Unusual Balcony Designs That Leave You Wondering

The Perfect Corner Balcony…
Right when you think you’ve found your ideal apartment, its moderately priced, it’s in a motley neighborhood to say the least, and it even has a balcony. Your excitement can’t be contained, but you know better than to get ahead of yourself. You think it, and this incredible “corner balcony” that is totally off-limits to ay of the people living in the apartments you arrive at the apartment. Are they just for

On the plus side, the building is a quite lovely shade of peach, although the balconies will be entirely useless to anyone that lives there (who wants to risk life-and-limb going out on them?).
When There’s a Will There’s a Way
Not everyone is privileged to grow up with a large backyard where their very own swimming pool awaits, no less a blow up that can be fun to jump around in when your body needs to cool off over the summer months. Others have a pool at their apartment and what you miss in life with them is a pool. Introducing the balcony pool…out here on this balcony and in the hands of a young man.

The residents below might soon become his No.1 enemies but for now, they seem to be making the most of their balcony pool
The Most Useless Balcony
The image that pops into your head when you hear the word balcony is, you probably guess it right, an open-air platform enclosed by a railing coming between two establishments in a godforsaken alley. What kind of person constructs a balcony like this, and what sort of person pays rent for a ‘balcony’ like this? It does none of the things a balcony is meant to do, except give you a small blast of fresh air, but you might get that by opening a window.

or this could have been built on top of the building prior to the second add-on. Once upon a time, perhaps this balcony had stunning vistas of the countryside?
The Perfect Balconies but No Way to Reach Them
Alright — first year architect, maybe even a brand new architect. The thing is that this definitely went wrong in the blueprint phase of this and it is astonishing that on the building phase fell no one on this disaster that could not be solved after that. What is really hilarious about this is that every apartment appears to have a balcony “attached” — its just that there is literally no way to get there.

The listing for the apartment says there is a balcony? Well, there technically is, but you have to be creative on getting there.
And Now the Balcony Without a Railing
Then you were granted the balcony absent railing, now yoots were given the railing lacking balcony. Which one is scarier? Most likely the first one since this balcony obviously has a railing on most sides and it is mysteriously omitted on one of the sides but feel free to pick your poison. Although one side is a bit scary, at least you can stand on this one for a moment.

At night this seems all the more terrifying as you can seriously picture somebody — God forbid — tumbling over this balcony and into the void.
Just One Person at a Time
It is indeed a balcony, in that you can even get out to it and it does offer some fresh air and some limited access to sun. But it is quite a solo balcony and only really one person doobles for spae. Not much square footage beyond the few feet that fit one or two squished people.

Even if, at the end of the day, that means taking it in turns to step out onto the balcony — it is better than nothing.
The Blessed Apartment With a Balcony
This building makes you think at first glance that none of the apartments have a balcony. But when you dig a little deeper, it does not actually have to be that way. One blessed apartment has a balcony included. We don’t understand what was so special about that apartment to pick and in fact why even a single balcony was built for the building )

Anyway, whoever gets to live in such an apartment is a winner, him or her. They’re likely also getting as much sunshine as well as the only balcony on the building’s top floor.
Is It a Balcony or Is It a Room?
Considering the primary reasons for building a balcony in the first instance (a little air, a little sun or possibly a view) you may well be wondering what on earth this is? Is it a terrace or is it a tiny room? Once upon a time it must have been a balcony, because at some point somebody did alter things. Now it is more or less a room with windows into the other rooms of the house.

And then: You see the listing for this apartment and are thrilled at the thought of a sexy balcony, only to realise that the sexy balcony is actually this.
When You Have an Outdoor Cat but a Second Floor Apartment
It is not easy to practice having animals at a house. But it is worth it, and they are there anyway. This is especially true if you live in an apartment building and your cat spends time outside. But while you want the kitty to be used to the outdoors, you want them to once return to a comfortable home and crawl into bed in the evening. This is the reason this family created the cat ladder to the balcony.

Thanks to this ladder, their cat is now able to come to and from the balcony and enter and exit the house whenever he wants. They can do whatever with their lives.
A Lamp Post Through the Balcony
So by that level of extreme you probably wouldn’t be too shocked to see someone building a building and they erected the building around the tree or the monument, but that’s a bit over the top when it comes to a lamp post right. This contractor is constructing their whole new building while literally working around a lamp post in the middle of one of the balconies. What a balcony with its own street lamp?

This is a pretty interesting choice they landed on building this new structure. Or maybe even more bizarre if they were never able to move the lamp post.
When the Hunter Gets a Balcony
Hunting is something of a controversial activity in a lot of places but there are likely few individuals, even among the staunchest supporters, who would be pleased to see an image like this. Really, who wants all those constant reminders of death — even in the form of animal skulls? Even just staring at this as you went by — something about it feels so sinister and creepy.

It kind of feels like the put out there for everyone walking by to be creeped out by but never actually having to look at it themselves.
The Strangest Spanish Balcony
The answer depends on where your eye goes first on this photo of the cute building with the balcony in Spain. So if you see the bottom balcony first then you must be surprised to see this photo in the list of odd and unexplainable balcony. However, which is why it made this list in the first place, just move your eyeball up one notch and you’ll see.

They have vertical bars over the actual balcony area, but there is no window or door that leads to balcony bars. So why even have them? Just for looks?
A Railing but No Balcony
While you may have witnessed a balcony without railing (and even felt a little nervous to walk out there), it is more than likely that you have never seen a railing without a balcony. Why do people even go through the effort of putting the railing in if they weren’t going to be able to use it like a balcony? Heaven forbid if someone steps out and thinks it’s just a standard balcony.

Installing a whole balcony railing but not having the floor makes it feel like you would be throwing money away. Not even to say it has a balcony to be called an apartment.
The Pointy Elongated Balcony
Others are just naturals at needing to be different and those people will have to work to prove to the world that they arent like everyone else. Such is the case with this balcony. These guys were feeling eccentric and wanted the rest of the world to know so they decided on this unusual and slightly weird design of a balcony, noticeable in that one corner at one of the ends of the balcony is kind of triangle in shape.

They certainly have checked the not-normal boxes on the balcony list, and if that was their only aim, then they did well in being strange.
Is It a Balcony for the Birds?
It’s hard to know whether the most disturbing thing about this balcony is that it is so up close and personal to the window and door opening and yet is still actually not accessible to them, or that it is so absurdly tiny it almost makes you wonder if the balcony is actually intended for birds. It’s whatever is the most unnerving part, that’s just about the only thing we can all agree on though, that this one is an odd one.)

This is in fact a rather attractive balcony, compared to some on the list, but usable it is not, in any sense.
A Balcony for the Birds
While a few other balconies on this list may have resembled a bird house, if something was made to be used by flying creatures, it looks like this one was at least a definite servant of that cause. Perhaps it was never designed with such a purpose, but this is exactly what it’s being repurposed for now. No one, I repeat NO ONE, is stopping the pigeon coup that has taken place on this tiny mini side balcony that has appeared on the side of a wall.

It serves no function for human life (there’s no means to gain access anyhow unless you permit yourself a wall high climb), but the birds appear to enjoy it.
When You Try to Build Your Own Balcony
I say props to anyone attempting to make your own balcony they are no easy feat. Well, I mean, it is a bit difficult to build anything actually, especially your own balcony when you are several floors above ground. But apparently, this someone is in dire need of some balcony as they were willing to have one built themselves and off, they went to do so.

Who’s going to be able to DIY a balcony for themselves? No one would actually believe this to be feasible, but when you are in the DIY world, nothing is impossible.
A Tiny Balcony on the House Corner
I have never seen a smaller balcony than that. The answer is likely no, unless you’re talking dollhouse. This balcony also has a peculiar size or, to be more accurate, weird size especially considering the lack of placement of it as well. How in the worlds of men did anybody ever think to put a balcony there? It literally makes no sense and I can’t even understand what it’s supposed to be used for and what the creators thought it would be used for.

What was this even intended for, other than a conversation piece and punchline? anyone have any ideas?
War Preparations on the Balcony
To an outsider, though, the sight of a balcony resembling an army base and set up to catch the eye can be quite alarming. The location of this balcony is not immediately obvious, although the little clue is that the Russian flag flies from the side. Maybe this is the only way that the family that lives in the house can get to feel safe from outsiders and thieves who will come to their house.

But then again, maybe this is a very expertly constructed Halloween costume that was very well thought out and conceptualized (no pun intended).
Turning Your Balcony Into a Solar Panel
Upon further reflection, it seems odd that people don’t use solar panels for their own power supply, especially if they are in a hot sunny location. All of these solar panels have been installed in this familys very sunny balcony area because they were looking to save some on those electricity bills. Not the most attractive thing, but it gets the job done.

At this point, however, none of the neighbors had done the same — and they might want to take another look at their finances, considering all that solar electricity money hitting the bank account of the family with the panels.
The Route to Rob the House
Now, while these people were probably just attempting to be ingenious with their space — attempting to construct a mini rock climbing wall on a section of the garage location in their homes — what they may not have actually taken into account is the threat that it exposes to their house. I mean come on now, you just made it easy for whatever robber feels like robbing the house through the window.

To gain entry to the house, they then simply have to climb the rock wall, which looks to be fairly straightforward for even a novice climber.
A Balcony for Your Dog
Now this is one of the few balconies on this list that’s just straight up wholesome. As this family adored their dog and knew that he loved chilling outside and watching the people things go by they constructed him a little balcony of his own. You can tell just from this photo how much he loves his little balcony and how he sits out there almost every day.

He is really living the life. His owners don’t even seem to have their own balcony but he has his little personal balcony.
Turning Your Balcony Into a Boat
Well you might say — a balcony and a Boat who will not like it. You probably never even thought of it so it’s a pretty unique concept. But this person stepped outside the box and made the unordinary. It is why they appropriated their balcony in a sense extending it to give an impression of a boat. If nothing else, you have to hand it to them for imagination.

If you were going to have any kids that probably seems like a really fun playhouse, but even as an adult just being there looks like a whole lot of fun.
A Balcony for Plant Lovers
The millennial and Gen Z versions of pets are house plants. Almost everybody had too much plants at Home and Many people are just stuck with what to do with their plants. Well, it appears this person was a bit too enthusiastic with the greenery and the greenery spread to his apartment balcony and transformed his balcony into a small jungle.

The aesthetics of the mini jungle, however, definitely beats the heck out of all the other empty baconies, one has to say. Or do you only notice how terrible it is, because all of the other balconies are so empty?
Two Inaccessible Balconies in One House
Here is what you have to check if you wanted a good definition of inaccessible: this house. It looks like a perfectly ordinary house — complete with wrap around balcony — at first. But that is really not the case. In fact, this house and these balconies make zero sense, and why on earth would you need to get to them?

Perhaps they want whoever lives inside the house to just jump out of the tiny window at the top of the one balcony and enjoy the balcony. The second balcony is a lost cause though. Waste of two excellent balconies, too.
Curtains for Your Balcony
Naturally, you would use curtains to decorate the interiors of your home, but this family apparently is so extra that they brought out their curtains on the balcony of their house. One small little touch adorning what might be the only balcony with a curtain display, edge garden, balcony, which is a nice one! You can reach from the outside to close the curtains, and they would produce the same effect after all.

Perhaps these people for whatever reason did not want curtains on the inside of their house. Or perhaps they just really, really liked curtains, and wanted them inside and outside.
Building a Brick Wall Around the Balcony
But according to some this is far from the case, as not everyone is so excited at the prospect of their own balcony and a little more sunlight and the odd breath of fresh air. Others would prefer bricks to barricade themselves into their house, erecting walls from the outside world. Which is funny big picture because they certainly appear to be the only people in the building needing to actually brick it up.

What makes someone go, nah, I will prefer to have sunlight and all the other fresh air shit far away from my and my home?
The Caged Balcony
It seems illogical at first that someone would have a nice big balcony like this and then cage it in like bars, but you never know what the logic is behind the why of what people do. Then again, perhaps they live in an exceptionally violent and needy area where the prospect of thieves coming in the night to overtake their homes is too attractive to be let up as a chance due to coincidence of possessing a balcony.

This does look more like a birdcage than a balcony but it is likely doing its job of making sure the family inside is safe and that is what truly matters.
Glass Barrier of Ice
Though this isn’t exactly the type of “glass” you would want around your balcony at any given time, this homeowner is perhaps quite pleased for the lovely sight. Although it must be really annoying because when they want to go outside they must have the impression that they will soon engulf a sharp piece of ice that is vibrating in the ceiling of their balcony. Beautiful but very impractical, you know?

They most likely had always wanted to glass in their balcony area like every one of their other neighbors, but maybe this was what it took to make it happen.
The Most Chaotic Combination of Balconies
Naturally balconies, when attached to a robust exterior such as that of this building, are not ideal. But at the same time, there’s something so chaotic about this building that you can’t help but avert your gaze from outside of it. Why Do All The Balconies Look So Messy When Constructed? I mean seriously, was there ZERO thought put into this?

Either the architect was thinking lets do something different and original (and fucked it) or just a very shit architect that had no idea until it was too late.
One Bright Blue Balcony
So why conform and have a boring brown or white or grey balcony? How about yours in bright blue? Well, it appears that these people went ahead and did just that and now they are graced with a shiny cobalt blue balcony right outside their home. I would think this would be a very easy way to identify this building if one was lost. “the one with the blue balcony”

It is, at once a rotten peach of a car and a car that is, to be honest, aesthetically challenged. It really doesn’t fit with any of the surroundings and looks almost like a tiny space ship flown into the side of the building.
A Balcony or a Ledge?
You could have an entire debate — or more of a column — around whether or not that actually constitutes a balcony, but not much that could definitively sway the other way. You either think that it was a balcony or you do not believe. Still, you cannot say that whoever is using this is putting themselves on the edge at any point of time just to make sure that you know they don’t accidentally fall off anyway.

Crazy to think that a couple of strings are all that attaches this balcony ledge since that isn’t much support for the folks standing on it or anything below.
A Beautifully Decorated Balcony Window
From the very looks of this balcony from the outside, you can just about imagine the inside of the house. It is very much a house where you can imagine Victorian style art and furniture throughout and where the resident of the house would greet you with a cup of tea as soon as you were through the door. Perhaps even on the covered balcony with the drapes.

These curtains more than likely also act as some type of mosquito net during the summer. You can still see outside, but if you close them, you keep the mosquitos out.
A Little Ramp for the Cat
As a pet owner, you know that giving your pet quality of life is something you take very seriously. You want to make sure they are privy to all of the wonderful things life can provide. When you are a cat that may even mean some outside time in the day but a nice warm house to curl up in come night fall.

In fact, this is exactly what this family did for their cat by constructing a ramp for the cat to be able to access his way up to the balcony whenever he wants to. Which meant they could never get locked out.
A Beautiful Balcony, No Way to Reach It
However, what good is a beautiful balcony if you have no way to get to it around the room? Apparently, building balconies completely inaccessible to the residents of the houses on which they are built is all the rage. Consequently, they are having lovely balconies which cannot be occupied whatsoever. What is even the point of building them in the first place?

Perhaps they wanted to coordinate with the fence below and they had a surplus so they slapped it on the exterior of the home in a balcony shape, knowing no one would ever use it.
Another Cute but Useless Balcony
At first glance of this home, it seems to be constructed rather well. It seems to be a bit newish and appears like something that took quite a lot of people to build up. But somewhere down the track something went very wrong. Perhaps forgot to put the window for this balcony or perhaps just put the balcony in the wrong location…it is not really clear.

The true reason this odd balcony is odd, perhaps, is that it used to be a door before someone copped the place and sealed up the room: hence, the ultimate wasted-space balcony.
The Russian Dolls of the Balcony World
If you were ever to think the balconies could be like matryoshka, those cute, little, Russian origin dolls with a big belly, you’d have found them weird. But the very second you look at this pic of the small family of balconies, all coming down — in sequence away from your house — then you will get the analogy. They’re basically Russian stacking dolls that have graduated to the balcony level.

They may not be quite as cute or beaut, but with some paint they could be near identical duplicates of the dolls.
A Balcony With a Star
If you don’t know the context and this balcony where this image was taken, your brain likely goes crazy trying to rationalize what this star represents on this person’s balcony and why they’re putting it in front of the world to see. The dinginess of there makes it look like some underground club or cult but the truth is far less interesting.

We can see that this is only a part of the Moroccan flag and this star was added to the balcony because it was used as a part of the Moroccan flag.
A Balcony With an Ugly View
These people will probably not be able to complain too much about these, certainly others on the list could have the complaint. It’s true, they are fortunate to be the sole double-storey people in the building who owns a balcony, only they are also the most cognizant of the awfully unattractive view of which all but their humble abode within the building possesses. But at least it is better than the one whose balcony is in the dark corridor. They can at least still get some fresh air and sunshine in here.

An ugly view balcony is better than no balcony. Among those in that building, that family is fortunate.
Indoor Outdoor Balcony
Probably the weirdest of the lot, but is this even a ‘balcony’? Doesn’t seem like it, and would appear dark and indoors. Still, this can get some work out of a few of the other balconies on this list. But the inside looks like the inside and the outside at the same time, so what the person inside decided to do is confusing.

Perhaps that was their way of trying to bring the outdoors in, even though their balcony was far too dark and they never saw the sun.