Failed Home Security Strategies: What Went Wrong

Giving the Robbers a Leg-Up

Many keep alarm systems to their home while others prefer a more physical divide from the would-be thieves. Based on this gate, one can only assume that whoever lives behind it chose the latter. Or maybe ladder option, right? In truth, the buyer of this gate basically gave the thieves a step up and over the gate and into their garden!



This individual might as well post a notice saying, “Please enter and rob me blind!” on this gate. Unless, of course, the robbers have a phobia of heights.

Hang on a Minute…

Now, this doesn’t look too bad at first. Seems more like some paranoid hardware store owner trying to vigilante their way into setting aside what they are willing to lose to petty thieves, amirite? In our opinion though, the owner of the store could use to think about security a little more. Yet bolt cutters are just the kind of humble tool that can slice through a thick chain in seconds: they’re practically inviting their thieves to test out the gear before they steal it!

Better Manly

Yes, this is a silly little layer of security, but it’s kind of poetic when you think about it. This entire scene is the closing of a circle, and it’s actually lovely. In a warped way.

Reminder: Regularly Change Your Code

So there are a ton of different home security systems, and many of you probably know a little bit about keypads. With this, you are not required to remember your key, just a pin code! But if you ever needed an excuse to change your code around, here it is. I mean cmon, it is clear this person hasn’t updated their code base in far too long.


To top it all off, they apparently haven’t made much effort in disguising their code since they used their house number! Let’s just hope whoever lives here has house insurance.

At Least They Tried

If you have ever smoked your desk at a shared, you know how annoying this is. I mean who wants someone taking their favorite mug or finishing your special cookies. But what can you do about it? THIS guy took matters into his own hands and used a DIY security system to safeguard his stash. And this is what they created, with just a few paper clips and some paper at hand.


If you are now cradling your head in your hands, you’re not the first! Shout out to this someone for even attempting, but we imagine their biscuits are long gone by now. Poor guy.

What a Pretty Gate

Home security systems are one of those things, where you can’t simply purchase and leave at that. Okay, so it may be relatively simple to purchase a security gate and mount it at the perimeter of your home. However, if the surrounding environment surrounding the security gate has not been prepared for the installation, then it is money wasted! Someone should have mentioned to these dudes that – unless they’ve rigged the little bushes with laser security or something.



We can’t see this property being broken into anytime soon considering anyone could leap over that patch of garden in a matter of seconds. A step-in would pose, because it really could be that simple!

A Wheely Bad Security System

This world has immense protection to offer!! You have to ensure everything from your property to the items in your house. But what about outside of the house? If you ride a bike, you know a good lock means a great deal and that you want to lock your bike up somewhere its not easy to steal. But you get the feeling that the owner of this bike never got the memo.

Well done for at least tying their bike to something, but would could possibly exert more of their attention to: Whoever desires this bike can pop up the sign and voila ☝️

“Heeeeere’s Home Intruders! “

Does this not just scream Jack Nicholson to anyone else? It may be a little confusing at first, but once you get into the nitty-gritty about this photo, you see just how much of a fail it is on the privacy front. Which is because spy holes are designed to give you the ability to put some distance between the outside world and your front door. They enable you to view whoever is outside without them being aware of your presence. Most of the time, anyway.


Where the spy hole seems pretty much superfluous on this occasion. Even if you attempt to sneak up on a robber, you’ll do a shit job of it!

A Cut Above the Rest

Nothing is more annoying than people who continuously borrow your stuff. Okay, they go for a little on your paperclips or your scissors — that’s not nefarious, and yet, bring it back when you are complete?! In some sense, we can say that we understand what this one has done. The purpose turned out to finding a security system which was applicable to what they were doing, this was in light of the fact that they needed to shield the scissors from any potential situation. Or so they thought.

This person clearly forgot the actual point of scissors in their rush to protect them. And that the simplicity of how the scissors cut within some thread. At least they tried.

Does Red Mean Go?

Oops, somebody didn’t measure the hallway when they ordered this security gate! One can only surmise that this gate was meant to span this hallway, bringing anyone on the receiving end to a halt. Yet, if anything, they’ve only made it more irritating – particularly the individuals knocking their hips on the entrance each and every time they try and get to school.


You have to laugh, though. That red cross is striving for everything, but achieving nothing! Unless its red means go and not stop? There bags you would definitely be able to make more sense of.

Does a Little Really Do a Lot?

In regards to fencing great the thing is that very significant. When it comes to larger structures like school campuses, office blocks, and apartment buildings, alarm systems sometimes simply aren’t enough – and that’s where fences come in. Mostly just a visual barrier, we find it hard to say that this poor excuse of a fence isn’t even that. In all actuality, we didn’t even know it existed!

Better Manly

Somehow this little fence did the pole and the tree thing all at once and missed his morning meeting place with the tree that he was going to grow as big as the pole. And by the looks of it, you could almost walk underneath it.

Sharing Really Isn’t Caring

Now unlike other office buildings that serve you with shared mugs, utensils, and cutlery, some people in this world would rather have their morning coffee made personal and honestly, who can blame them! Hence they bring a mug from home into the office and keep it in the cupboard when they are not using it. But some twiddy office teifis take that afe level alright and nip to use it thems and THAT just aint right.


And the owner of this yellow mug clearly thought as much, too, as they went out of their way to protect their vessel at any cost. Sorry, Dave, you’re going to have to use the flower mug next time!

A Stone Cold Security System

There are a plethora of home security systems out there, anything ranging from an alarm system to CCTV camera. In fact, a few also have guard dogs to secure their residence! But have you heard this security man? Clearly, a child who meant business with the thieves set up this ‘Stone Cold’ security system. And frankly without instructions who could have been wood-be exactly as smart? Come on, it’s Steve Austin — he’s kicked plenty of bad guys to the curb before.


In reality, we are not sure how well this will hold up compared to some of the more legit systems. But hey the home owners get something beefy to stare at as they arrived home.

Form Over Function

This image may introduce one of the greatest moral challenges humanity has ever known: what constitutes a gate? The image below is a gate, some might say, but its diminutive scale makes it worthless, others might say. But if you were to ask us we suspect the bloke that was hired to build this gate was eager to get home for the day. They were off to the dentist.


Or it was protecting this useless snail on this useless grass behind it. Whatever the reason, we’re not planning to use this home protection system!

“Yep, That’ll Do It”

I think we can all agree most of us simply despise working. They are working to live not living to work and while most people will do a good job they may not give you their best shot. One can only guess that when handed this electronic gadget to attach a security tag to, they were more than ready to be home – you can just tell by this look! Sure, they did the job. But did they do the job well? Nope.


For a robber, that would be a huge win because any term could stroll on in and just take off with the tag at no point in the future in time by any stretch of the imagination. I mean, those electronic tools cost a pretty penny, dontchaknow!

One Person’s Trash Is Another’s Treasure

Homeowners have individual needs when it comes to protecting their home. They get insurance for the home, they put alarms on outside doors, and they floor cameras for the inside. However, apparently some folks also like to guard their garbage. Don’t believe us? Just check this out. You would think this was for a prison with how intense this steel gate is but nope — just some garbage cans



And as much as we appreciate this person’s commitment to their rubbish, surely any determined rubbish thief will just go around the side and step on through that gap? It is said, that one man’s dirty is another’s clean!

Don’t. Drop. The. Keys.

Yeah, even just imagining the blunder makes us sweat a bit. Hopefully whoever resides here has a steady hand, one fumbled attempt and it is bye bye house keys down in the plug hole for eternity! And while this is maybe one of the strangest pieces of security we’ve ever seen, the best we can argue is the reasoning behind it at least makes sense. It’s because thieves probably freak out halfway through, right? Put that together and they have shaky hands.

We imagine anyone living here can get in and out of their dwelling without breaking a sweat, but if a burglar were ever to try to steal anything they might drop all their gear into the void. And given what we have seen so far, that is certainly a positive.

Big Brother Is Definitely Watching

Everyone knows that airport security is very, very stringent. Everyone is expecting strict security systems in these airports, from the TSA agents carrying the X-ray machines to the CCTV cameras. And anyone who has stress sweat through JFK knows that security over there is not a joke. But did you realize it was this legit? Thats a massive 14 cameras, on one column, and we don’t get to see the other side of it!


Casey Neistat

This seems a bit much to us, but what do we know — maybe airport security professionals are on to something. After all, that’s why they’re getting the nice big bucks.

Hotel Room of Nightmares

Hotels sacrifice your safety for your safety when you stay elsewhere. You trust that they will have a way to keep you safe and that each room has been equipped with a security system for you and your belongings. But what would you do if you opened the door and saw this? Let’s just say, we’d be shoving our bags back in and requesting the manager on the spot!


This door lock is supposed to provide an additional layer between you and people who break in, but with one part missing, it does nothing. However, the record broke off is itself a red flag.

Glad That Gate Is There

All gates have a singular purpose, to keep individuals away from the other side of that gate. This is sometimes a private home, but more often private land filled with animals. And if having cow-shit trampled on you is not on your trump card for this year, you might listen these gates! However, the farmer behind this gate does have some very serious questions to answer. First of all; what the heck?!



Otherwise, this gate served no purpose, other than to be a funny pictorial prop for me the hiker. If anything, it likely made them more resolute to gain the other side of the gate and into that realm.

When Christmas Comes First

Sure, security is important. But is it New Year important enough to be able to get into the Christmas spirit? Well, it appears that the residents or employees of this building certainly didn’t believe that was the case. With the holiday season on the horizon, they would decorate their houses with or without the blessings of the security team. Like, who even cares if the baubles block the CCTV camera, right? They didn’t, that’s for sure.


And since home invasions occur most during the Christmas season, some would say that they were a tad foolish for this. At least the baubles look pretty, silver lining and all that!

Just Don’t Open the Gate

Something about this gate is just exceedingly sinister. Whether we take the hint from the massive and conspicuous sign warning you to keep the gate shut, or the hefty lock and chain secured around it, we know better than to open the gate. But that won’t stop us from wanting to break the rules! Its drone-y feedback hug is just begging us to act out with a shit of open space around it.



Basically this is a pointless gate, but that’s none of our business. In fact, we actually feel a little pity for it. It looks sad and lost. And we bet the robbers would take advantage too.

Handling Bike Security Properly

There are two types of people out there, people who have common sense, and the people who dont. Given this woeful effort at securing their bike, we can only assume that whoever rode their bike here belongs firmly in the latter camp. And if you’re still scratching your head, then you might just be in that second group, too! Yup, this bike is pretty much a free-for-the-takers.

Who told this person that they need to just lock the handle of their bike, anyway, that info is useless now After all, their bike is gone.

Think About What You’ve Done

If you’re ever purchased a security camera for your home, then you might hear that this is one of the most expensive security systems that you can purchase. Given that, you need to learn how to get the most bang for your buck — and the only thing you really need to know is, this is not the way to do that! We don’t know what this camera did wrong to deserve such punishment but it was sent to the wall like a naughty child.


This may send a lesson to the camera of course but we bet it will never be able to catch a thief red handed! Nope, it’s opening the floodgates for them to do anything.

Getting Locked up

Honestly, being a human costs a lot of money. Shuttered from increasing costs of rent to the shocking cost of fuel, it may not be surprising that people are finding an unusual travel method — cycle riding. And yep, even cops are doing it too! Though this particular officer is allegedly too poor to afford a real lock for their bike and improvised this. And if you care about our opinion; this is genius.


Now that’s a new twist on “being locked up” and you have to hand it to this cop for his ingenuity. This is not a security failure, this is a security success!

“Hey, Come in and Take Our Things! “

Can you believe there is a sign like this on the door of a daycare for kids?! But of course we couldn’t believe it either. We know for instance from talking to many parents that they might pick their child’s daycare off of reviews, and whether or not they are taking the appropriate protection measures to help keep kids safe, and we can’t help but think that should be a big flag waving in a very clear direction. I’m sorry, but it wouldn’t take much for the manager to just shoot off an email to the parents with the door code on it!



So they threw open the doors and posted the code for all the world to see. It’s pretty much like telling the thieves to take the Play-Doh and the beanbags instead. Hey daycare owner — time to call your insurance folks!

You Will Never Break the Chain

Fleetwood Mac: “You will never break the chain” Now we know what Fleetwood Mac was singing about! This particular song isn:tm:t about love or how relationships fall apart, this particular love song is about this car right here! However, we have to admit that this ranks among the weirdest car security systems. Usually, the majority of people have an alarm system and it triggers when there is an unauthorized access. But this is very different that that.

We might take an annoying car alarm over this thing any day. It isn’t just ugly — spin that thing a few more times and you’ll have to recall yet another passcode to ensure you’re still able to get into the thing when you want to leave!

Two for the Price of One

This bike’s owner clearly knows what’s important to stay safe. It is not only the bicycle that they wish to preserve from damage but also their shoes. We get that completely, obviously. To each his own, right? If they really loved those two things so much, then why not lock those things to anything other than each other?


Okay, this cyclist strapped his bicycle to his shoes so they wouldn’t separate — but the bike is literally just leaning on the floor! That could be wheeled away in seconds by anyone.

You Had One Job!

Also, if you think about it, hotel rooms are kind of secure in a weird way. Each door typically has its own deadlock anyway, then some of them have this bonus lock bolt bolted into the wall for good measure. It was what I literally paid for this hotel room to have, and of course, it had one. But will it work? Absolutely not. Pistol holder – The handyman who fitted sacked, obviously. It’s not even close.

You Had One Job!

When it looks like this, the door basically doesn’t need the stuff on it. However, as much as we respect any hotelier trying to be responsible, this is a massive fail.

So Close, but yet so Far

It’s easy to see what led this person to do this. Because, when it comes to your expensive bike, a security system is something, you really ought to have. Nothing worse first of all than your bike being nicked when you just cannot wait to get home from a day at work! Incidentally, while this bike owner believed they’d done everything they ought to have done by locking their wheels, they actually only succeeded in failing miserably.


At most, thieves can just slide the bike off the lock in seconds when they lock it to the handlebars! Seriously though, some people are really making this process simple for robbers.

Welcome to the World’s Car

Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on a second now. Though there’s no question that this person has modified a perfectly decent car with a perfectly adequate factory security system such that it could probably be opened from the outside by practically anyone, the circumstances are what matter. Or maybe they all live in a co-op and share the car? Or maybe they are simply a doofus who is ignorant of what they were doing.

Naturally, if this person feels it’s an appropriate security system then who are we. But really, who are they to look down on the people attempting to nick their car?

Do You Know How They Work?

Surveillance measures are in place at many shops when it comes to protecting their stock; no surprises there. The store is their bread and butter for many owners and needless to mention, they would do anything to save their stock! However the owner of this little extra protection device really ought to have researched more the products they were locking away.


A single Google would have informed them that this carabiner clip is literally removable — making that security tag at the end sort of moot. Oh, well. At least they tried.

Feeling a Little Blue About This

A blue bollard– what a nice colour, but the owner of the bike that’s resting against it is going to be feeling blue, that’s for sure. Because, hey, their bicycle was probably ripped off! And if we’re honest; we wouldn’t even blame the crook for taking a punt. Putting this bad boy into the hands of jerks was probably a matter of very little thought when it came to stealing it. It was asking for it!

This bike’s owner might have been in a hurry, but that isn’t an excuse for being so inconsiderate. Because, the number one rule of bike security is you should be locking your wheels to something solid!

“Come In, the Gate Does Nothing”

I mean, of course, home insurance is awesome. However, if you want to foil robbers before they enter your home, security systems like alarms and gates can work wonders. Now, if this is a security gate you need, do your best and don’t be like this homeowner! After all, they have likely paid hundreds of dollars for this gate — — but the result is nothing. Not even the dumbest burglar could get through this!


Better Manly

A gate simply does not cut it anymore. Especially with everyone doing parkour trained now. Someone might come inside and do it and post it on YouTube.

Getting All Fired Up

This one has us with a multitude of questions. Now the most crucial question of all, why does this person have this many BBQ grills? Okay, we like barbecued chicken as much as the next person, but four enormous grills? That seems a bit excessive. And our second question should be, are they completely unaware that here, the “security system” is not making any difference whatsoever? We’re going to give them the benefit of the doubt there, because if they thought about it, they likely would have avoided this epic fail.


Well, naturally it would have to take a certain kind of thief to steal four giant bbqs, but we know there’s someone out there willing to attempt lifting the lock from the yellow pole. It’s as easy as that.

An Underage Drinker’s Paradise

While we love to erect security measures in our homes, businesses do the same. You’ve actually may even walked up to a place that had an entrance just like one of these! This sought-after turnstile is designed to control the amount of traffic coming into the club and to prevent any undesirable patrons from entering without an ID. Like you know, underage beer drinkers. However, boy, it really makes us think this is a playground for the underage drinkers.


While not perfect, this turnstile is just a meter shy of being so — and that missing meter is what facilitates carnage. And by carnage we mean a bunch of underage drinkers evading the bouncer!

Don’t Wanna Be All by Myself

If you’re fortunate enough to be residing around a place that’s got a few plants — consider yourself really lucky every single day! Because well, why not enjoying the fresh air taking in the birds after a whole day of work in the office? But what If you’re out and about and find this? It’s something like a gate, but can we really say that it’s a gate?


To cut a long story short, we’re going to say no! While we’re not quite sure why this gate was put there in the first place, we do know that it’s adding absolutely nothing to the area in which it’s located. Which it does — except for annoying cyclists.

Stop… If You Want

Portable Barriers & GatesWhen used properly, barriers and gates are the ideal ways to deter thieves, but they are brilliant for crowd control too. Which is why we really couldn’t help but think that this tourist attraction may have been a tad a too optimistic in their turnstile order. They had believed they were busy with dozens of important matters, but sadly they weren’t. They even wrong-sized their turnstiles for space!


Better Manly

And if they happen to get an influx of visitors any time soon, these people could probably get in for ticketless free. And that’s going to make their business even worse. Yikes.

Wanna Steal My Gas?

We probably don’t need to tell you that cars are pretty f**king awful. Some buyers get lucky and purchase vehicles that rarely gives them trouble, while others find their way to the mechanic for one thing or another. In one of those cases, we had a vehicle owner come into the garage wanting a mechanic to make the gas tank latch work again. Strangely enough, they drove off with this in the car!


And although there is no denying this will absolutely hold the gas tank door shut, something still seems off about using a plastic screw nut as part of the solution. But hey, we’re no mechanic.

A Fluffy Security Guard

You may be thinking I know right after reading this sentence ‘Ahh there are CCTV cameras already for these people’. Well, well — they sure do have security nailed down!” Or at least not the way you expect them to look in a photo — but that’s what’s strange about this photo. CCTV cameras look like a cover for the real security officer, I guess. Meet Mr. Fluffyk, the baddest god damn security guard in the world. He is tough but powerful.



In all seriousness, this must have been one hell of an annoying little birdy to anyone who was hoping to review the CCTV footage to catch any potential thieves in action. But how do you tell this little nugget to move.

Not Caught in the Act

As home invasions take place, people try and get ahead of the curve to stop these thieves in their tracks. If they are unable to do that, they attempt to catch them in act! The best way to do this is to 설치 카메라 you have in your house. However, here is one free tip we are going to give you: Always point your cameras down the room!


We thought we were past giving away that sort of information, but apparently not, with some people apparently still not realising you want your cameras pointing out of the device, not at the wall.

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