Unique Kitchen Designs That Will Make You Look Twice

This Kitchen Has an Incognito/Hidden Feature
It is amongst the dirtiest items to keep in your kitchen. A toilet would almost certainly be near the top of that list. Hidden toilet or not, it’s impossible to get past the idea of a home somewhere in this world containing a hidden toilet in one of its kitchen cabinets. In all seriousness, even an outhouse is an upgrade than this. Wouldn’t you rather do your business outside than in the kitchen?

At first this kitchen appears to be just an average kitchen, but then you open the top of the cabinet that is off to the left hand side, and there’s a toilet. This is why when you look at a new place always check inside the cabinets.
It’s a Glitch in the Matrix
This kitchen doesn’t seem too bad at first glance — especially in comparison the majority of the other kitchens on the list. But a little closer examination reveals a significant design flaw. Or perhaps that’s not the case at all; maybe it has this appearance due to a matrix error. That’s honestly the only excuse we’ve got for this, as we can’t imagine anyone would go out of their way to create such a strange setup.

Whoever lives here probably is always running into that corner and stubbing their toe on it. And they have no means of accessing the cabinet behind the counter – what a waste of cabinet space!
Congrats to the Newlyweds!
As far as I am concerned, nothing wrong by adding a few pictures and memory memorabilia here and there to turn the house into a home. But there is a thin line, after which you cross the limit. Look, for instance, at this couple. They chose to create a kitchen backsplash featuring a collage of the two of them on their wedding day. Sure, some will call it romantic, but others will call that a bit overboard.

We all know that even a married couple will become bored with viewing this image every single day. But what if they actually do move — then what? Something tells us that backsplash is getting some sorta facelift long before that.
When your kitchen island becomes a news anchor desk
The kitchens may be where majority of the masses in-good-faith assume food is prepared and delicious meals are served, but apparently some folks can not resist having the audacity to keep a power-erase before and after dinner by turning the space into a platform to spit a public address or local news. Other than a terrible sailing accident and a lot of wooden planks, we can think of no other reason for the existence of this oddly shaped island. Seems like they took the kitchen island and news anchor desk concept and merged them.

The/greatest part? Only one chair at the island. Which just makes it look more like it’s designed for someone to read the news at 7 o’clock this evening.
Just One Ladder Between You and The Oven
Some of the kitchen cabinets are already so high up that you need a stepping stool to reach them. Now replay that scenario, but swap out cabinets with an oven. You can avoid the oven but the nooks and crannies of your home are not going to clean themselves. The oven is the second most used appliance in the kitchen! The best part is that the stovetop is at a regular distance from the ground.

Picture getting up on the step stool with a large, cumbersome platter of hot food and then balancing it all the way down! Sounds like a high stress environment to be living in.
Whoever Did This Does Not Play Piano, We Refuse to Believe It
On occasion, choosing what to put on the wall is difficult. A few individuals adhere to visuals, while others just ignore it. And apparently, there is one more batch of people who love something completely different: they put pianos on the walls. It poses a lot of questions for us. How do they get the piano on the wall, how does it stay there, and why would they put it there, anyway?

The piano may have been restored to serve a second life as a hood extractor installed above the stovetop, but this just leaves us even more confused. What kind of piano lover abuses that instrument?
Ideal for the Couple Who Just Can’t Even with Each Other
A touch of privacy in certain rooms in your house is in no way unreasonable. But here they went a step too far with that idea, I guess. To break it up, they line a massive pillar on the floor between the bar stools and the counter, so you can’t even see the other person (or talk to them) while you’re eating; that seems a little over the top. That doesn’t exactly seem like the easiest system to put into place.

What is with that gigantic column in the first place? They seem to have gotten the most of the space once they used to this big column, but this could have been avoided?
What Could Go Wrong: A Sewage Pipe In The Kitchen
If you thought a toilet was the ultimate ruining of a kitchen design, then we give you this, a close second. An entire sewer pipe runs through this kitchen. It comes down from the bathroom on the upper floor and goes right across the kitchen. It is not just an eyesore and can disrupt the flow of the kitchen, but it can get pretty unhygienic too.

Seriously how does you completely screw up the design to the point where this becomes a thing? When designing the layout, they didn’t seem to consider how they’d get a pipe from the bathroom directly above.
For When You Want Texas in Your Heart (and Your Sink, Too)
Some folks are just quite the patriots. And in Ameri-ika, some not only patriotic to Ameri-ika, but also to their state. Texans may take the prize for the most proud and patriotic citizens of all the states (anyone from there will likely tell you that there’s no shortage of Texas pride). And if you think that they’re lying or we’re lying, well, we have this kitchen sink whose shape looks like a giant booby to show you.

Why are they tossing this sink into the middle of the ocean? That all the guests that come over and use it realize how much they love their state and want to show it off to everybody?
The Floating Refrigerator
So have you ever wondered if it is possible to float a fridge? The answer to that is probably a huge negative (who needs fridges out there afloat and living their best life?) but it’s still interesting to know that could be done! A little short on space (in the kitchen) in this home — but the residents still needed a fridge. What’s the solution? In the picture below, the peculiar setup you see.

It definitely does not look all that pretty but it is technically working and that’s all we want, right? Maybe, when they have some spare change, a custom fridge to fit that little nook.
When The Couch Company Dabbled in Kitchen Design
Various types of materials can be utilized to design a kitchen. There are the standard woods and granites that most reach for, and then there is this. One twitter user pointed one up which, in addition, asked the question of what material this actually is, and whether it is as cushy and fluffy as it seems or just some very good wood carving. Either way, there is no question that this kitchen is unique.

There is nothing wrong with you being unique and designing the room which you have dreamed of and which you liked. We all love this common but, well, we just don’t like all these cracks and dips to hide the dust eternally in your kitchen cabinets.
The Post was originally published under the title, “You Have to Be Good to Screw Up This Much”
There are life situations that appear to be working great outside, but on deeper levels, they have a lot of problems. If you just walked into this kitchen you would have no idea all the problems with the appliances and the doors as they would probably still be closed. But open one of the doors, whether the fridge, dishwasher or right into the cabinet and you will soon glimpse the reality.

How is it possible for one person to have f**d the placement and size of all of these items up? It’s one thing if one or two of them fail to open, but all of ’em seems just a tad excessive.
We Just Have One Question: Why?!
The picture found below may, for many of us, be simply painful to behold. What is especially sad about this kitchen is that it looks as though it was actually really great, very well-designed to begin with—then the people who moved in came and made it all horrid. Rather than putting the fridge in the nook designed for it, they stuck some ill-fitting cabinets in to the nook and slid the refrigerator against the blank wall.

If the fridge would not fit in the nook, then fine, make lemonade, but that does not appear to be the case here.
In This Kitchen, It’s All About That Bass
Well, having the music up in this kitchen would probably be one of those times you need to be careful. Whether these speakers actually work and if they do — what that could mean for putting the music on, is uncertain and somewhat deadly looking. Would our poor ears survive all of that in one tiny room? If it isn’t a real speaker, then this design choice is even more pointless. But perhaps these homeowners just a really love music.

But that begs a second question: if they are into music, why not turn it into a music kitchen? It could have been any general speaker theme. Some people, we imagine, are content for it to simply be all about that bass.
Ideal Island for the Family That Love to Arm Wrestle
A well-equipped kitchen is incomplete without a kitchen island as it serves one of the best and most helpful functions of them all. Nothing like plenty of apparent free time.

What is even weirder about this is they have ample kitchen room for a normal, full-sized island, but instead opted for one that is virtually useless.
We’ll Refer To This As “Victorian Streetlamp Chic”
Everyone wishes their home to be special and appear interesting in their them. Nobody wants to live in one of those sterile, cookie-cutter homes where all the houses look the same, and nobody distinguishes themselves. But some people go a step beyond that desire to be different. These folks apparently decided that a Victorian street lamp needs to live in their kitchen. Although it’s cute decor, it’s an odd space for it.

Perhaps they were starved for light, had a Victorian street lamp hanging about, and said, “Why not just put it in the kitchen?
How Much You Can Afford for $1 Million in San Francisco
As such, the kitchen can be an arsenal of bizarre things on any given day. The catch, however, is when the weird stuff is huge and cannot be moved. This apartment has a full beam running down the centre of the apartment It not only looks mega out of place, but would also be a total pain the the arse for whoever is living there, and trying to cook in that kitchen.

The craziest thing is that this apartment is selling for something like $ 1,000,000. Good price, sure, but this is still a hunk of wood beam that’s slapping you across the toes every day, and while pretty (never mind the ceiling beam), Who Stubs Their Toes in San Francisco?
Yes, They Discovered the Ideal Place for the Oven
Either the designers had a set of appliances in mind that they knew would work in the space, or they were hopelessly out to lunch and didn’t think to check before putting together a kitchen. Whichever one it was, we are sure that the tenants of this apartment were so annoyed every single day they walked into the kitchen they ended up with due to such poor layout planning. I mean, the back of that oven is a pretty rough view.

It’s not just that the cabinet is off—it is, and the oven is too—but the cabinets are only faced on one side and blatantly unattractive from the back.
Finally! That is not what design shows mean when they say to “bring the outdoors inside.”
Everyone loves a bit of Mother Nature in their house, right? There is a reason why plants are making their way into so many millennials homes (and nearly taking over). This family seemed to desire the outdoors in their homes, but they went one step—or many steps—too far. The entire ceiling was covered in pine cones and leaves. Perhaps they are not real but either way, cleaning is hard.

And when you think about it, the rest of the kitchen design is pretty imposing too. Maybe morning coffee in this kitchen is too much to take.
Lit Bathroom: Mold-Pattered Floor Great For Killing Your Guests Appetites
So, there are two possibilities here. Either this particular flooring designer has no clue what black mold is, and how disgusting it is, or they want you to think this floor is being overrun by black mold. It’s ideal flooring for something that’s already kind of moldy since it looks just like it. Honestly, you cannot distinguish between maybe actual mold and the fold pattern on the floor.

I bet people walking into this house have a lot of initial questions. They don’t know if they’re looking at a mold-infested location or a bizarre design decision.
The Kitchen Version of a 3-In-1 Shampoo
There are just times in life when you are not given a whole lot of choices. The reality is not everyone has the money to build a large mansion with enough surplus room to have a separate room for everything. I mean this home is hopefully so cheap because the design of it is so bizarre and impractical. Why the hell are you trying to cram everything into one room? Without a doubt, the strangest feature is a standup shower in the kitchen.

You know, a washing machine in the kitchen is not uncommon, but the shower is something different. Well at least if you drip on yourself when cooking you know you can scrub it off in the shower without wandering too far.
A Cozy Little Corner for This Special Appliance
Either these people just went in and all they’ve got so far is an oven, or they have a really simple existence. One can only hope the former because it is hard to imagine living in these conditions and completely impossible to imagine cooking anything here. Is there actually a sink or cabinets? Literally anything else besides an oven in this huge kitchen area?

The only logical explanation behind this kind of unusual arrangement is if there was a new family who moved in or if the house is still under construction, thus the overall emptiness!
Tetris Kitchen Drawers — for Those who Love Storage Areas that are Otherwise Not Convenient to Use
It is well known that most people, including myself, enjoy a nice game of Tetris. It is gratifying, it is enjoyable and it allows for some light mental exercise to try and best solve each puzzle But not everyone wants Tetris in the shape of kitchen cabinets and drawers. Going into the kitchen to grab a snack or prepare dinner, you really don’t want the cabinets to confuse you.

This is an interesting and different piece, and gives the kitchen some type of cool ambience. But however, it is just not the most practical or ideal choice to have in one of the rooms you use the most.
Who Needs an Oven, Anyway?
This kitchen may seem like it is very nicely designed with modern brown cabinets and modern elements. But something is very ugly picture itself It appears they designed their plans without the space for an oven. Or the residents there were simply not interested in buying one, and were going to make do with a toaster oven instead. And then they just started doing stuff in it.

Regardless of which explanation is behind this weird kitchen, it also looks pretty unsafe. Wood is also a rather misguided surface to balance a microwave on.
Cut Costs on Curtains and Jam Up the Window With Your Refrigerator
While this is definitely a catastrophic design fail, it also seems like the occupants of this home may not have a space large enough to accommodate a working kitchen. But who would expect to be able to counterbalance a pot with fridge? There’s also doubt that they even get more than a fraction of that space in the fridge, as there’s no way for them to even reach it.

At this stage, you may just want to sell the giant fridge and get one of those mini-fridges they have in motels. It wouldn’t at least make it look so exciting to sit on the counter.
For Those Times You Want Your Neighbors to Be Fooled
Sure you’re cutting it a bit close to the line there, when you suddenly are rich as fuck and have money coming from every direction, it is admittedly sweet. But, as people should remember, style and classiness are not always bought by money. These individuals were eager to show anyone walking into their home, that they certainly did not lack a dime. And then they carved some Lamborghini picture in the glass and then they covered every surface with luxuries again.

And the best part is that their bragging about displaying their wine collection (as if you have to prove to someone how rich you are). They did not understand that fine wine cannot be placed in the sun,
This Graphic Designer Misshemes Geometry Class
This is so nice about kitchen hoods. They literally absorb all the smoke grease and other splatters that can occur especially in the kitchen and therefore help to keep your home odour free and smelling fresh. But what can the kitchen hood do if you don’t place it right above the stove top? Sounds really dumb and a waste of money in general. It’s near enough to the burner but still pretty far away.

Sure, this cooking hood will absorb some of the odors and fumes that rise off the stove but not all (or even the majority) of them.
Dinner and a Show
Perhaps the people in this house did not have space, which is why they had to turn the kitchen into some kind of show room Otherwise that is just a really weird set of decorations and not a progression that makes sense. It seemed home theater-esque (the curtains and the projector), but you can never really be certain, especially since it was in the kitchen.

Well, at least if they are ever gonna wanna do dinner and a movie, they have it all set up at home. This is the kind of convenience that you would expect!
That’s One Spoonful of Very Pointy
The idea behind this sign is nice. I mean, seriously, who doesn’t want to put a little spoonful of love into every pot, right? But they should have made sure they were serving up spoonfuls, not forkfuls. How do they post a sign that says spoonfuls and place a fork on it? Did they just run out of spoons and think this was better than nothing or would the idea of a spoon just completely escape them?

And the kicker is this slipped through all the designers, and then the absorptions of the sign as well. How did no one notice this?
Big City Apartments Be Like
We knew there was a secret toilet hidden in the kitchen, but who knew there could be a second one? Perhaps they are seriously space-challenged at their house so everything had to be jammed into that wee cubby. It sounds odd, though, that you need to go upstairs to the kitchen to use the bathroom. It makes it awkward when someone is in the oven.

Which room it’s in, nobody wants to know what wall is listening to it dump. But people want even less to hear it while they are cooking.
Our Eyes Don’t Know Where to Look First
If you examine the individual elements of this kitchen design, they really aren’t horrible at all. Now mix all of them together and you get something that you’ve likely dreamt up in your sleepwalking phase. The ceiling itself, which is designed to look like space, isn’t bad by itself. But when you mix those in with the dark brown cabinets and the almost punch in the eye backwash, it gets ugly, to say the least.

And yes, it can definitely be flooded whilst at the same time extremely attractive. One part of you is probably taking flight never to return, the other part mouth agape staring at the bizarre beauty of it all.
Also Read: Do You Spot The Fridge?
At first glance, it may not be immediately obvious what is slightly off in this image. Definitely feels like a kitchen — just simple and plain But if this whole situation is prolonged just a wee bit longer, you will realize it lacks a fridge. Although then you look again and see there is one, just tiny and sort of looking like a fridge but not really.

So they have this massive big oven which is ironic because they have this tiny tiny fridge. The fridge placement makes it look as if is a window instead of an appliance.
His and Hers Sink (but Just One Faucet)
To be fair, a diamond-shaped sink is actually kind of a cool idea. Who says you necessarily need to have the standard square, rectangle or circular sink anyway? Flip the script and turn it into a diamond. These people have four good reasons not to, if only because in order to “stand by this sink” you would be wedged in a corner.

That’s neat and all, but — at least in my home, where we don’t keep kosher and aren’t required to separate dish types — it serves little practical purpose, and honestly seems to complicate life instead of simplifying it.
It will be the Kitchen Island that is going through its awkward stage
As children and adolescents, nearly all of us experienced an “awkward phase.” It only lasted, for the fortunate, about a year, until puberty came along and revealed them. Yet for a lot of us, our awkward section lingered on for some time in reality, and attended to an finish as poverty taken care of business. Unfortunately for this kitchen, its island appears to be eternally wedged in its awkward stage. The rest of the space is blossoming beauty but the island is just freaking weird.

It makes you think back to your awkward teenage years: it appears to be without direction and unsure what to do with itself. Plus we don’t see that changing any time soon.
Was this kitchen more closely sponsored by Crayola?
Well, there are several theories regarding the origins of this kitchen. Perhaps the designer accidentally knocked over tubs of paint and was at a loss, and painted everything and anything with paint of every color. That is theory one. The second theory is that an art school ran and allowed each student to paint a piece of the kitchen, resulting in what you see.

Neither of those is probably the actual reason that this kitchen is so ridiculously colorful and painted, but they are probably more interesting than the actual reason, which is probably something to do with a design fail.
A Kitchen Is Not a Kitchen Without a Place to Stubbing Your Toes
I feel like there is nothing more irritating than stubbed toe. Fuck it hurts so bad, it makes me angry. Either that, or you can just pray that whoever live in this house always wear some shoes when they are in home (otherwise there is no way around not stub your toe on this disguised piece of fabric). To the common eye, it resembles the flooring and no one will be able to spot the difference. That’s a recipe for impending catastrophe.

What is the purpose of that piece of material anyway? It seems not like something that was ever necessary, in any of its forms, and so more like something that should have been wiped out, not something that continues to harm humans on the daily.
Now that gives us serious Picasso vibes
Above anything else, this arrangement is just perplexing. Are they meant to look cool (and cool) in that the appliances don’t seem to fit in the hole in the wall that’s been carved for them? And yet, oddly, if you inspect it closely, the microwave is pretty well inserted into that space, and even has a little support piece below it. Perhaps it looks like that for a reason?

But the oven is also very, very weird. What gives it the appearance of faux brick? But also, why doesn’t that faux-brick blanket get another arm to wrap around the lot?
What, they really want to be the “party house?
Perhaps someone was truly missing the night life when they moved into their new home. Or perhaps it was the home builders. Either way, it seems odd to be turning a room into a nightclub rather than a kitchen. More light in any room is most often good, but hope this isn’t the type of mood lighting you envisioned in your kitchen.

Lastly, this kitchen, and indeed, house in general, lacks plenty of furniture, so the unusual circular lights that surround the room become even more the center of attention.
“Leave Your Empty Martini Glass in the Martini Sink”
How about a guest who puts his dirty martini glass in the sink? What do they do with the empty martini glass? Homeowners will be like, “MARTINI glass goes in MARTINI glass.” And this can definitely lead to some confusion. While it’s a fun idea (and to be fair, not the first kooky sink we featured), and who doesn’t enjoy a drink here and there, is this really the type of design obsession we want?

It also takes up a considerable amount of space. What are they allowed to put in the bottom of the sink? Only utensils and other very little items will fit there.
They Wanted to Mix Things up
The main feeling when we viewed the kitchen pictured below was that the designers were trying to hard to achieve something different. But maybe they also try too much – they just did the contrary of what people did normally to designers. They went white (which looks fine in this case) on the cabinets and made the fridge wood instead of going with a white or silver fridge out of principle or something. So unexpected that it’s a little confusing to look at.

The refrigerator itself was stainless, apparently, but the front was covered with faux wood. Some pretty random selections here, all around.