Seasonal Home Maintenance Tips for a Safe and Efficient Household All Year Round

“Regular Gutter Cleaning Prevents Costly Water Damage at Home”
If you have a single story home and have been avoiding cleaning your gutter- the process is likely much simpler than you realize. You could begin by grabbing a ladder and a leaf blower followed by PVC tubing to amplify the leaf-blower-wand. That air is going to clean out those gutters and dislodge anything that is stuck in them. If you reside in a multi-story dwelling, you might consider contacting an external provider.

Regular gutter cleaning is an essential part of home maintenance. Otherwise, water will pool and begin to damage the inside of your home.
“Why Checking Local Repair Shops First Can Save You Money on New Appliances”
One of the greatest joys to moving is visiting the store to select a brand-new fridge or washer for your home. Often we buy lower priced alternatives for economic reasons, and it is certainly hardly the price within the long run, the alternative might be a problem. Which means as soon as your local repair shop gets around to fixing it (if it even has the parts necessary to fix it), you’re in for a wait—which is why you should see what they cover before you shop.

Because most repair shops only service brands that they get parts for, we recommend calling your local shops before purchasing a new appliance. Opting for local repair shops generally saves you money in the long run.
“Always Request Company ID Before Allowing Any ‘Professional’ Inside”
People don’t always come with good intentions to your door but they will always be knocking, so beware of who you let in and always verify a person’s identity if they claim they are from a company. In one case, ADT’s former sales employee said that people would willingly allow him into their house and even show him where “important” things were before verifying that he actually worked for the company. After all, it’s time to take a cue from their blunders and verify company ID before allowing strangers to roam freely within the walls of your firm.

The people knocking on your door may not be who they say they are, especially since they already know where you live, so it’s worth checking exactly who is there.
“Turn Off Outdoor Water in Winter—and Indoor Water When Traveling”
During winter, low temperatures lead up to freezing pipes which cause eventually pipes busts because cold weather does destroy pipes if you did not shut off some things. The reason you always disconnect your garden hose and any other outdoor water source before winter hits. Something as simple as that may save you a lot of damage and money, so write it down in your calendar when the time for that task comes.

And if you’re headed out for the winter, or just away from home for a while, then you need to turn off the indoor water pipes as well. Only one of these lines will be running, while empty, also during the freeze/burst risk.
“Clean Your Appliances Regularly – Your Wallet Will Thank You Later”
By cleaning your appliances on a regular basis, this ensures they stay working for you longer and safely. As they’re big appliances, fire up those cleaning days for the appliances! Consider checking on any filters you might have around your house as they generally need to be changed every couple months to help keep your air clean. Also investigate about washing the washing machines which wash your stuff. Yes that means your washing machine and your dishwasher also need cleaning

Most people are aware that the lint filter on a dryer needs to be replaced every few loads, but a washing machine does, too. If not, you do now.
“Record Product Details for Easy Reference During Future Repairs”
Very convenient but also, who actually remembers the name and color of the paint they covered one of their walls in, the odds of writing that down is probably a no go. We don’t fault you for this; it is an incredibly easy thing to forget. However, this time make an effort to jot down the details of the items you are using for your home upgrade. This makes any repair work you need to do in the future that much simpler.

Getting caught up in the emotion of the build or the repairs and not its components is perfectly realistic and absolutely common — making it simple to forget about the particulars of the items you are using throughout your home.
“Watch Out for ‘Small’ Leaks – They Can Interact with Electricity and Lead to Big Problems”
Water and electricity are both great but a nuisance when they are in places they are not supposed to be in a home. Now throw them into the same brew, and it can be much worse. Water gets stuck there behind walls and so does electricity wires. Even flooding or leaking if not repaired, could result in a fire if the water hits a live wire. That problem happens far too often but is a very straightforward situation.

Water is the nemesis of electricity, and we doubt we have to detail why at this brimful point. Together, they essentially provide a good recipe for a Macro disaster; one that is both big enough to matter and avoidable.
“Invest in a Power Washer to Refresh and Revitalize Your Home’s Appearance”
I know most people (especially if you’re a renter instead of an owner) wont own/aren’t going to buy a power washer, but you may decide to after reading this. That’s because they can renew the exterior of your home. Over time, your siding and brick are prone to collecting dirt and debris from the outside atmosphere which results in the appearance of being dirty and the outer covering loses its natural color. But that’s when you’d be surprised at how handy a pressure washer can be!

Water is free, but a regular hose just isn’t the same as a power washer. That pressure can rinse out the dirt, clearer than ever before.
“Conceal a Hidden Fake Spare Key to Deter Potential Thieves”
While having a real spare key under your doormat is probably useful, you are also handing it over to anyone breaking into your house. Which is why we recommend stashing an imitation spare beneath your welcome mat. Needless to say, this tip claims that it will confuse possible thieves from wanting to rob you, and what it boils down to is that they end up running away. You can even glue it to the ground so they would have a hard time picking up the faux key.

Put a lie a fake spare key everywhere a burglar would look to find one. You will surely throw them off of their criminal attempt.
“Always Create Two Emergency Snow Paths”
Doing the right snow exit paths formation can literally save lives. Helen: Nobody wants to get stuck in the house during an emergency, and that might happen after a snowstorm. Which is why grabbing that shovel or snowblower to make a path from your house to the street could well become a matter of safety and security for all involved – pets, too. But why two paths, you ask?

With you never knowing if whatever emergency you are running from will seal off one of the exit routes you have made. Which is why the safest thing to do, is to build a second alternative passage in a different area of the home. It could be a matter of life and death.
“Insure Every Item in Your Home with Detailed Documentation”
Taking thorough inventory of everything you’ve bought for your house – in addition to big-ticket things like major devices, maintain track of what kinds of factors you have too, such as a shower curtain – will certainly help you recover ideal money from your insurance policy deductible after a catastrophe. Well, that is because the majority of insurance companies will simply pay out the lowest level of compensation that they can for the things lost (unless you have proved that your item is worth more than that). That’s why insurance experts advise claiming all of it, including a used shower curtain.

For example, if you have flooded bathroom, and you fully listed everything from the insurance company standpoint when you sent out the report, you will end up with thousands of dollars difference. Everything you bought, from the shower curtain, the hooks that hung up the curtain, the soap — literally everything is eligible for a return.
“Use a Dehumidifier to Prevent Mold in Humid Areas”
Have you ever entered a basement or an attic with an odor so musty, you could virtually odor the dampness? In the summer months, mould growing due to humidity is usually the culprit and attics and basements are prone to this due to their locations. A dehumidifier is a brilliant equipment which makes rooms dry and waterless with the aid of using stopping mildew or rot. A dehumidifier will also ensure that your whole house smells fresh.

Mould is the enemy of every home and if we talk about what usually triggers mould, it is persistent moist. A dehumidifier can have your residence dry, so there will never be an inch of mildew can be seen.
“Wait Until You Return from Vacation to Share Photos”
Not an issue to spread the word to your close personal friends and family at your dinner, but problems may occur if you post that on the net. That is because the some people like to utilize out of the country with the purchasing of your home a risk for robbery. This is a common crime, and the criminals are very often screening the internet for new victims, checking out what people are planning before making the necessary arrangements

Sure, when you’re stoked to plan a big trip, it makes total sense to want to spill the beans to everyone about the fun vacation you just booked, but it might not be the wisest of moves.
“Always Check Before Handling Electricity”
Of course, being handy comes with its natural risks; which is why, when it comes to repairing anything linked to electricity, safety precautions are an absolute necessity. This can be accomplished firstly by switching off the electrical circuit — and putting on the appropriate gloves for the task. Those two things can keep you safe, and keep anyone else in the house safe too, so that’s a pretty fair trade in our opinion.

Nobody wants an electric accident when they are repairing something; this type of accident generally ends with injuries or fires.
“YouTube Tutorial Videos Will Become Your New Best Friend”
Building or creating things can work like a charm with the help of YouTube instructional videos. Just purchased a new desk? Somebody else, almost certainly, and it was probably immortalized on video. Does your refrigerator have a leak inside? Highly likely you are able to remedy the situation yourself without the aid of a professional simply by searching this up on Youtube. It isn’t always that difficult – we just don’t know, but Youtube does.

We live in the digital age, where you can learn to become a master at anything by watching a couple of YouTube videos in the ivory tower of your apartment, so watch the videos.
“Stop Winter Drafts from Sneaking in Through Door Cracks”
Whatever your persuasion (winter lover, summer hater; snowball thrower, cucumber popper), this time of year definitely has its challenges by the bucketful. If your home isn’t centrally heated, it can be a challenge to keep it nice and warm in the colder months. One simple way to aid this is by chopping up some pool noodles and placing them under your doors. Super simple to do, and can even keep some money in your pocket when it comes to heating.

Winter comes cold and your front door will eventually bring in a draft that will decrease your house temperature; enter the help of a pool noodle.
“‘Beware of Dog’ Signs Are Effective”
Admit it, big dogs naturally tend to be intimidating, and even the pictures do the trick. However, each of those so-called “beware of dog signs” can keep unwanted peoples away even if you do not possess a dog at all. A former nuisance, who was reformed recently, revealed that he avoided going on people property because of a ‘beware of dog sign’, even if he never actually saw the pet.

“Alarm systems don’t cut it, because basically nobody arms it,” he said. Even the mere existence of a Beware of Dog sign suggests that this is not low-hanging fruit for the home invaders to pluck, and that the trespassers shall pass on to less well-defended targets.
“Maintain a Secure and Unlikely Hiding Spot”
Oftentimes, people think it is best to put valuable items and important documents in things like a safe or lockbox. Bear in mind that is where thieves first target to break into, for they know that aside his home, the only thing that goes into a safe is a stealable quality item. This tip comes from someone who was robbed by a so-called friend and only saved because their safe was hidden in a wash basket stuffed with dirty washing.

This makes sense because covering your hiding place in something as innocuous as dirty clothes keeps you safe from a devastating burglary and he should hide things so they would find them in the last place, in something unexpected.
“Maintain a Secure and Unlikely Hiding Spot”
If your driveway turns into an ice rink and you need to pass by and don’t want to spend money on salt, a great idea is cat litter. Good alternative, prevents you and family from slipping on frozen ice. At least nobody is going to be falling anytime soon, and you can be saving tons by doing it this way so you can sit back and be relaxed during the winter months.

Maine is cold, and a driveway can become a death trap, so special salt is the common solution, although cat litter is equally effective and much cheaper.
“Don’t Just Have a Fire Extinguisher—Ensure Everyone Knows How to Use It”
Most of us are equipped with a fire extinguisher at home — how many of us know how it works? Having the ability to act in time because you have a basic knowledge in an emergency can really help so these are worth the time for all members of the household to learn how to use. When you pull the pin, spray at the base of the fire, not at the flames. That will stop the fire spreading.

Having it somewhere easily accessible could also help, because during an emergency, seconds matter. That brings a fire response where proper education and action could spell the difference between disaster.
“Choose a Credit Card That Offers Home Improvement Benefits”
If you own a credit card—which is probably the case—there might actually be a better card suited for you waiting for you if you’re up for the challenge. We all know that credit cards are very helpful, and companies are forever serving like services. There are some that offer points or rebates towards travel, and others that pay you back for buying home improvement products. If you have a no-fee card, even better, switch to a higher tier service to earn rewards.

A decent credit card can help you along the way, saving you some cash but bestowing many long-term advantages. They actually even provide insurance and warranty when purchasing highly priced items including electronic devices or decreases.
“Lubricate Your Shovel for Effortless Winter Cleaning”
Is it an always on duty gig clearing your driveway in Winter? If so, then you already realize shoveling is strenuous and not always straightforward. Occasionally, there’s a little stick-em snow on the shovel, which makes for a winter time pissbeing. Next time give it a spray with some oil. It will ensure that nothing sticks to your shovel so that your shovel glides through the snow without giving you a headache on your part.

Who knew that a cooking spray can make a snow shovel as slick as a cooking pan, but this would prove effective and would make shoveling infinitely easier.
“Organize All Your Manuals and Instructions in One Location”
There is an instruction manual with almost every appliance, and it is absolutely alright to want to toss it in the bin once you finish the installation process. But lo and behold, life happens, and likely those same appliances will have minor problems again later. That is when you will be cursing at yourself for throwing out the manual, which is why we suggest having a place for them. This is so you can find them easily and never have to look for a manual again.

It might be a good idea to just have a drawer where all your manuals and instructions go because you never know when you might need to consult a specific one.
“These DIY Space Heaters Can Save You a Fortune”
Did you know that it is actually very easy to make your own heater to keep warm in the Winter? You really just need a fire source and a cover that also is a cone that directs the heat down directly to the surface. Or, you could put small candles in fireproof bowls below some ceramic pots, making sure there is a hatch large enough to let the heat out.

If massive heaters aren’t cheap, these little ones are. You can even put one in each room and nobody would seem to care.
“Quickly Clean Your Fan Using This Simple Technique”
Ceiling fans can be pretty annoying to clean as they are bloody hard to get to but that doesn’t mean it can’t be done. Many people avoid the task due to its difficulty. Definitely because a conventional duster is going to get everything on the floor anyway; use a pillowcase next time. This will catch and keep all the dust that collects in it so you don¡¯t have to clean up another mess.

Because fans tend to be located inside the case they build up dust and debris and if you’re not willing to clean them they will simply rain all that dust onto you.
“Shop for Home Improvement Gadgets on Black Friday for Great Deals”
Not everyone is skilled at home improvement and most people like to have outside services to come in and work on their homes. While repairing some stuff by yourself might save you a fortune, the tools required could turn out to be costly. So you should watch for sales throughout the year to see if maybe that cost doesn’t justify you building your dresser. For example, it is a great time to buy those building essentials on Black Friday.

If you like doing home improvement projects and think of yourself as a handy person then you are also aware of the expense related to purchasing the right equipment to get the job done.
“Always Investigate Unusual Water Sounds”
Flooding is actually very common in houses as well as apartment flat buildings. Other times, neighbors will leave a faucet running, and it will eventually emit into your place of residence. However, running water has a certain noise, and there it should be checked whenever it is heard at least occasionally to see that all is well. Water issues are everyday affairs, so raising awareness will save flushing on the floods.

Flooding is about as bad as it can get, so if you suddenly hear the sound of rushing water, check to make sure there are no leakages that could cause some major damage.
“Don’t Skimp on Quality—Hire Reputable Inspectors”
Others will hire whomever inspector they discover before dropping a downpayment at the house, however that might deliver its personal complications. Trained Now really well and he will be fine home inspectors tend to be far more trustworthy it this is actually good because when you are buying a hose which is a life changing matter. You have one less worry when you use a suggested home inspector — things are safe in that brand new home of yours!

They say inspectors are often brought in ahead of a new home purchase to determine that everything is up to snuff and that nothing needs further repair or replacement. However, hiring one with good ratings could prevent you from facing problems in the future, therefore keep this in mind before hiring.
“Clean Up After Your Dog to Maintain Healthy Grass in Your Yard”
If this scat is allowed to linger in one position for too long, canine waste can in fact be deadly to your grass. If they are using your back yard as a toilet then cleaning up will do wonders for the health of your lawn and keep things as fresh as they can humanly be. A second way to negate this would be by going on long walks with your dog and making the backyard exclusively for nothing but play.

Cleaning up after your dog whenever they do their bathroom business is perhaps not the most enjoyable of tasks but it does help your backyard stay smelling clean and fresh.
“Having a High-Quality Tool Kit on Hand Saves Time and Money”
It is quite easy to live a life free of having to worry about having to repair items in your home, but for numerous motives, having the necessary devices handy when problems do occur may be handy. Replacing these items can get seriously expensive so being able to fix down to the tiniest detail might be the way to go. For example due to any reason you need to get your refrigerator repaired oh, what if you hire a mechanic to get your refrigerator repaired, What if you actually fix it your own whenever something will go wrong in your refrigerator, it makes you save a lot of money and it saves you in the long run as well.

A quality tool kit will save you a lot of money if you do not have other proper tools to prevent you from being billed an arm and a leg to get those things repaired by someone else.
“Sometimes, It’s Best to Call in the Professionals”
If you just bought a home or you are settling into your new apartment, you may be tempted to do it all yourself. Well, it is because When you are working at your own it might save money & time on but that is not every time safe to do. The most edgy could actually be having the pro handle the danger stuff like electricity and water. Not the most economical option, but safety and security always come at a price.

Life is not easy, and there is no shame in asking for help. In certain cases, help ALONE can also be the most EFFECTIVE thing to do!
“Utilize Winter Sunlight to Lower Your Heating Bill”
A snowfall most often clears the way for bright, sunny days ahead. If you think your home is cold inside, just pop open all of your blinds and see if whatever sun beams in, it hits anything. It may not be the hottest sun ever, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t some heat transfer that’s happening. And while it won’t convert your space into a sauna, this little step can significantly help.

Even though the Winter sun is not as hot as it is in the Summer, it can still bring enough heat to your house to warm it up significantly, if you allow it to.
“Save Money by Painting Your Home Yourself—It’s Easier Than You Think!”
Opting for a DIY paint job on your walls could cost you several pence and be as good as hiring a professional painter painter. There is a tendency to believe that in order to hit all the spots on the wall, the brush has to be dripping wet in the paint. In fact, instead of applying thicker layers, you should apply thinner layers to ensure that your wall remains relatively uniform and smooth.

That isn’t to say that many people aren’t concerned that painting the walls of their homes will result in mistakes and imperfections — if anything, doing so incorrectly is somewhat hard to get wrong when all you need to do is paint a wall one colour.
“Always Set Aside Money for a Rainy Day”
Jobs are constantly changing just like the market and although you may feel comfortable in your position, there is a flip of a switch that could happen at any given moment. This is why having a savings account for emergencies can save your life, especially if you have a family. The top priority often is to make sure your family is safe and secure, and generally that security starts with money. Fortunately, these are often very simple to start—just reach out to a bank.

Even if you’ve been in a long-term job for some time and feel a bit more secure, having a savings account is always a good back up plan. Sadly, we donno what kind of shit can come in and this must be the reason keeping aside some money could be beneficial.
“Tips for Walking Safely on Slippery Ice”
Winter in itself is a true struggle but the travel to places under the frozen ground is a big part that hurts the most. You could be sliding all the way to your car or to your neighbors house for that matter. It only takes a little balance, but you’ll be just fine getting across the ice with this little trick to help you along the way. Take a few steps with your hands in your back gliding from side to side nearly as if wearing ice skates.

It can be hard walking on ice, but we often have no way around it. By not falling, which could be especially bad if you get hurt.