Stop Buying These Household Essentials: DIY Alternatives to Save Money

1. Desk

Desks are essential furniture, especially in this day and age where so many of us are working from home. And if you don’t have a desk, then you’ll be wanting one. They are hard to find, it’s the firmest buy we’ll ever make on something and with the firmest meet we’re preventative of committal, we hear ya — so here comes your life hack — you don’t have to! You can use two matching (same size) bookcases as the base instead and an old door on top to serve as the table top. Et voila! If you’re really creative, you can even paint the door.
2. Knitted Blankets

Covering a bed in plenty of linen can begin to wear on the wallet, particularly when you’re searching for luxury items – and why wouldn’t you? A bed that is more comfortable! But, the perfect knitted blanket is closer than you think. Knitting sounds intimidating but it is actually super simple. All you need is the simple gear and some instruction (which is straightforward to discover) and then you can have your own individual cozy, warm, selfmade blanket, knitted collectively with love. Another plus to this? And now your family can share a personal heirloom for generations!
3. Curtains

Instagram / winging_it_diy_girl
You don’t have to go out and buy some massive pre-fab curtain fabric. In case you want the look of curtain of a ‘Roman Shade’ then all you need is pieces of some old fabric which you might already have within your home. Fasten this to a few small sticks (one at the ends), and in the end, you have your drapes! The best part of this you can select the fabric, length and all everything with just a minimal price.
4. Headboard

When it comes to the bed, customization is also essential; we had better be royalty in our own bed rooms. In this way, a proper headboard is most definitely a great asset in the bedroom. If you don’t have that, don’t even sweat it, just take an old room divider (nobody uses them any more, anyway), jazz it up with some upholstery, and you’ve got a showstopper headboard. Or just hang a fabric-which will look like a headboard behind your bed. It can be as colorful or as complicated a design as you want.
5. Dresser

If you’re looking for a more industrial style home design you can even make your own dresser. If it seems like it would work for you then there are also ways of making other furnishings in a similar style and this is a fashionable style so you would be able to find some buyers. Literally just metal pipe, flanges, plywood, and a drill. Maybe watch some youtube videos here and there will be a good idea but the final product will be tailored to your house and at a fraction of the price of buying your own furniture.