Are You Folding Towels Wrong? Try This Hack Instead

Why Folding Towels Properly Matters

But the right way to fold towels is going to save you space in your closet rather than wasting it. Dirty towels also make your bathroom or laundry room look messy. If it is well-folded, it will occupy less space, look neat and be easy to pick when you want to use it.

For my fellow towel strugglers out there, you know that it happens to the best of us. Most individuals fold towels in as short a time as possible, without giving much thought to the process of folding. However, there is one little trick that can give you the look of professional uniform towels right out of the hotel.

The Secret to Perfectly Folded Towels

You may notice that hotels and spas have that unique way of folding the towels to make them look clean and neat. Fold them into thirds as opposed to halves. This allows the towel to maintain its shape and ensures that it fits perfectly when rolled up on a shelf.


If you want to give this hack a try, set your towel out on a flat surface. Make a 2-way fold with one side first halfway toward the middle and then the other side overlapping it. At this point, you have a choice — either fold the towel in half or into thirds (size depending). This is a way to be hidden edges which will help you to have well-perfect neat presence of towels.

Why This Folding Hack Works

Instead of stacking your towels, fold them in thirds. They stack nicely together, and they don’t fall over the place. This method also works great if you do roll your towels, as it helps make them even tighter before rolling.

This hack is also the best if you want your towels to look good in your bathroom. Your towels will be smooth and elegant instead of stacked messy. This one little change makes a big difference if you like your house to be neat and tidy.

Say Goodbye to Cluttered Shelves

You know that moment when you open up your linen closet and towels tumble out? Towel shelf should always be messy but here; it will spoil the entire bathroom. You can avoid the mess and searching for a clean towel by folding them properly.


This also makes it easier for you to find the towel you are looking for. Towels will no longer be a messy pile you have to sift through to find the one you want or have to refold every time you reach for one. All will remain organized so that you can have a fluid daily routine.

How to Store Towels Like a Pro

After folding your towels nicely, you will also need to be mindful about how you store them. Put the heaviest towels at the base and make the lighter ones on top. It ensures your shelves stay balanced and organized and doesn’t come across too busy.

And, if you really want to elevate the game, color block your towels, or stack them by size. Not only it gives you a stylish appearance at your shelves, but also helps you when you need a specific towel. Little tweaks like these will help your home feel less cluttered and more zen.

The Rolling Method for Extra Space

If you are short on storage as most small bath spaces are, rolling them instead might be more beneficial than folding. If your space is small, then roll your towels, which will help you to fit more towels in a small space. Good sharable hack for tiny bathrooms, gym bags, and even suitcases!


For the towel rolls, like in the last hack, fold them in thirds. After that, use roll them tightly from one end to the other. The outcome is a short, condensed towel that packs a neat impression while minimizing space.

The Best Way to Fold Hand Towels and Washcloths

However, folded, hand towels and washcloths can also be messy. Rather than folding them in half over and over again, utilize that same thirds method. This means they always look similar and are easy to grab.

Stack hand towels in little stacks on each side for an extra “neat” appearance. This is fine for guest baths or kitchen towels. A uniformed style of folding helps to give your space the tidiness and welcoming appeal.

Keep Your Towels Looking Fresh

Of course, perfectly-folded towels are nothing unless they stay fresh and fluffy. Always wash your towels in warm water with a gentle detergent Fabric softeners will minimize absorbency, so be sure to avoid using too much.


After cleaning, be sure to keep them dry before folding. You may have towels that have developed that mildew-smelling odor from getting damp and not drying in clean air. A clean, recently dried towel folded just right is so much nicer to grasp after your shower.

Make Laundry Day Easier

Actually, use a good folding technique well if you are bad at laundry. Instead of throwing towels into a pile after they are washed, fold towels right away. Doing this saves time and gives your house a nice spick and span look.

Developing a habit of folding towels has also made my laundry cycle seem lighter. Set this Easy System up & Never Fight with Your Linen Closets Again.


If you have been folding your towels incorrectly, you have been doing it all wrong this whole time but now the good news comes that you know a simple trick to do it right. They look more organized when you fold your towels in thirds instead of halves, take less space, and to top it off, they add a tidiness factor to your shelves. Both method will keep your towels fresh and have a tidier space whether you prefer them folded or rolled.


Follow this towel folding technique right now to have a neater home. All it takes is a simple transition — an impactful one.

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