Hard-to-Clean Designs and Objects You’ll Want to Avoid

It looks good, sure, but that does not actually make it easy to clean.
Just pause for a moment and consider how annoying this is to dust in every nook and cranny that all your furniture always has. Then check out the beautiful design of this staircase, made to appear as if it relies over folding sheets. Again, it is a stunning building, no doubt about that, but at the same time, we can’t imagine them affording a cleaner for too long.

This can take someone days to dust this grand staircase. We would have neither the requisite time nor the requisite patience to methodically make our way down this entire staircase leaving it dust free.
Who on Earth Would Willingly Sit Underneath This?
No clue as to why whoever owns this restaurant decided to hang a few hundred clay pots on his ceiling, however. They may be cool and rustic from an aesthetic standpoint, but can you imagine sitting under those? Again, the third thing you will be thinking of is one of those pots hitting your head and the third thing will be the horrible fear that a spider is entering from one of those and into your food.

But then again how much this has to waste time to be cleaned to make sure the food is not getting contaminated from everything falling from them of course.
Not Everyone in the Room is Blessed with Chapodiphobia, and We Feel Bad for Them
People adding something original and fun to their home or business to give the room that little x Factor has always been a strong market. A little tarka to make the commonplace something exceptional Well, we hope that was their intention, anyway, when they put an octopus in their bathroom as a sink. But hey — we have to assume that’s nearly impossible to clean with all those nooks and crannies.

And don’t get me started on what to do when you’re faced with a customer or employee who suffers from Chapodiphobia, the fear of octopi. Are they all simply non-hand-washers?
Top line: ‘Proud’ Benzema Calls Time on French International Career
Dust Collector That Pretends to be a Lamp
Picture this lamp following you home from some estate sale. You are aware that it was a total rip-off and that it will never look good together with the rest of your stuff but you had to have it. Look, we know this lamp built out of your favorite comic book characters was just too sweet of a catch not to feature center piece in your living room table. But you also just bought the best dust collector ever made.

It also has so many little figures that cleaning this lamp is completely impractical and attempts to do so would quite likely lead to a delicate piece breaking off!
Functional Aquarium 1800s Design For Break continus
All right, so you saw a few YouTube videos of some people doing the cool fish tank, and now you want one. You are out there looking for this vintage piece, and all of a sudden you have become some kind of professional. Friends and family will stop by and view this aquarium and remark on your quaint tastes. Until you put something down a touch too hard on this thing and boom, the entire friggin aquarium goes smashing down.

While antiques can be a really cool touch, they can be a bit of a double edged sword as well. By the way, an old aquarium sure, it going to be so fragile that you’ll be scared to even touch it, let alone actually clean it.
You Made A Room Here To Be Bad For The Eyes.
Picture yourself entering this room for a moment. The design would probably leave you stunned and the success of the designer in bringing all of the elements of the tree into the room. With a wooden railing, tree-shaped columns, and wooden floors in different colors, it resembles modern art between. Still, the longer we hold its gaze, the more it is also giving us a splitting headache. However, we can only speculate that residing here would be somewhat unhealthy for the eyes.

The room, not only seeping nauseous air out of every hole it has, must, we can only imagine, make it impossible to establish what is dirty, and what is designed to look dirty and rustic, and natural.
I mean, come on, this one is practically asking to be an accidental drowning
Have you ever looked at something and had that sixth sense feeling you are looking at an accident waiting to happen? If not, then wait until you have kids because that sixth sense really kicks in and you quickly start seeing lurking danger in even the most ubiquitous household items and designs. But this is not an ordinary bedroom setup. This bed is mounted so that it seems to float over a pool of water.

And while it may well be a child’s dream room it also is a room just asking for accident. And just imagine changing the sheets on this thing!
Can Anyone Even Wash Their Hands?
Hopefully, post-global pandemic, no longer is the discussion of handwashing a topic of conversation. No longer does the common man just wipe their dirty hands on their pants, day over. This sunk however could just be the thing that makes washing your hands impossible. The faucet is pretty normal, but the sink is a wooden maze, sans bowl. We don’t even know where to put our hands or where the water will flow.

And don’t even get us started on what could potentially grow in all those various nooks on this oddly shaped sink. That wet timber can’t be too sanitary.
Why Our Childhood Dreams Should Not Always Come To Fruition
If you were ever a grade-school kid then you have that dream of putting a beach in your basement. And if your answer was no then we feel sorry for you because you probably had an unimaginative childhood. Although this notion sounds nice when we think it in our mind but the practical part of this is a disaster. Here is a guy who took his whole basement and made it into a real beach with beach chairs, towels, and a couple hundred pails of sand.

The first thing we don’t quite understand is how they made this happen. Second of all, this is going to be a nightmare to clean up. All we can do is pray that they’re not renting.
Glass feeding bottles appears to be a big NO
Have you ever had the best idea ever and then realized almost immediately it was the dumbest idea ever? You are not alone. This is a real shame here, but the individual never reached the ‘terrible idea’ phase of their thought process. Its a glass bottle for newborn and infant feeding. The person who came up with this idea did think through the whole process of cleaning those little glass fragments after use.

These bottles were actually used during the Victorian era—they bred such massive quantities of bacteria that many, many infants died being fed from them!
Why Not Complicate Cleaning the Potty?
The bathroom is the one room that is most important when it comes to cleaning and arguably one of the more challenging places to clean in your house when you get to work on your cleaning chores. The evil person who designed this particular style of toilet — or at least whoever patterned the floor to the base — knew their design would render all future toilets impossible to clean. The only thing those small grooves in porcelain needed was a growth of mold, and the other bathroom nasties that followed let the bath creature stay just anywhere.

We get it, if you have this style of toilet in your home then you’d have a police issued hazmat suit, fully equipped with a bleach hose, to tackle that bathroom chores.
What kind of person would want to vacuum their walls?
Of all the different wall design options out there, this designer felt bright pink shag carpet was the way to go. We have no idea why anyone would lay the carpet on the wall (in fact, we can smell how bad this idea is from all the way over here), You’d be lucky to ever even clean this wall, how do you even clean this? I suppose it means you will have to suck up both the floors and the walls, and perhaps even the ceiling, too.

God forbid anyone has children in this house because these walls if damaged soon will sing a different tune as the pain from within cannot be covered with mere paint.
The roof of this casino appears to be trying to cover something
I don’t know who thought they were the second coming of Michelangelo — y’know, that guy that painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel — but this is a cleaning nightmare of a ceiling. This designer literally covered all of this casino’s ceilings with glass flowers and who knows what might be up there, by now. It has contained a living colony of spiders inside these for decades without realizing it.

It does not matter if the spiders are there or not. The question is, will they burn this casino down one day if someone sees them?
These Skull Headlamps Are Asking to Be Crushed
Have you seen something which feels like it needs to break. Or maybe, your inner house cat spots a vase that is placed just too close to the edge, and you all of a sudden feel compelled to just knock over. It is the sensation experienced when looking at the intricate glass skulls that function as this car’s headlughts. One small puff then poof, they’re gone. We could actually be doing a favor for the owner of the car.

Why a service? Because really these have got to be the hardest to wash. Think of all those bugs that get stuck in this every day, and we aren’t even talking bout the razor wire grill.
They Literally Designed This Wall to Look Dirty
If you enter a bathroom and see these walls in front of you, it may reveal the insane germaphobe side you didn’t know you had. We are unsure of who tiled these but the full-sized images are worth checking out.

Pretty sure we’d lose hours to this with a bucket of bleach and a sponge at the walls here in a jiffy. God help us if we lay a finger on them before that,
You Turned the Geode Sink Into a Moldy Nightmare
Your guests are sure to be impressed by your truly one of a kind piece in your home. Particularly when what you add is a geode sink. Can you imagine walking into the bathroom and seeing a giant geode? But we really have to ask the logistical choice behind this sink? If you hold up a piece of paper – finding the paper sharper than stubs on your palm seems almost hazardous as well. And second: How the hell do you go about cleaning a sink like that?

Can you use bleach to clean geodes? Windex? Dish soap? We are guessing you could even look at those sparkly bits with a strong chemical and they might get nasty fast.
This Family Is For An Absolute Mess
Now that’s a hell of a porcelain throne, no pun intended Now imagine walking into a friends toilet and finding this… magnificence in the floor. We would be shamed for going to the loo to do our simpleton business there. As fancy as it is, however, imagine how dirty those little tiny gold tiles get. How the heck do you clean this stuff, with a toothbrush?.

This thing is a cool looking vehicle, but the thought of how filthy is has to be makes the heebie jeebies come over us.
A Little Bit of Dust for Your Food? Sure, No Problem
On the surface, this chandelier is pure art. It is designed to resemble a a bouquet of flowers flooding light across the diners at this restaurant and is very rare. It would be a work of art; therein lies the problem. Art installations are not functional by nature. As such, these decorative light fixtures by the looks of it, are likely to be very challenging to maintain—and are destined to rain dust on anyone walking below them.

You would most likely be to break these delicate lights to tidy up as you will understand just how much that will get deducted from your wage!
You Can Never Be Too Excessive with Beaded Hiatus Covers
We want to be able to call an addiction hotline because this poor soul. Every inch of car is draped in beaded seat covers If you don’t know what they are, they are an old school way of keeping the sweat and stickiness off of you and the seats. This dude took it a little further and decided to deck out his seats, dashboard, media center and pretty much everything else with these things. It is nasty, no doubt about that, but God only knows what is underneath those beads.

I mean, just think of having a bag of chips in this car on hot summer’s day; Crumbs and spit everywhere.
And Who Else Will Get Fired Over This Soft Cabinet
For some ideas, they look better on the papers than they work out in real life. This softy cabinet hanging out in the corner of someone’s living room or dining room. While the packaging is sort of cabinet shaped, it actually consists of foam with tiny dividers for the plates, bowls and cups. It has the added benefit of looking this ridiculous when you open it, which is actually a cause for concern, but also just imagine what’s hiding in between those foam cracks.

Foam is meant to hold stuff, anything could be hiding in between these foam slits, and how the hell are you going to dust a foam china cabinet? Or perhaps (and we mean perhaps, because this service may seem quite limited) — our couch cleaning services also does cosyé.
Just think about cleaning each of these small buildings
Nothing epitomizes that virtue more than those who craft little wooden ships in glass bottles and whoever possesses this. This wood-and-plastic scale model of a giant city could be some footage they cut out of the movie Inception of a city folding in on itself. These buildings have window seals the size of a pencil tip, and their very presence probably requires constant vigilance against accumulation of dust or filth. Cleaning this city model, one could imagine, is a hobby in it’s own right that needs to be in constant maintenance and an extreme amount of patience.

This is one of those items that seems attractive, but a small degree of wisdom will save you the grief of trying to dispose of this plague just as quickly as possible.
This will be the least ever used permanently installed cutting board
It is uncertain what the kitchen designer was thinking when they installed a built-in permanent wooden cutting board shifted on the countertop. Maybe this designer has never had a wood cutting board, but those just wear out. Mind you, that does not even factor in that wood is not waterproof. What you are left with is a filthy, non-removable hunk of wood that is now a permanent fixture of your countertops.

And one last thing, the drawer beneath it has now become a mini bucket to catch water if any cuts through the cutting board. Its whole design screams mold just waiting to happen.
The Moldy Morning Coffee That We Like
For example, if you ever wanted a cup to literally frighten the shit out of you every single morning then look no further. Staring out from the centre of this mug is a ceramic octopus that is especially designed to be poking its head and tentacles out of your cup when you get towards the end of your morning coffee. Probably one to terrify anyone who didn’t realize an octopus was waiting for them at the bottom of their cup.

Even more scary is the fact that all of those little nooks and crannies are just begging to be unwashed and grow a little mold for you coffee in the morning.
A Flaming Tumbleweed Chandelier, Who Wouldnt Want One?
You know those tumbleweeds that you always see suddenly appearing in front of two old west duelers? Two men or women facing each other in a dusty showdown are waiting for the call to draw and fire, but before that can get going a tumbleweed rolls across the dirt road. And tumble weeds? We never expected them to be sanitary at all as they are mainly a bunch of dirt and weeds. Which is why it makes absolutely no sense that someone hung one in their kitchen.

And of course, this miniature tumbleweed chandelier is from Texas. We wouldn’t go so far as to call it the perfect chandelier but we can at least verify that it is vaguely thematic.
Have a Little Faith That the Boys Are Good Shots
We can only imagine what the smell of this bathroom is but I’m guessing it doesn’t smell any better than a subway system in a major metropolitan area. This is a bathroom that doubles as a display area for hundreds of tiny model cars. Now we’re not saying they are urinated on by syphilis infected bums, but we’re not saying it’s not likely either. These little cars have absolutely never gotten splashing every once in awhile.

That not only has to smell horrible but then you have to take every single car and scrub it by hand to remove that smell,
This Elevator Had a Lot of History
We’re assuming that the designers of this elevator were attempting to implant a sense of tranquility with some grass on the floor, some grass on the walls. The walls also have flowers and a mirror. But instead of being soothed we are grossed out by what has draped itself in the astroturf that surrounds us. So the hundreds of people that will have ever taken this elevator, will have left a fraction of themselves behind, in this room.

The stairs it is, we imagine, because as long as the grass remains up, there is no way some poor bastard is getting that lift cleaned properly.
Modern Architecture ¯(ツ)/¯ More Like Modern Dust Collectors
Since when do modern home designers know the meaning of “too much”? Literally this wooden architecture literally feels like only a wooden board hanging out to eat and cook for people. Still, even though it seems to serve no purpose, the whole design is so ridiculously extra that it almost feels like just another aspect of the house aesthetic we’re going to be cleaning up after later.

It is sometimes easier to keep a clean home as simplified as well. We really need to lace these over-accomplishments to create these added-things that have no use?
Just because it looks nice doesn’t mean it isn’t a pain in the ass to clean
These fans look like real leaf-shaped fans or blossoms when just installed but when this homeowner installed them, I bet the beauty was all he was focused on. They certainly are nice to look at though and don’t add a whole lot of extra functionality that a standard fan wouldn’t, so to speak. And all it will leave is an almost impossible to clean fan that did nothing for the home but a pretty fan that looks pretty much like the original fan.

Why are they doing these to their homes? The truth is that they do not need to clean them up, because they probably pay a human or robot to do that for them.
This Mirror Resembles An Elementary School Arts & Crafts Project
When this family hung this bathroom mirror frame they were probably thinking that it was a conversation-starting feature that no other friends and family had. What they said about the frame of this mirror would never be high praises. It resembles a class art project in which a kindergartener used foam concrete or other expanding foam substance, which is likely what it is, to fashion a frame.

Either way, both option are really gross and we can see all the pores here and really don’t want to think about how many microscopic specks of toothpaste have probably gathered inside the frame ever since the first time we brushed our teeth.
Modern Architecture Is Designed to Hurt Your Brain
Did you ever want to make them speechless with surprise? If so, you have found that right house. Example: Image of the entrance of house apparently with thousands of metal poles protruding out of it. Is this architect designing this house on the run from porcupines? How old exactly we are unsure, but we genuinely

We can say without the shadow of the doubt these homeowners will not be the recipients of aghast looks from their guests in repose at the immense beauty that is the front of their homes.
And those germaphobes who probably feared a germ takeover since the dawn of time – this Coffee Bean light switch if their worst nightmare
Bye, bye light switch: After all, the trouble with light switches in bathrooms is everyone touches ’em. This could be the one thing that grossed out a germaphobe, which makes it one of the grossest things to anyone who actually has a fear of germs. Even worse than this is the fact that the cover to this light switch is a model of a 3-D pile of coffee beans.

All those nooks and crannies make the germs hiding there, and the beans also probably make it difficult if not impossible to fully disinfect. No, thank you, we’ll take our chances in the dark
At Least There Will Be No Monsters Under This Bed
This might be the mattress for you if you are stultifying the breather between your bed and floor. Not only does this three-tiered mattress extend low to the ground, it also provides little steps to the top mattress. On the whole, all this can look so damn nestled at first glance and removes the danger of ghosts under the bed, but you just provided your feline good scratching pad you possibly can for free of charge.

So you may have shooed away monsters that kept you awake at night, but then you threw a cat into the mix, and that little creature will never allow you to sleep soundly again.
Okay, Is That a Wig or a Lamp, Though?
Have you ever laid eyes on an object that not only asks for a double take but also an analysis at depth? This lamp is an example of that. At first looks like a lamp, then you know this is actually a wig and mystery seems to be unsolvable unless one can touch this lamp. It is uncertain whether this is a wig or a lamp, but we know that either way it has to stink.

Since a lamp is an electronic device you can’t wash a fabric lamp, right? Is it something you can spray with liquid, or will that only end with an early demise via electrocution?
Most are likely happy no one has sweaty palms out of this mouse
With its shiny white surface, this computer mouse looks super futuristic and high-tech, with all the little perforated dots in the mouse cover revealing all the bright lights and tiny electronic parts hiding inside. But what do you do if you want to clean it? You’re not able to spray it with cleaning solution or you will risk ruining the mouse. Do you just co-exist with something you touch daily accumulating dirt and skin flakes until it’s no longer usable because it is so disgusting?

We will never really know the answer because for sure we won’t be buying this mouse, regardless of how “Glorious” the marketing says it may be.
Believe it or not, Sometimes Things Do What They Are Supposed To
Now and then, a designer will overdeliver and actually make something that lives up to the promise. For example: dust guards — those little metal triangles at the corners of your staircase to stop those impossible-to-clean dust piles from making a home. Those tricky little corners will never again require a toothbrush to get into. Maybe with these installed, you may even keep your cleaner happy.

In order for this design to work as intended: all we need to do is take a mom