Extreme Homes Only the Brave Would Dare to Live In

Solvay Hut in Switzerland

The mountain is located on the border between Switzerland and Italy. To be honest, we were shocked to learn that it can fit ten people. Although the hut appears small in size, could this be a result of the camera angle? People say that mountain hikers can go to this hut in an emergency when they need a safe place to stay.


Climbers will find a phone line inside for emergencies. The Swiss Alpine Club owns this hut. The Swiss Alpine Club is the largest climbing group in Switzerland, which I found interesting. However, it’s undeniable that stepping on it can lead to a significant fall!

Phoenix House in Hawaii

This picture shows Phoenix House, which is in Hawaii, USA, at the base of Mount Loa and Kilauea. For those who may not know, these are two active volcanoes! Kilauea is believed to be one of the volcanoes with the highest risk to human life. Interestingly, you can stay in this dangerous house on Airbnb if you want to test your nerves!


If you reserve a room at Phoenix House, prepare yourself to abandon your belongings and flee in case of a catastrophic event! We think you should wear sneakers.

The Korowai Treehouse is in Indonesia.

This picture shows one type of building that the Korowai people of southeastern Papua, Indonesia, usually live in. The construction of these homes so high up on stilts is a frightening sight. That being said, this house doesn’t look very sturdy. You should exercise caution when jumping around to avoid the risk of falling through the gaps and hitting the ground below! Another element that resembles art is the process of entering and exiting the treehouse.


That being said, this group has been around for a very long time, so they must be doing something right! Some of these treehouses are as tall as 35 meters, which is pretty cool.

Katskhi Pillar In Georgia

Maxime Qavtaradze has lived in a church on top of the Katskhi Pillar for twenty years. He is an Eastern Orthodox monk. It’s fascinating to note that the monastic practice of living alone on tall poles did not resurface until the mid-1990s. At this point, Qavtaradze moved to the top of the tower and only came down twice a week. It appears that there was an iron ladder on the tower’s side for people to climb.


We don’t think it would be safe to climb this rock without safety gear. To say the least, it looks dangerous! Over the years, accidents could have occurred, leaving us terrified.

Drina River House in Serbia

In 1969, they built the Drina River House. Incredibly, this tiny house has been through four decades of floods, storms, and water. We need to address the question of how to access such a property. Just think about how much trouble it would be to unload groceries! Don’t park your car near this house! But really, this house is very open to the elements!


We feel that staying indoors, especially overnight, would be quite unsettling. We’re also concerned about the potential height of the water. We definitely think you should bring a life jacket!

Takasugi-An in Chino, Japan

It looks like this building could fall over with just one gust of wind! We wouldn’t want to be inside this tiny house on a windy day. The intriguing translation of Takasugi-an as “a teahouse too high” in Japanese requires brave individuals to ascend a solitary ladder. The ladder leans perilously against one of the trees. Guests must try to take off their shoes halfway up the ladder.


The fear of falling down the ladder must be real, especially since it won’t take up much space! The wind seems to move the teahouse when you’re inside. Sounds scary, doesn’t it?

The Foothills of Mount Merapi in Indonesia

You may not know this, but don’t feel bad—we didn’t either until we started making this list! Mount Merapi is an active volcano on Java, Indonesia. Reports indicate that it frequently explodes. For that reason alone, living here is, to say the least, dangerous. Even though it’s dangerous, about 75,000 people live close to Mount Merapi. It’s interesting that the volcanic ash makes the land very fertile, which is why it’s so appealing.


Even though the land is fertile, this volcano is still a threat. In 2010, a series of eruptions killed at least 386 people and caused thousands to leave their homes, including the one shown here.

Lichtenstein Castle in Germany

We could have easily deceived you into believing that this castle originated directly from a fairy tale. Sadly, that’s not the case. Instead, we will see Lichenstein Castle in Germany. This picture may not provide a clear view, but this castle perches perilously on a perilous cliff. During the Second World War, there were also attacks on the castle, but these didn’t significantly safeguard its structure.


However, people believe that this castle is safe enough for guests to visit. Still, we don’t think you should stand too close to the edge of the cliff—the drop looks pretty high!

Spain’s Castellfollit de la Roca is a fortress.

This is another building that looks beautiful, perched on top of a cliff. This scene is both mysterious and beautiful, but if you walk too close to the edge of the mountain, you can’t help but feel scared! This picture shows Castellfollit de la Roca, which is in Catalonia, Spain. The picture illustrates the construction of some houses in this area, with their backyards overlooking the cliff.


People claim that the depth of the water can reach up to 160 feet! This implies that we should avoid planting at the bottom of these backyards, particularly during windy conditions.

China’s Southern Peak, Mount Hua

This image shows the Southern Peak of Mount Hua in China. In the “world’s most dangerous hike,” there are two ways to climb this steep mountain. You can avoid a long trip by taking the cable car to the top. Alternatively, you have the option to opt for the traditional method, which entails walking on wooden planks along the mountain, high up in the air (sounds scary, doesn’t it?). You can also go up and down stairs.


Of course, this picture depicts the steps. However, some people claim that the steep slope poses a risk of slipping and falling down the mountain. Oh no!

This is the Tiger’s Nest Monastery in Paro Taktsang.

The Paro Tiger’s Nest Monastery is 900 meters above the ground and very close to the edge of a cliff. Specifically, you can find this monastery in the Paro Valley in Bhutan. As you might have guessed from the photo, walking to this monastery isn’t easy, especially since there aren’t any modern safety or health precautions in place. Hikers who have experienced this path claim that the most dangerous aspect is the large number of horses that ride up it during peak seasons.


They appear to be rushing downhill on their way back from the monastery, potentially pushing hikers off the road! We don’t need to say it again: be careful!

New York’s Just Room Enough Island

We can clearly understand why “Just Room Enough Island” could be considered dangerous. The property on this small island appears to be reasonably close to the St. Lawrence River. You don’t want to be in this house when it rains. Without a doubt this house is likely to flood. If you want to go to this island, you might need to bring some life jackets.


In the 1950s, a wealthy family purchased this intriguing house. Initially purchased as a peaceful retreat, the house has now evolved into a popular tourist destination.

Mount Heng in China is home to the Hanging Monastery.

This picture shows The Hanging Monastery, which is in China on Mount Heng and is also known as Xuankong Si. In search of peace and quiet, monks built this amazing convent about 1,500 years ago. As you can see, Xuankong Si overlooks a steep drop of approximately 250 feet. A legend suggests that the original construction of this ancient structure did not include beams! People claim that they only added these beams to make tourists feel safer.


Although we’re not experts in architecture, the construction of this abbey atop the rugged rock face doesn’t seem particularly safe! I suppose this monastery has been around for over a millennium, so it must be doing something right!

The Depression of Danakil in Ethiopia

The Danakil Depression in Ethiopia is one of the worst places in the world to live. It seems that temperatures often hit over 100 degrees Fahrenheit, except during the coldest parts of winter. This makes it one of the hottest places on Earth! Furthermore, the area typically receives only eight inches of water annually. In addition to this harsh weather, earthquakes and volcanic events can happen nearby.


This could potentially jeopardize the structural integrity of a building, rendering it an unsettling place to reside. I quickly looked it up on Google and saw that some visitors have called the Danakil Depression the “gateway to hell.”

New York City features an open-air trash can.

I can see why you might think this is a joke. HGTV showed what they say is an “apartment,” but it’s really a house. Someone was so rude as to advertise this dumpster as an “art deco hipster mini apt from a converted dumpster that is green friendly and sustainable.” If you want to live in such a dump, you will have to pay $1,200 a month.


Despite its advertised status as a mini-apartment, it doesn’t appear to provide significant protection from the weather or potential harm. Furthermore, it’s possible for people to mistake your house for a dumpster, which can be quite unsettling.

The monasteries of Meteora in Greece

For those who don’t know, Meteora is a group of rocks near the Greek village of Kalampaka. The place is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. When translated from Greek to English, meteora means “suspended in air,” which makes sense given how high these temples are. Meteora has a lot of temples, but only a few of them actually have monks or nuns living in them. It’s quite unsettling to see the rest abandoned.


The footbridge across the chasm requires walking to reach one or two sites, but you can drive part of the way. If you’re afraid of heights, you might want to skip this one!

In Brazil, the Leaning Towers of Santos

We don’t know if anyone would feel safe living in one of Santos’s falling towers. Construction without strict building regulations may have caused these towers to lean. Because of this, the builders didn’t have to dig as deeply into the sandy ground to lay the foundations as they would today.


Thankfully, some of these towers have undergone safety repairs over the years, but a few have not, raising safety concerns.

These are the Hanging Houses of Cuenca in Spain.

This picture shows one of the homes in the Spanish city of Cuenca. People have lived in this city, more than 3,000 feet above the ground, for a very long time. But be careful as you go. The internet indicates that the last time these hanging houses underwent repairs was in the 1920s. Can we truly believe that those wooden platforms are sturdy? We want to avoid taking any risks!


There are only three of these hanging houses left, which is pretty cool. Furthermore, we advise against staying in one of these hanging houses if you have a tendency to sleepwalk. The deck looks like it has a steep drop!

Italy’s “Isle of Fire”

Although the homes on Stromboli Island are safe and strong, you can’t say the same about the place itself. You could say that “The Island of Fire” isn’t the best place in the world. In fact, the island is home to more than 300 people and features an active volcano. For instance, a significant eruption and subsequent wave occurred in 1930. Another few years went by, and the volcano began to explode almost every day.

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In a new video about the island, people who live there say they know the volcano’s rumblings. In fact, they call it “iddu,” which in Sicilian means “he.” We find this to be both adorable and terrifying!

The German church of Suurhusen

You already know that this picture of a church tower doesn’t look quite right. Fair enough. Built in 1450, the Suurhusen Church in northwest Germany remains remarkably intact. The Guinness Book of World Records featured the Surrhusen Tower in 2007. What do you think the record is? Consider the tower that unintentionally tilts the most.


Experts think the tower leans because it was made on wet land with oak tree roots all around it. But as the years went by, the ground dried out. The wood then rotted, which made the tower fall.

Jean-Antoine Carrel found safety on Mount Matterhorn.

This house is definitely not for those who are afraid of heights! The building in this shot is 12,467 feet high and to the southwest of Mount Matterhorn. It features 50 beds and was established in 1969 as a refuge for mountain climbers. As you can see, the land is largely exposed to the elements. In some places, the building has been ruined because of it. But you would have to be very brave to use the haven in the first place.


Some consider Mount Matterhorn to be the sixth most dangerous mountain in the world. This implies that only individuals with extreme bravery should venture to this paradise! That is, not us!

Ellðaey is in Iceland’s Westman Archipelago.

Elliðaey is an island off the coast of Iceland. This is one of the few houses on the island. Specifically, the Elliaey Hunting Association owns it. People say it’s a temporary hunting camp. We must admit that living so remote from everyone else would not be conducive to our well-being. Moreover, there is a significant amount of volcanic activity nearby.


After considering that, we can find many better camping spots! In fact, there was an eruption of a volcano in 1973, which wasn’t that long ago!

The United States’ Fallingwater House is in Pennsylvania.

Okay, so this place seems pretty perfect at first glance, right? But this shot is of Fallingwater House, which is in Pennsylvania, USA. It looks like an item from AirBnB’s list of the most popular homes, but this building by Frank Lloyd Wright is actually a disaster in terms of engineering. Even though professionals told him that the property’s structural integrity would soon be at risk, he kept going. A few decades later, the Western Pennsylvania Conservatory, which owns the land, had to fix the problem.


The sad news was that the beams supporting the building were beginning to break. Fortunately, people raised enough money to repair Fallingwater House, ensuring its continued existence today. That means it’s probably one of the safest homes on this list!

The Maldives are an island group in the Indian Ocean.

At first glance, this picture looks like it came from a travel magazine. Upon closer inspection, the reason for building these homes so high above the water becomes clear. Regrettably, the people of the Maldives are deeply concerned about the melting of the ice caps due to global warming. For those who don’t know, the Republic of the Maldives is the world’s flattest country. This makes it very sensitive to rising sea levels. That’s why it’s likely that most of the Maldives will be underwater in less than 100 years.


The situation deteriorated to such an extent that individuals began formulating plans to depart. Instead of leaving, the people of the Maldives began to construct larger homes as a means of protecting themselves from the impending damage. That sounds scary, right?

Southeast Africa’s Lake Kivu is visible.

Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo share the area where Lake Kivu runs. Don’t let its beauty fool you—it’s a pretty dangerous place to live. The lake’s water contains volcanic fumes such as carbon dioxide and methane. As a result, these hazardous fumes have the potential to ascend and explode into the atmosphere. When these gases reach such high levels, they have the potential to cause death. People in the area have named these storms mazuku, which means “evil wind” in Swahili.


These gas clouds are very dangerous because they can smother both people and animals. Therefore, if you desire a room overlooking the lake, you may want to steer clear of Lake Kivu.

Park for chess on Mount Hua in China

This amazing chess pavilion is on Mount Hua in China. Mount Hua is among the most renowned mountains in China. Some people live on this mountain, but climbing it is dangerous. Climbing this mountain appears to be similar to rock climbing. You must cling desperately to the footholds and chains in order to ascend the mountain! You must cling desperately to the footholds and chains to climb the mountain! To give you an idea of how dangerous Mount Hua is, about 100 people die every year while trying to climb it.


The plank walk seems to be the most dangerous part of it. Here, climbers traverse a few wooden planks bolted into a 7,000-foot peak. Despite the safety of your straps, it’s an intimidating experience!

Los Angeles, USA, is home to the chemosphere.

This building may not be the safest on our list, but it raises concerns, so we included it. The chemosphere, which you can see here, was created by engineer John Lautner. John Lautner constructed it in 1960. Worst of all, this strangely shaped house is on a 45-degree slope. But this house is still standing strong, even though this area is prone to earthquakes.


We must admit that living in a large building situated on a steep slope prone to earthquakes doesn’t seem ideal, so perhaps we should reconsider our decision to purchase this property!

Lake Michigan’s Shadow Cliff

Without a doubt, you would need to have excellent nerves to own this home. The building in this picture is known as Shadowcliff. Builder Harry Weese constructed it in 1969, offering a breathtaking view of Lake Michigan. However, this building is particularly frightening because the living room is situated directly on top of a cliff. Additionally, the room features a sunk-in pit and a glass floor.

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If you stand or sit on the window, you feel like you’re going to fall into the water below. But the views must be pretty amazing if you can handle the heights!

A house on Middle Sedge Island

This house may make you think, “Wow, it’s so big and beautiful!” However, you might be surprised to learn that this remote home was once even more luxurious. It looked like it had a guest house and a pool. But a storm hit the island hard enough to knock the pool over! Because of this, the land has become somewhat dangerous, and unfortunately, it is still in bad shape today.


On top of that, the fact that you can only get there by boat or plane might make you feel uneasy. Do you know what you would do in an emergency?

Cliff House in San Francisco

Cliff House in San Francisco looks pretty strong at first glance. However, the building has undergone up to three reconstructions! Back more than a hundred years ago, in 1906, an earthquake hit the popular restaurant. Despite surviving the earthquake, the restaurant tragically burned down a year later! In addition, the cliff it is situated on poses a significant risk. There have been many shipwrecks under Cliff House.


Is it just us, or does Cliff House appear to be under threat? Because of the severe effects of the pandemic, this famous restaurant had to close its doors to the public in 2020.

Eastchurch Cliff House in England

It might not come as a surprise that this house wasn’t always perched so dangerously as it is in this picture. Authorities allegedly warned the locals about the danger for years. Then, sadly, the worst thing happened. An avalanche in California significantly increased the risk to this property. This house, as you may have guessed, is no longer habitable. Fortunately, this accident did not result in any injuries!


Look at how the land hangs off the edge of a cliff. Even the bravest people get chills when they see it. It would be scary to stand on the wrong side of this house.

Akraberg Lighthouse, Faroe Islands in Denmark

Those who aspire to reside at the Akraberg Lighthouse in the Faroe Islands of Denmark may find it intimidating. To begin, this beautiful tower is a long way from any kind of convenience, so if you need help in an emergency, it might be difficult to get it. On top of that, it’s right next to a cliff and looks out over a wild ocean known for its strong current.


In addition, there are reports of rock erosion issues in this area. All of that together would make this tower a very scary place to spend the night. We believe this task is beyond our capabilities.In addition, there are reports of rock erosion issues in this area. All of that together would make this tower a very scary place to spend the night. We believe this task is beyond our capabilities.

The Underground Houses, Coober Pedy in Australia

This picture shows an example of one of the underground homes in Australia’s small town of Coober Pedy. For those who may not be aware, the Australian desert is renowned for its extreme weather and rugged terrain. In fact, the heat there is so intense that it’s nearly unlivable. That’s why about half of Coober Pedy’s residents live underground in caves and mine shafts converted into houses.

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While these underground homes do a fantastic job of keeping out the unbearable heat, we have to say that it’s pretty scary to know that you’re living under too much earth. It looks a bit like a coffin, right?

Capital Gate in Abu Dhabi

Wow. When you first see this amazing building, the craftsmanship of its construction leaves you in awe. This curved building is in Abu Dhabi and is more than 520 feet tall. Despite its sharp curves, its design ensures it can withstand strong winds and seismic pressures. For these reasons, we believe it would be extremely dangerous to stand on the edge of this tower. Adding these natural forces to the mix further solidifies our rejection.

Capital Gate in Abu Dhabi


In June 2010, the Capital Gate earned the title of the “world’s furthest leaning man-made tower.” The Guinness Book of World Records recorded it.

Sutyagin House, Archangel in Russia

The Sutyagin House, located in Archangel, Russia, is a particularly eerie building. First, Nikolai Petrovich Sutyagin, a wealthy arms trader, is said to have built it. This fact alone raises several questions. It’s interesting to note that he unknowingly constructed the world’s tallest wooden structure. When he completed his additions, the building boasted 13 floors. Ultimately, the government demolished the building due to its high fire risk.


We weren’t surprised to learn that it’s widely thought to be haunted because of its strange history and dark, skeletal shape. Who knows what shady business took place there during its busy days?

House R 128 in Germany

We don’t know about you, but glass is one of the weakest building materials. Don’t you worry that the walls of a house, made mostly of glass, will collapse? Or is it just us? When we saw this house, it looked so different that we had to take a second look. There is not a single outside wall of this building that is anything but glass.


Built in 1999, this is House R 128. Even though the building materials were iffy, this property is 100% sustainable because it doesn’t give off any harmful emissions!

The Glass House, Timber Cove in California

This house appears to be a picture of beauty. Look at those views of the water! The Glass House derives its name from its extensive use of glass. However, the layout of this house raises concerns about the safety of living in a predominantly glass structure. Please note that you must cross the curved road while the waves crash below to reach this house.

California Outdoor Properties

On the one hand, the Glass House offers a high level of privacy due to its isolation. If you want to get away from it all, this could be the right place to go. However, it’s important to remember that solitude can be quite frightening.

Wozoco Apartments in Amsterdam, The Netherlands

If you’ve ever received a creative brief, you understand how frustrating it can be when your client’s needs and those in charge don’t align. The unfortunate event occurred during the construction of the Wozoco Apartments in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The clients of the Dutch architecture company MVRDV didn’t follow the rules set by the city of Amsterdam. To be more specific, there was a choice between making the area around the building as bright as possible and keeping as much space for plants as possible.


These structures, resembling drawers, serve two distinct purposes. It looks like this building is a bit top-heavy, but it is safe. It’s not going to fall over any time soon!

Habitat 67, Montreal in Canada

This picture shows Habitat 67 in Montreal, Canada. What does it make you think of? We can’t help but think that the house looks like a Jenga tower. It goes without saying that a Jenga tower is not the most reliable way to build an apartment building! However, people were captivated by this remarkable architectural design. This style of home defied gravity and became so famous that it turned into one of the most expensive areas in the area, even though they were first built as low-income housing.

Habitat 67, Montreal in Canada


So, it’s pretty cool to know that builders are coming up with more and more creative ways to build densely populated cities with homes that don’t make people feel like they’re living in filing cabinets.

Gate of Europe Towers in Madrid

Here are the Gate of Europe Towers in Madrid, also known as the Kio Towers. Despite the absence of occupants, we have included these two business buildings on our list due to their remarkable leanness. Can you picture how beautiful the views would be from the top of these towers? However, those who are afraid of heights might want to avoid them!


As an interesting fact, the Gate of Europe Towers were the first leaning buildings ever built. This fact enhances their already impressive architectural design. That’s pretty cool, right?

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