Strangest and Funniest Items Plumbers Have Discovered in Toilets

Maybe They Need a New Toilet…
We can’t say exactly what happened here, but all we know is, someone’s gonna have to do some wائز before this place flushes again. Somehow the top part of this toilet became broken or smashed, and when that happens one normally just replaces the entire toilet. Well, that’s pretty standard, and this isn’t one of the bigger jobs in comparison to some other plumbing issues on this list.

That said, it would require a fair amount of force to do something like this, so we are somewhat keen to find out how this came to be. Whatever went down in this lavatory must have been wild.
Not All Bidets Were Created Equal
We love the way bidets are becoming more mainstream in the U.S. than ever before. But as they become more popular, it’s only natural you will see stuff like this. Someone else decided to DIY their bidet with a copper tube or something. So, we mean, if it works, then it works, although whoever called the plumber in seems to have decided that it should be replaced with something a little more professional looking.

But really, you have to give it to them. You wouldn’t have considered putting a bidet in like this, and this is probably the only thing on hand.
PSA: Don’t Pour Concrete Down the Drain
Cloggs — from clogged toilets to pipes to even empty more often than [insert plumber with goofballs gon gaga] crooks have never beaka sub major big. But no one would pour concrete down their drain, for very obvious reasons. But when this plumber cut out this section of pipe that’s exactly what he found. The concrete began hardening during that time in this person’s drain and it was probably a pretty tough task attempting to remove everything.

In fact, we bet all of the pipes leading to that drain in this house were replaced because once concrete hardens, it doesn’t un-harden.
Someone’s Giving Out Mixed Signals Here
This photograph leaves us a little perplexed. Next to this outdoor faucet is a pair of signs contradicting each other. And so yes, two spouts, but both go the same way which presumably means the same water comes out of the two spouts. We’re not sure if that’s actually safe to drink or not. And if it isn’t, why not?

Seems like this is just a way down the side of the house, so it’s normal water, so it should be reasonably safe to drink. Or at least as safe as it gets in tap water.
They Forgot to Use a Measuring Tape
And the old adage says, “measure twice but cut once” is proven as wise. The spout and knob are also offset in relationship to the tub so the person who installed this bathtub faucet probably never heard the phrase, “this isn’t going to work.” And they are not even slightly off — they are literally nearly not even above the tub itself. This was likely such a pain for the plumber who had to come back in later to fix as well, because they had to patch the original holes.

We first speculated that someone had simply downsized their tub and left the spout in place, but the wall behind the faucet indicated that this tub was here the entire time.
For When You Want to Wipe and Chat at the Same Time
You couldn’t really make it any better than that, and this is likely one of the more brilliant designs we’ve seen for a spare telephone. DaisysPiano: Corded phone to toilet paper holder We have no idea if this is within a private residence or public restroom, though it’s dope nonetheless. Except that you’d likely need an extraordinary sort of decor to actually make it work.

So that has us kind of questioning whether the telephone that’s here, you know? Oh, we would hope not because we sure don’t see that many wires but who knows.
Thinking of Throwing Away Your Old Blender? Think Again
Another plumbing picture that’s sure to split people, just down the pipe. A person was found this blender that a homeowner plugged into their disposal trap. Then again, it is sort of brilliant, because garbage disposals are always getting clogged. But that might not be all that clean, and judging by the blender contents shown in this picture, it’s a bit funky. But if it gets results, then who are we to complain?

It also doesn’t seem like it would be all that difficult for a plumber to fix or rectify. All they would have to do is unplug the blender and put in a length of pipee
Nothing About This Design Was a Good Idea
We’re not exactly sure how this could happen. Somebody installed a shiny-new piece of pipe there, but forgot to remove their ladder before they did. Now they either have to cut the ladder ruining it or take the pipe out and do the whole job again. You’d imagine there would be something about the ladder being in the way when they were putting the pipe into the wall.

That being said, this may be faked, and someone is just on the other side holding the pipe, which honestly would be less surprising than if someone actually forgot to remove the ladder.
“the House Is Equipped With One Toilet and Three Showers”
Now, we say this about a lot of these photos — but that’s simply because it’s the truth: nothing cleanses better than a shower. Just look at this picture and tell us, you wouldn’t like to have a shower here? You can’t. In all honesty, we’ve never used three different shower heads at the same time, but we can imagine it would be pretty cool. That is, of course if the water pressure was working properly.

Otherwise it would probably just feel like standing pitiful in the rain. If you’re running everything from one pipe, we figure this probably wouldn’t take a whole lot of work to install either.
As If Pipes Weren’t Already Hard Enough to Get to
First, we will say that it probably took some talent to get the pipe situated in this shot. Somehow, a plumber made it halfway look like it’s installed halfway into the wall. Even more awesome is that it looks like the wall is tiled, so they must have had to cut perfect spaces for where the pipe would be visible. But we wouldn’t want to be the one who came to fix this bathroom.

We couldn’t comprehend how difficult a simple task would be here, like replacing the pipe. To do anything you’d have to yank out the entire tile.
Someone Found the Leek – And It’s Not Happy
When a plumber turned up to do some work at a house and looked under the sink he found this staring him right in the face. They drew a frowny face on a leek, and the used a white board to put it next to the thing for the plumber to find. Just a bit of tongue in cheek humor, though we hope they had a real leak in their house and hadn’t simply called the plumber out for this.

However, it does look kind of dry up in that cabinet, which raises the question of whether something is wrong with the plumbing in this photo.
When the Gas Company Builds Straight Through the Sewer Line
Nothing is more frustrating than screwing up your own plumbing, but someone else screwing up your plumbing is close. A gas company placed their pipe beneath a sewer line in someone’s yard for some reason. Incidentally, the solid gas pipe broke the sewer line, and had to dig everything up to learn about it. However, it is unclear whether the workers were laying the gas pipe or the incident occured afterwards.

However, if your were the person to take this photo, we’d think that you might be a little aggravated, what with the likely regulations againsta company running a gas line too close to an already laid pipeline.
Guess That’s One Way to Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
This list has a ton of plumbing fails so weird and bizarre, we aren’t even sure this one even belongs here. Clearly, someone missed the right type of spout to put in their bath tub and got a little creative with their hose. It’s honestly a little brilliant. We doubt the plumber who had to repair it was quite as impressed as we are.

Which also raises the question as to whether whoever is in this bath tub has to sit there with his hand on the lever the whole time just to get water?
We Call This One “seconds Before Disaster Struck”
You should always be cautious with ensuring that the gas is off if you have any kind of gas appliance within your home. If gas accumulation occurs inside a home and someone lights a match or flicks lighters, it could all end up in a dramatic manner. Alternatively, this photo was a bit of a surprise for us. That little bit of flame that you see isn’t even supposed to be there

Fortunately, it looks like not enough gas is escaping to actually cause any havoc, but we’d be shaking in our boots if we came home to this scene.
When Your Boss Is a Micromanager
We say ‘probably’ because if you were a plumber and had to take the plunge on any one of the jobs on this list, then this might not be the worst. There was somebody in there in the middle of fixing the plumbing, and when he looked up, somebody was looking down at him. As it turned out, it was the owner’s cat, which is still pretty cute. But it was probably a little jarring at the beginning too.

It would be shocking if you were on a latter and one second nothing was on the other side of a pipe and the next there is a face looking down at you.
The Night Shift Is Never Easy
Most plumbing jobs are in the local range. Although most of the time a plumber is only called upon to perform minor repairs, now and then he faces something worthy of the title “plumbing emergency”, like this pipe that is leaking water so badly it ruins carpets on one side of the house. The explosions ( we have no idea if it blew on its own or someone was digging and ripped it apart) anyway, this dude has to go in and repair it. And he doesn’t really seem to want to be doing it.

Especially if your only attire was a half-assed rain jacket amidst the wet, frigid, muddy elements, you’d probably not be too keen on doing it either.
That Plumber Is a Liar
You can sometimes find a pack of wet wipes advertised as “safe for toilets”. I know — but that’s simply not true. Flushable wipes are flushable and so the plumber will tell you, it is advisable not to flush them. They just don’t mix with a septic tank, and they can clog a toilet faster than you can say, “Well, that will be one for the plumber. Of course, this note — likely written by a homeowner — makes total sense.

So they likely figured this out the hard way once their toilet clogged, or else we doubt they’d bother writing this in the first place.
Found Grandpa’s Dentures
At first we get a photo that looks downright horrific. No doubt the plumber was shocked upon open this to find a set of pegs obstructing the pipe. They may even have been a little spooked. Fortunately it turned out to be night man’s dentures flushed down the loo, though it was probably necessary to go out and get a fresh pair because these seemed not very useful 있었다

The least we can hope is that they went out and treated themselves to a new pair after this. If you are going to want to keep one thing as sanitary as possible, we would imagine that it would be false teeth.
This Is Weirdly Satisfying to Stare at
For plumbers, this photo is likely a work of beauty. However, it is organized and tidied up and that would have taken someone a while, but we know it will save someone much more time at some point in the future if they had to go in and untangle anything. On top of that, it is just really pleasurable to gaze upon, far more than some of the other pipe configurations on this list.

The funny thing is, “what does all of this do?” or “what does it all run to?” owas our other thought as we couldn’t imagine anything needing this many gauges and fixtures.
It’s Nature’s Expanda Foam
No, this is not a neighbor’s yard. These mushrooms were growing out from under one of their pipes of a homeowner We have no idea how that happens but surely, there needs to be soil or something underneath for these to actually grow, right? It is not clear whether this is the homeowner’s mistake or the plumber who installed this pipe.

One thing we do know: somebody has to take that pipe out now and clean out whatever else is in there because we bet there’s more than mushrooms in the pipes.
This Gas Station Used a Tire to Create a Themed Sink
There are a few slightly divisive pics on this list, but we doubt you’ll be at all torn over this one. A fellow Snapper snapped this image of a sink and tap built from an old tire and gas pump handle. One only imagines this was discovered at some gas station or mechanic’s shop somewhere. Either way, it’s quite creative, and a ton of effort was likely required.

Unlike some other DIY fixes on this list, it also appears completely functional. Not something we would necessarily put in our homes but looks fine here.
Think We Found Your Leak
And if you are a plumber, then you must agree that sometimes finding a leak can be just a bit too complicated. Pipes tend to be out of sight — either behind walls or underground. This leak may have been underground, but we bet the plumber who snapped this pic didn’t have to look far for the leak. This yard has only one patch of green grass.

Which means, it is the only place receiving any water, and that water has to be coming from some pipeline that has sprung a leak buried in the ground.
Alright, Time to Move Out
We bet when plumbers go to work, they must find some strange things. So, while it might sound strange to discover the skeletal remains of a deceased creature somewhere in or beneath your house, we’re guessing it occurs many more times than one would suspect. This nugget was hiding out in what looks like wall space (notice baseboards in pic).

Where the hell he ended up out there, or how and why he died, we can only guess. However, this does indicate that there is likely a gap in that house that animals can enter through.
This Fancy Tub Has Freshwater Taps and Saltwater Taps
We all know what a tap is meant to look like. You will typically have one tap for cold and the other for hot. A bit of a surprise for us, this one. It looks a bit like this tub has four taps, four, and we don’t even begin to know what’s going on with them. All that being said, the tub is a pretty workhorse. The taps themselves don’t look that bad either.

But we have to think it is a little tedious to be sitting there fiddling with them until you work out which is hot, which is cold, which is warm, and whatever else they regulate.
Someone’s Attempt at Home Repair
Now before we proceed we should say we would never discourage someone from DIYing or staying on top of home maintenance. That said, though, it is often a good idea to navigate a few how-tos or watch a video before starting a project yourself. Picture of an attempted home repair where someone thought they would install a spout and handle for their tub but used WAY too much caulk.

Soon enough they were calling in a pro to fix the problem. Seriously, without the caulk this actually wouldn’t be such a terrible job.
Turning Ordinary Plumbing Into a Work of Art
I guess it is true that you could say anything done at a high enough level could be considered art. We won’t go as far as to suggest it, but can call this plumbing fixture definitely borderline artwork. Some place or person who worked there ran some used copper plumbing on the outside of their wall, and put a bunch of pressure gauges on it. The final product is this bizarre wall art/urinal toilet plumbing.

Not the most horrifying plumbing we’ve seen in a public bathroom, though. And it was probably no small accomplishment on the part of the plumber that got it done, either.
A New Take on the Rainfall Shower
For a lot of people, showering or bathing is the best part of the day. Not much is better than coming home from work and having a well deserved shower with sufficient water pressure. And if you don’t have that, there are few things more maddening. Which is why it makes sense that whoever owns this bathroom went above and beyond and put a shower head in their skylight.

We assume showering here is like showering in the rain, but with adequate pressure. It even looks nice and chill actually.
Time For Some New Pipes
No matter what kind of work you are with, there is nothing worse than having to clean up after someone else’s “work.” Well, we can only assume so the case with plumbing because pipes aren’t often the most accessible of things to get to. See this picture, for example. The original plumber who did all of this piping did it so that it will be almost impossible to repair or replace.

They just appear to be an utter mess, and we bet it adds a ton of hours to the job for whoever has to go in to fix all this.
Ever Wonder What an Aquarium’s Piping Looks Like?
Plumbing comes in all sorts of shapes and sizes, and what most people envision in a standard plumbing task, is typically far from this. So they brought in a plumber to come in and do all the piping for all the different tanks or aquariums. And that turned out very pretty. What a Museum! Everything looks like a perfect installation, and there are going to be a few happy fish in them tanks..

And if they’re not all that happy at least that will be really clean because with plumbing like that we never see algae build up in the tanks.
Mario and Luigi Go to the Toilet
We never really considered what a plumber wears for Halloween, but we suppose even they coax out the spirit once in a while and don a costume. So when you are a plumber — what do you dress up as? I mean, can’t go wrong with two of pop culture’s most recognized plumbers. These two went as Mario and Luigi (we can only hope they wore these on the job site).

If we called up the plumbers and they arrived dressed like this, we would probably laugh their whole stay, too, especially if they could do the voices.
Who Knew Plumbing Could Be So Satisfying
A portrait of the perfect jar If you’re someone who enjoys nothing more than scrolling through Instagram watching videos and looking at photos of things all aligned perfectly, then this photo is for you You’ll see a wall of pipes, gauges, and pumps all flush, level, and plumbed together. We’re not entirely sure what they funnel into, but it certainly is pretty to look at, and cold in a way that is the total opposite from the aesthetic of some of the other plumbing on this list.

Honestly, whoever did this job definitely deserves a raise, because I’m guessing it took some skill and a lot of time to get everything to look this way. We just want to know what are you using this for.
Sometimes, It Pays to Call a Professional
Give it finally this is not really that bad of a gig. It looks like someone installed a bloody toilet by themselves and used tons of sealant. You’re not even supposed to be able to see where you seal a toilet—so whoever did that job was just going a little nutso with the caulk gun. Still not good, but so much better than the many other DIY jobs on this list.

Better yet, if they had taken the time to look into a video of how to actually do a proper toilet seal, or picked up the phone to a proper plumber, maybe the toilet in this picture wouldn’t appear as though it has the floor rising up under it.
And They Were Wondering Why They’re Dryer Wasn’t Actually Drying Anything
When someone thinks of a plumber, he is most likely to think of halfway jobs in the bathroom or under the basin. But plumbers can — and do — choose to specialize in a whole lot of other kinds of home improvement activities. A plumber who was working on a job inside someone’s home noticed that their dryer hadn’t been cleaned out in a long time; Who knows how long this lint had been allowed to accumulate in this person’s dryer.

Fortunately, the plumber who took this picture spotted it before it became an actual problem. Too much lint in the dryer is one of the common causes of a house fire.
Plumbers Get the Best Office Views
Plumber called to fit a shower head in this bathroom and found this — 1920px He was right on the spot and we couldn’t hold him to that, so he snapped a photo of the already installed tub. I mean, the view out of this bathroom is pretty damn spectacular. But there is, however, one minor issue. Actually, we don’t see much of a location to mount a showerhead whatsoever.
But when you’ve got a view like this, who really cares where the shower head goes? What is so serious that you need to be worried about?
These Plumbing Set-Ups Are Starting to Look Like Modern Art Installations
We’re not plumbers, so there might be a perfectly reasonable explanation for why this plumbing setup resembles a giant octopus. What, however, we will say is that we’ve never really seen anything like it, and it seems to us that whatever is coming from the big pipe goes to one of about eight different junctions at the center. So we’re not quite sure what the deal is all of these different outlets.

Again, we’re not plumbers. Sure, totally possible that this serves a real purpose, and we are entirely mistaken, but I still feel like it’s all a bit silly, and similar to something that would be found in 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea.
They Don’t Make Things Like They Used To
As cliche as it sounds, they really don’t make them like that anymore. But in a lot of cases, that adage is, indeed, true, say, when it comes to furniture or even plumbing fixtures. Check out this faucet and knob, for example. They’re incredibly elaborate, and you’d be hard-pressed to find something like it for your house nowadays. These days, nearly all plumbing fixtures are available in a single way: stainless steel.

Fortunately, ornately designed plumbing like these are still relatively easy to find – in antique shops, for example – if you are preparing for a home renovation, or just a freshen-up.
Add Kitty Litter to the List of Things Not to Flush
I suppose most everyone knows better than to flush, say, concrete down the drain or toilet. However, we never even considered flushing our kitty litter stuff down the drain. Because if you do, then THIS is what you get. The kitty litter ended up clumping, expanding or hardening while travelling through this person pipes. That should be expected, as it is designed to absorb moisture.

We certainly never figured it would be this fucking bad though. It resembles concrete and we are betting these pipes will have to be completely replaced which isn’t cheap.
This Is How You Heat Water With Style
Newer water heaters can potentially be cheaper and more eco-friendly. Even so, they have this vintage water heater beat in looks department. You could likely use this as an accessory in your living room and you’d be good to go. Good luck pulling that off with a water heater installed later than 1975; you will be branded as a home wrecker. Must have been found by plumber working on the home.

Hell, it even looks like street legal and functional, although we assume by then it would be super costly to maintain and operate in comparison to a modern hot water heater.
A Sink From Another Time
It cites a quote, “Plumbing a pretty sweet gig honestly.” You earn decent money but you also have the chance to go to different houses and visit various kinds of homes. The plumber who went into this bathroom shown in the photo, noticed that the house had a quite fancy sink and wall paper. The sink has a marble top and gold trimming, but it was the wallpaper that first drew our attention.

It’s colorful and unique. Put all of that together, and the bathroom looks like it is from a different time. As to what exactly that era is, however, is hard to pin down.
Someone Likes To Keep Things Organized
For anyone who has done construction or worked on vehicles, you have likely experienced the inconvenience that unorganized tools and other gear can cause. It results in costly gear being lost, and when you take half-an-hour looking for something you require, that is time away from the job. Which is why this image is so satisfying. THIS plumber isn’t about to disrespect its tools.

We know they take some pride in it and probably guard it because it only takes one dude coming in on one job and leaving everything a trash heap.