this is a new exercise in which some people wish to retain some ambiguity for people who are attempting to date for the first time, it is fairly epic design fail. Or perhaps those people want to meet someone here because it would make an amusing story if they went out.

Perhaps the designers of this were shorter than average…or they thought everyone sitting there would be a kid so they’d never make it to the blocking point.
The Stairwell That Leads to Nowhere
Ohhh nothing like a staircase to nowhere This seems more like a space waster than anything else. And given the stairs that go nowhere, they really can’t use the space for anything anyway. What was this little platform here for in the first place? It is certainly a topic worth considering as to why anyone thought this was at all helpful.

At least designers who enjoy coming up with one-of-a-kind designs could do something creative and different with a space like this. They could even set up a space to dine or a tiny shrine for a cat.
An Impossible Gym Entrance
Gosh, gym class is just not at all what other classes are like for kids. There are children who think it is the absolute best class and there are those who think it’s the absolute worst and that they should never have to take it. That said, there won’t be much disagreement among the masses over the hilarious nature of this gym entrance. Nobody will even make it through that entrance, so it’s almost impossible.

Where do these doors lead? Is it a hidden closet or just a door that doesn’t open and/or merely what is behind it?
The Strangest Drawer You Will Probably Ever See
In case you ever wondered what one of the strangest desks to design looked like, you get to see it here right now. Well, it doesn’t get much weirder than this, really…the sort of sloped drawer with almost no functionality at all. The weird thing about this is that the drawer actually works in some way/shape/form, even though it appears very weird and probably not functional.

It feels like a mistake that would have been better off avoided by leaving the whole area empty as opposed to trying that one odd drawer built into the end panel.
Is It a Sink or a Urinal?
Upon a first glance, it is tough to say if this is a high-end and stylish bathroom design or just a randomly executed one. Looked like they were attempting something nice and interesting, obviously it backfired. Rather than be cool and attractive it became one of whether or not the sinks are sinks or just urinals.

They’re white and quite low to the ground as far as sinks go, sitting closer to urinal height, so you can’t really blame people for being confused.
One of the Most Confusing Clocks on Earth
Implementing a fan to make up the clock is a good creative and thought provoking activity. On one hand it all looks quite chic and creative but on the other hand, something went awry and they forgot that a clock has only two hands. To be able to tell the time at all, they had to get rid of the third part of the fan from the “clock.

Now, even if nobody can see the time using this clock, it still serves its purpose of looking good as a decoration piece inside the place.
Taking Public Restroom to the Next Level
By some people, I mean, perhaps, the very few, but apparently well-hydrated, people who decided the phrase “public bathroom” might be a bit literal. Most people take this to mean “public restrooms,” but apparently this interior designer made the distinction between “bathrooms that are public,” and “public to the public.” One would need to be a superman to use this bathroom aware of the fact that he/she/they are visible to anyone else.

You would have expected that at least shade would’ve been given there, to provide a little privacy? In hindsight this may have been a mistake first up, but one that was easily fixable.
When the Projector Blocks the Screen
Anyone who went to a school where projectors and screens were used to display slides on a large screen will be able to appreciate the hilarity of this error. The installer of this screen and projector made a rather basic mistake mixing the order on which goes on top of which. Now they can’t even use the screen because the projector is in the way.

In this case it appears there is literally no access to that screen and there is no means to actually use the projector. It feels like both a bit of a waste, and maybe also like a fixable mistake.
When the Cart Can’t Get Through the Aisle
What is comically ironic is that there existed stores (where people had their carts) that were frequented and frequented by customers that just didn’t fit in the aisles. This is apparently not a regularly scheduled stop, location of this pillar, however, must inconvenience a few people. Fortunately aisles aren’t really that long so they could just do a quick turnaround before it was too late.

Still, there’s enough room to get by (not everyone uses carts) so it’s not the best but it’s not that bad either, really.
Avoid the Middle Area of the Stairs
We can only assume the designer of this public stairwell was attempting to make an artistic choice when in reality they made a complete mess of it. Only feel sorry for a person who doesn’t expect the dead center of the middle section to finish, and walks up the centre. They will get stuck in a bad position where they have to do the walk of shame and make that turn and go back down the stairs.

They probably could have gotten away with one handrail in the middle of the stairs.