These Photos Reveal Why Not All Neighbors Become Friends

We Have a Feeling They Are Not Fond of That Tree
But of course, not all is sunshine and roses, and sometimes the argument over where the boundary line lies can get a bit rough. When it feels like someone is taking land from under your feet, it is hard to control your feelings and behave calmly. That might trigger, in this instance, having the land stolen right from under your feet. Sounds like these neighbors weren’t too pleased with someone’s tree overhanging their driveway and decided to take care of it with a hedge trimmer of rather epic proportions.

As you can tell, this tree is almost cut in half. That’s a neat effect, but I’m sure the owners of the tree aren’t thrilled. And the tree probably ain’t too thrilled, either.
Passive Aggressive Payment For A Dog Bite From An Aggressive Dog
Cutting to the chase, this dude sounds like a major a-hole! When his untrained mutt snuck away and attacked a neighbor’s dog, the owner of the mauled pooch insisted that this dude foot the vet bills. So what does this guy do? He arrives in a wheelbarrow of coins as to settle the bill. Who has the mindset to just go and do a thing like that?

To be frank, this will be enough for us to leave the neighborhood. He has no way of knowing that his dogs are going to be trained at some point in time to be non-violent and frankly I doubt they are going to make that block a warm and welcoming place to live.
Dear So Anon Bystander: You Are The Worst
As kids, the funnest thing we could do was play in the woods behind our houses. You had room to run, to roam, to climb, and to live the best of childhood. Amen some parents take the fun a step further by aiding in the construction of treehouses or forts for their kiddos to occupy. However, one day these kids, and their parents, got a bit of a wake up call when they learned they’d have to take their treehouse down.

That appears to have resulted in a rather unfriendly neighbor notifying the city about an illegal construction — a treehouse, of all things. Oh, and it was during a pandemic. What a shame.
Well, That One Wont Be Squawking Anymore
Everyone likes a neat home, but even more so a home with everything functioning appropriately. This is indeed why it can be frustrating if we put the effort to make our own homes look nice, yet our neighbors cannot take care of theirs. Here we have a squeezy turbine on a rooftop, raising a racket, and someone managed to do against it — Hunger Games style!

Does it really matter whether this arrow was shot or shoved into this turbine? It doesn’t matter though, the turbine is now a squeaky-free zone and we are all glad this mixed-bag Samaritan took it upon themselves.
This Neighbor Is Ice Cold, Just Ice Cold
Well as you can see from the image above these two neighbors are nemesis. When it snows, and one of them is out clearing the common stairwell, they would not even go so far as to shovel the other half of the mongrels driveway! Right then, we tally the six steps of half-shoveled snow that’s about to make it that much easier for everyone to wipe out, that couldn’t have taken more than a minute to finish off too!

It is peeving us endlessly. So, why not simply be nice to your neighbours? Some of these people act like they were raised in a barn
Don’t Come for Us, Larry
Have you all ever had a neighbor who just can not stop nosing into your business? This dude in the pic below has. Well, anytime he needed to do work on the driveway, he expected to get stuck talking to Larry. So rather than have to deal with Larry, he put this sign out instead: “Larry I have a permit” From now on, before he comes snooping around, Larry will have to check with the city council.

Who’s had a worse neighbor than Larry? There are few things more irritating than a nosy Predictable Nancy!
We Feel Fenced In
I mean if you hear about a parking dispute between the owner of a commercial lot, and the owner of a little single-car garage, you know from the start that the commercial lot owner wins, right? Even worse, the lot owner arrived extrajudicially and put up a fence to close the entire garage! But now the owner of the garage, can’t get in or out of his garage! What a bummer.

And to be frank, this is one of those times when cooler heads ought to have prevailed. There is no reason to step up to someone and make their lives more difficult for no reason.
Guess the Kids Won’t Be Sleeping Tonight
Ahh, the holiday season. A time to chill at home with family, spread the love, and hang a few decorations to flaunt your holiday cheer. One little hitch — what if your neighbor’s decor doesn’t, um, quite align with your holidays? For example, in this neighborhood, you have one family that enjoys the Krampus holiday celebrations and another family whose children can’t sleep anymore because of the creepy-looking decorations left by the Krampus-loving family!

Don’t know who Krampus is? Oh, he is just the krampus that comes around during Christmas to scare children.)
Things Got A Little Crazy Last Night
Been confronted with the prospect of a debilitating hangover and if so, has a horrible Mighty Bosh episode been playing over and over in your mind? You feel like you are on a trampoline that cannot stop bouncing and your body just cannot land. Then, of course, there’s the lingering question of what might have happened the night before. So how nuts did it get? But then you wake up and have to see what destruction your neighbors did and that is where things get even worse.

The neighbors animals somehow managed to get their trampoline stuck in the tree!! And not even low to the ground — it’s just lodged way up in the tree.
When You Ask the Universe for a Sign
These are usually personal disputes that people keep to themselves. Conversely, these neighbors wash their dirty laundry in public. And so everyone in the neighborhood gets the opportunity to take in this lovely billboard affixed to the top of that old rusted Jeep, calling the property owners next door garbage-burning idiots. So this isn’t going to be pleasing anyone, dare I say it. Though, the last thing we want floating through our backyards is the scent of burnt rubbish.

Here is a quintessential case of how, perhaps, words would have been a better answer. To be fair, these folks spoke up — but they did so by posting their words on a giant street billboard.
That Neighbor With Creepy Habits
Michael Myers from Halloween is one of the most frightening slasher villains out there and if we saw his mask in our neighborhood, we’d be going the other way. So you can only imagine what this guy is going through because his neighbor gets into costume as Myers and fancies himself as a big show-off in the yard every opportunity that presents itself. Slightly more enjoyable, but far spookier. Why couldn’t he have chosen a happy character to dress up like — a pirate, an astronaut?

Well, you know the old saying, you can pick your friend, and you can pick your nose, but you cant pick your new neighbors and how phreaking weird they are going to be.
A Very Bad Boy
Living in a neighborhood, it’s always reassuring to know that your neighbors respect your religion and culture. However, we forget to talk to the pets. Well, supposedly, when the Buddhist family that moved to this neighborhood looked to make sure no people would disrupt their traditions, they failed to consult with the neighborhood animals, and that’s how this pooch ended up stealing more than his fair share out of their offering plate to Buddha.

To the dog’s credit, he really does have a guilty look on his face. He appears to see every mistake he made, but he will likely do so again.
Sorry Not Sorry, Neighbors
This couple knew that if a neighbor across the way was watching their every move and walking up the driveway in disgust at their pride flag, they better buckle down and take the flag down, which they did. After all, who wants to anger the HOA over a little beef with a neighbor? Wrong. Rather than allow the rivalry to fizzle out, this family made their house a Pride flag light show every night of the week. Take that! We now have a brighter version of that reminder.

The idea that someone’s neighbors would come peeping across that 5 foot woods privacy line and decide that they won’t neighbor with the weirdos who do _ – that’s what we can’t abide. So, maybe that whole nosy neighbors thing has to come from something, right?
The People Next Door Stole Their Cat
Theft is not a joke, the cousin of cat burglary is not a joke but we have a couple of cat jokes in mind here. If anything, we’re moving things around—for near no burglary, really. Well, it turns out that a homeowner’s cat had been going walkabout for days at a time, he went for a stroll and found this little bugger hanging out in a cat shed at the neighbors!

According to what the neighbor said, the cat was constantly visiting to hang around beside the back porch, and because it was really cold, he thought the little dude deserved one nice warm place to relax whenever he would drop by. But then he never left and that just got weird.
Where Does the Queen Park?
Having to park in the neighborhood can be the worst. After the grind of a 9 to 5, we want to be flinging the car in the curb and finding the comforts of home as soon as we can. One can not only be as rude but one can then frustrate you when you can not find a parking spot with neighbors parking like this! As such, this person’s kids took some playful revenge and crowned the person with an appropriate title, talking about their parking skills.

On the one hand: Princess Parking is a sick nickname; on the other hand: what this person did is not funny. Pause Play. Others may as well be the golden rule — park as appropriate so that sidewalks are accessible to everybody.
Neighborly Relationship Status: It’s Complicated
How does that old saying go? As the saying goes, “If a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” Here’s another example you can try yourself: what if a tree falls from the property of your neighbor and straight through the roof of your living room? Who is at fault? Let alone who the hell is going to clean that mess up? Well, a roof caving in isn’t exactly your run of the mill household spill, you know?

In such circumstances, usually the liability is on the property owner from where the tree has fallen before. The homeowner needs to make sure their trees are not in this condition where they can fall over.
Oh, That Apartment Living Life
It’s nice getting your new furniture into a new home, but you must install it properly to prevent a disaster! Such as, should you be certain to mount your new chandelier to a ceiling stud fairly than the underside of somebody’s flooring? Imagine seeing those screws poking up through your floor from your sofa. We’d have been furious!

Nothing is more annoying than hearing construction going on in the neighboring apartment the entire time. But it gets worse, when your neighbor’s building project is rushing into your living room.
Two Kinds of People
There are two types of people: the hard workers to maximize their balcony or backyard beauty, and the… not. Not that either is in any way a negative trait, but just that you find those two types of people don’t always exactly get along next door. This comes from experience. We just hope everybody gets along: the homeowner above, who owns a chair and a grill, and the one below, whose balcony is, we must admit, pretty gorgeous.

Either way both balconies look like pretty nice spots in our opinion, and we’re not sure which we’d take preference over. Would we want all of those plants or that barbeque grill sitting in the corner?
Happy Fourth of July To Everybody Except This Guy
Independence day (fourth of July, in US calendar) is among the largest American holidays, and if you have yet to experience it at least once, you should schedule a one of these summers to the states just to catch this banger. There is a nationally televised hot dog eating contest, there are parades across the country, and as soon as the sun goes down, there are fireworks – lots and lots of fireworks. Unless you live in this horrible human beings neighborhood of course.

Why they gotta ruin the fun for everybody? A rake and a shovel in the morning will clean away any blasted firework shells, and more importantly, the children will be otherwise occupied. Lighten up!
This HOA Looks Like It Isn’t Too Strict
Homeowners associations have a notorious reputation at the local level. Most of the time, the only time you hear about them is when they are making someone’s life difficult by overextending and creating cumbersome regulations for the community. However, an HOA that is hands-off can be a very beneficial thing for everyone involved. However, if that’s the case in your neighborhood, don’t expect to see any symmetry in the design of your lawn. Not everyone shares the same view as you can see below

Really, this is an art install — right? A religious ritual? We know, this is downright creepy, and we aunt too sure we want to live next to someone doing this either.
The Quietest Neighbors in Town
Give it to this real estate agent, her marketing game is top! But when a property she was responsible for selling was located directly next to a graveyard, she realized it could be a challenging task. And so, she urged her clients to find the silver lining. The grass is green, the house is sturdy and the neighbors are dead silent. So quiet, you’d never hear a squeak out of them!

We’re not sure if we’d want a graveyard right next door, though, no matter how clever the marketing. None of us want to be cast in the reality version of the blockbuster horror flick next year.
No Thanks, We’ll Just Run Away
As a child, trick or treating is always such a fun thing to go out and do, especially with us having friends as competition to see who could gather the most candy when the night was finished. However, if a home has a pretty terrifying display in front, are you going to still be courageous enough to approach and take a piece? If this was the setup out front of the house in question, we cannot say if we would be able to hack it.

Remember the old Batman cartoon? There hasn’t been a group of villains gathered around one table like this since. Well, obviously, that’s a crew we’re not trying to tangle with.
Mmm, who doesn’t love the smell of ranch dress in the morning.
Ranch dressing is a gift and exists to improve virtually any other type of food. However, other than for consumption, this mainstream dressing seizes very limited applications. So no one would be looking to find a packet of ranch dressing literally hanging out next to the parking lot, but when this guy heard a bang go off, that’s just what landed under his foot. Thankfully, no flat tire. But goodness, ranch sauce went everywhere — on his neighbor’s car!

Then they had the nerve to not even clean it up! But at least the red of the car looks like the buffalo sauce and the ranch is making us hungry — we think we know what we’re having for dinner tonight.
Where’d the Sidewalk Go?
It’s obvious it has been forever since this person called their neighbors over because their front yard rose bush has overgrown so much that it now spills into the sidewalk completely blocking it. This is one of those utterly infuriating things in pedestrian planning, where you would be able to follow an otherwise reasonable sidewalk and then have to go out into the street because someone couldn’t trim a hedge enough. And a plant will be in poor shape when it has so much weight dangling over like that!

Getting to it, gardening in fact could be great enjoyable. We are surprised that this one was not prouder with this hedge and took more care of things.
Let the Holiday Wars Begin
You have a neighborhood rivalry every holiday season with each other trying to outdo the other one with the exoticness of the lights, the decorations and the holiday paraphernalia that you can accumulate and it has reached the point of being completely exhausting. A few years back, these homeowners experienced that first-hand when they hung a wreath on their door and their neighbors decided to take them on. The next day, their neighbours entire half of the duplex was a shining spectacle!

We love the contrast in this shot. Absolutely love that straight line splitting the wreath house from the lights house.
Hey Gary —Who’s Got The Nicest Tree In The Neighborhood Now?
Even if it is playful fun, it can be nice to have the upper hand on your neighbors. The icing on the cake is when you can make everyone laugh doing it. Anyway, this family had the bright idea to get a Christmas tree that was far, far too large for their abode. They took that thing and cut it in half and made it appear as if it was stretching from the floor of the living room up through the roof.

Now that I think about it, this actually made it easier for Santa Claus to navigate his way to the house. Thus, we feel it’s a no-brainer win-win all around.
When Your Neighbor Is a Wild Animal – Literally
There are many contrasts between city life and country life. Always so, in the countryside, much of your neighbors will be creatures different this way in people. The only thin line for which you need to pray is that those animals are good natured and in the case of these people in the picture you guys should probably pray harder. It seems that the neighbors are coming over tonight and they’re in the mood for some pets.

Sure, it would be a blast to have a wild bobcat show up on your steps, but then shooing the any outside chihuahuas and cats and ensuring small kids are now safely inside.
Describe the New Neighbor? Well, he’s very very tall and very thin
I LOVE Halloween and it’s one of my favorite holidays. Who doesnt enjoy a reason to dress up? As well as the candy and great flicks on the television. However, it can also be one of the toughest to watch if you scare easily. Especially, if your neighbors are really into Halloween and then go out to their yards and decorate like it is Christmas-wait, again.

Apparently, this skeleton was in the yard from the beginning of September all the way until Halloween. Can you blame them, honestly? Who has space for that kind of decoration?
What sort of party was this and why weren’t we invited
You’re trying to sleep in bed to prepare for a full day of work ahead of you, and your neighbors just won’t be quiet! You can never quite figure out if they’re entertaining, having guests over for dinner or watching a noisy movie, but something’s definitely going on up there. Then, you go out one morning and find this on the corner. That would definitely come as a bit of a shock to us all!

When in the fuck would a human ever need this much Nutella? Even this person must know that Costco sells family size bottles, right — even if they were preparing a huge dessert?
Could That Actually Be the Real Life R2D2?
We all have hobbies, tv series and things we are extremely passionate about, to the point that passion sometimes comes across with the way a person dresses or the way a house is decorated. Now for this guy’s neighbor, it goes even deeper because this guy parks a fully decorated with Star Wars stickers, banners, and paraphernalia car in his driveway. For the sake of the entire block, though, we only hope there are no lightsaber duels in the street.

A: We used to be really into Star Wars, but not so much with the new films. Some times you’ve just got to let sleeping dogs lie!
This Guy Is Taking DIY To Entirely New Levels
You may have seen the common DIY videos on the net, but have you seen the Deify videos? Yes: do it for yourself videos. These are clips of people doing things that you realize could only happen if it was their own situation that was ideal. For example, in the below pic, we could see one such time. During the blizzard that got this neighborhood, one selfish DIY star managed to clear out only space for the drivers side of their own vehicle.

We get sprinkled with wholesome video of someone shoveling their neighbor’s drive, or lending a hand in the storm. He’s right, but this is not one of those times.
Somebody Is Clearly Pumped For Halloween
Now, if you fall into that category of people who decorate for the holidays, good for you! If not, that’s cool too. We have a few decorators and non-decorators types here at our office. What we DO NOT have is someone who decorates, or invests as much time into this stuff as the person in the picture below. Try to visualize how every morning, you wake up to a different tableau through your front window. was this the view from your front window?

The decorations for the holiday itself are pretty cute, but we have to wonder, does this person have an entire skeleton family in their basement the rest of the year?
It’s a Virtue To Know When To Give Up
You see, you want to get the most spectacular light display you can so you can knock your neighbors on their homes with Christmas decorations, but you have one dilemma. Then there’s your neighbor down the street whose entire freaking house is decked in Christmas lights, and you will never come close to being able to top that. This person was in that same position, and they came up with an ingenious way to spice things up in the hood! We may even like their display more!

That house on the left must be rackin’ up the power bill for Christmas! Here is this person who decided to attend the lights from a cheaper distance, and we can relate to that more.
Does the Neighbor’s Dog Always Sit Like That?
Doing a “News Quiz” but One of Your Neighbors Had a Weird Pet No, we’re not talking about normal weird, like a cat who prefers sitting on the roof or a dog that takes itself on walks around the neighborhood. Like over-the-top weird, like, “You’re sitting on a fire hydrant rather than peeing on a fire hydrant” weird. Honestly, we don’t think we’ve seen anything like this before.

The most mind-blowing part of this dog is: she’s smiling! It certainly doesn’t appear to be her first rodeo, and she is likely practicing to conquer higher ground next, or is playing some version of The Floor Is Lava with her owners’ kids and neighborhood friends.
Favors? Nobody Does Anyone Any Favors Anymore
Ahh, the days when the neighbors would get together and clear the walks and sidewalks in the neighborhood after the storm. Not that it happens so much anymore in this neighborhood, given that big ass circular flat spot in the snow with one person who went ass over teakettle. We are happy this house had a high window to see this hilarious image but a video would be better right?

Other than that big old butt-mark on the sidewalk, this whole scene would be real peaceful. They could have at least stretched out in the snow and gone a full snow angel, amiright?
Okay, We Like These Guys
Here is the plot genius somebody stole from an ancient Monty Python skit. This man turns everybody who walks by his door to become a silly walker in order to make him laugh by declaring the area in front of their house to be the area regulated by the Ministry of Silly Walks. So it’s a clever means of playing the prank, and in the end, it’s a prank that’s fun being on the receiving end of as a consumer so long as nobody gets hurt, which is totally possible.

We had a silly walks contest around our office after witnessing this. Let me just say it was a neck and neck fight & then to an extraordinarily heated discussion.
This Poor Doggie Deserves a Chance To Play
This photo shocked many of us in the office because who could figure out what goes through the head of a dog owner to do this? Those appear to be chastity pants for his dog because he fears she’ll get knocked up. However, they could’ve spayed her, or kept her indoors while he’s out to make sure she doesn’t get off. But no, he puts pants on the dog instead.

Check out how miserable she looks in this photo! But we assume she simply wants to play with the little dude in the foreground and, uh, those shorts probably aren’t doing her any favors when it comes to waddling and exploring.
Somebody needs to get schooled on their dog breed biology!
No one likes that neighbor who comes over and tries to parent your kids or raise your pets and put their noses into your business, which is precisely what the person in the image below has to contend with. This woman’s neighbor is also constantly whining during the winter that the yeah, I said it, Siberian husky can’t be outside in the freezing cold. The dog owners took this photograph to demonstrate just how much their dog gives zero cares.

But, what no, a perfectly dry patch of warmer cold concrete or grass to sit on and this dog still opts for that snow. Who else is freezing over here?
The Neighbors Have Better Food Than The Cat
Naturally, we’re all hoping our pets will choose us as their favorite. To be that person they want to come home to, that is the main reason why us dog owners do crazy things. We go out and buy their favorite grub, we discover new little snacks for them, but all of a sudden, those little stinkers, ungrateful, leave home to sneak the neighbor barbecue! And worse, they return, and lose the lunch appetite.

Which, in all fairness, that sausage is looking pretty darn good, so the cat has some standards. If you had the option of regular sausages or fancy feast, you would do the same.
A Good One Stop Shop Makes Doing Errands So Much Easier
Big box stores get a bad wrap for competing against Mom and Pop shops, they make things difficult in the era of world export. However, we think it is awesome when the locals get modern and find a way to stay afloat. Just take Ernie, for example! When Ernie discovered that his business wasn’t panning out, he acted, so he added the space to his plumbing and salvage yard for someone to run an interpretive dance center!

I bet some pretty cool people come and go at Ernie’s every day. Local laborers, famous ballet dancers – must be a nice part of town to live in!