Kitchen Trends to Avoid for a Timeless Look

1. Tiled Countertops

Tile has long been a go-to for bathrooms and kitchens, but it’s on the out with so many other great options. Grout can get dirty between tiles, and the whole thing can be a little bit of a hassle to clean. Plus, stained grout does not appear very nice after many years. These days, the trend is moving towards more natural materials, such as wood and granite. If granite isn’t in your budget, then cement also makes for a unique countertop, and it can be made to look like stone.
2. No Curtains Or Blinds

The entire loft style has been ‘in’ for some time. Many have attempted to recreate this aesthetic in their own homes by making their kitchens windowless. That is a nice thought in theory, but in practice it just means you have no privacy. Just a quick look up may offer you an unsettling glimpse into what your neighbors may possibly be doing, but that means they can also keep tabs on you too. If you would like a more famously atmosphere, then put in some elaborate Venetian blinds, or some coordinating drapes.
3. No More Country Cupboard Chic

And many different styles have come and gone as years went by. Because, in the early aughts, country chic was all the rage. Many kitchens had cupboards that would be painted to give it a chipped distressed look. That created the feel of living in a farmhouse, even if your address was in downtown Providence. That trend is over and instead there has been a migration to mid-modern century. Kitchens now come with varnished wood cabinets with glass inserts.
4. Microwave Placement

In modern homes, built-in spaces for the microwave, or other appliances, are standard. Microwaves are used constantly, so they need to be readily available, and putting them above the stove is not a great idea. It used to be that builders installed cabinets that had a mount for a microwave high above the range. Although a space-saver, it is hardly convenient for every family member. Not everyone has been endowed with long limbs, which makes reaching up to microwave your lunch a pain. Especially if you have to climb a step stool to do it.
5. Brass Fixtures

Planning and making kitchens takes time, and absolutely worth it if you see every final step in place. Choosing fixtures for your kitchen is a big deal. Should they be focal points, or will they fade into the background? In the ’90s, brass fixtures were very on-trend, but now, they are on their way out. A much more minimalist look is currently in, which translates to stainless steel or satin nickel fixtures. The nice thing about fixtures is that they can easily be swapped out, making a kitchen look modern for far less than an entire renovation. Kitchens need facelifts too!
6. Colorful Appliances

The problem with trends is that one minute something is seen as the height of fashion, and a few years down the line it’s tangibly old-fashioned. This is likely also true of all the brightly colored fridges, stoves and small appliances that are being highlighted in homes around the world today. A pop of color is nice, but most people don’t replace their appliances every few years. Before you go all-in on a hot pink refrigerator, ask yourself whether you will want to live with the color in a year or two. Stainless steel, always the right choice. When all it goes with everything.